  2012年1月号-中国政情 北京之春简介 北京之春文章检索






Unrest in China
A dangerous year
Economic conditions and social media are making protests more common in China—at a delicate time for the country’s rulers

Jan 28th 2012 |CHENGDU, DONGGUAN AND WUKAN VILLAGE | from the print edition

IN AN industrial zone nearChengdu, the capital ofSichuanprovince in south-westChina, a sign colourfully proclaims the sprawl of factories to be a “delightful, harmonious and happy district”. Angry steelworkers must have winced as they marched past the slogan in their thousands in early January, demanding higher wages. Their three-day strike was unusually large for an enterprise owned by the central government. But, asChina’s economy begins to grow more sedately, more such unrest is looming.
在中国西南部四川省,其首府成都附近的一个工业区,一幅鲜艳的标语宣称那四处绵延的厂房是 “愉快,和谐,幸福的厂区”。一月初,当数以千计要求加薪的钢铁工人,满怀怒火地走过标语时,他们定会皱眉不已。对于已经由中央政府所有的企业而言,这次持续3日的示威规模异常庞大。但随着中国经济增长开始变缓,像这样的动荡不安正悄然逼近。

China’s state-controlled media kept quiet about the protest that began on January 4th in Qingbaijiang District, a 40-minute drive north-east ofChengduon an expressway that crosses a patchwork of vegetable fields and bamboo thickets. But news of the strike quickly broke on the internet. Photographs circulated on microblogs of a large crowd of workers from Pangang Group Chengdu Steel and Vanadium being kept away from a slip road to the expressway by a phalanx of police. Word spread that police had tried to disperse the workers with tear gas. In the end, as they tend to—and undoubtedly acting on government orders—factory officials backed down, partially at least. The workers got a raise, albeit a smaller one than they wanted. Managers’ wages were frozen.

Strikes have become increasingly frequent at privately owned factories in recent years, often involving workers demanding higher wages or better conditions. Private firms, like state ones, are usually strong-armed by officials into buying off strikers. The thinking is that capitulating keeps a lid on news coverage and helps to prevent unrest from spreading. Yet the explosive growth in the use of home-grown versions of Twitter has made it easy for protesters to convey instant reports and images to huge audiences. The Communist Party’s capacity to stop ripples of unease from widening is waning—just as economic conditions are making trouble more likely.
近年来,罢工在私营工厂中渐趋频繁,工人要求更高的工资及更好的待遇。跟国企一样,私营企业的管理人员常常态度强硬,试图收买示威工人。他们认为,有条件的让步可以避免媒体曝光,同时能防止事态恶化蔓延。然而,随着中国本土版 Twitter---微博用户数量的迅猛增长,示威者能够更便捷地将实时报道和图像传达给广大观众。随着经济形势的恶化,麻烦越来越多,中国共产党平波止澜的能力也在走下坡路。

Anger at the bottom
At a cheap restaurant in Qingbaijiang, opposite a dormitory compound for Pangang employees, grimy steelworkers complain that the government’s promise of an extra 260 yuan ($41) a month is hardly enough. Many of the lowest-paid earn as little as $190 monthly. But the workers know that the steel industry is struggling—and that vengeance on persistent troublemakers can be fierce. A police notice warns of legal action, including imprisonment, against any strikers who continue “disrupting public order”. Security agents follow your correspondent in an unmarked car.
正对着攀钢员工宿舍,在青白江一家廉价餐馆里,脏兮兮的钢铁工人抱怨政府承诺的每个月加 260元(合41美元)根本不够。许多人收入微薄,每个月仅有190美元。工人也知道钢铁行业处境艰难,对 “捣乱分子”的报复会十分严厉。警方的通知声称会对继续“扰乱公共秩序”的示威者采取包括监禁在内的法律行动。保安人员则驾驶没有标记的车子,跟着记者。

All this is partly a result of the curb onChina’s stimulus spending and carefree (reckless, many would say) bank lending in the wake of the global financial crisis of 2008. There are fewer new construction projects; demand for steel has flattened. Pangang’s plant in Qingbaijiang is running at a loss. The number of steel firms in the red rose from nine in September to 25 a month later. Even though the government is less worried about inflation now than it was a few months ago, and is releasing the economic brakes a little, the steel industry is expecting a lean period. Some firms might have to close.

Overall economic growth is still looking robust. In the final three months of 2011 China’s economy grew by 8.9% compared with the same period a year earlier—enviable by almost anyone else’s standards, though still the slowest since the second quarter of 2009. The slowdown has so far been gentle, and in line with government efforts to prevent overheating. But this does not stop officials worrying that the coming year could be unusually difficult.

Europeis the biggest buyer of Chinese products—and the euro zone’s travails have plunged many manufacturers into despair. Depressed demand in both Europe andAmericahas taken its toll on factories. The steelworkers’ strike was one of many in recent months, most of them inChina’s export-manufacturing heartlands near the coast (see map).

Chinese exporters do not face as big a shock now as they did in late 2008, when the financial crisis caused a sudden collapse in demand and the loss of as many as 20m migrant-labour jobs. But that time China’s recovery was rapid, helped by stimulus spending of 4 trillion yuan (more than $630 billion at today’s exchange rate), as well as developed economies’ own stimulus projects. The impact on migrant workers was further mitigated by the coincidence of the worst of the downturn with the lunar new-year holiday, when most migrants go home for lengthy periods.

This time exporters face protracted slow growth in developed economies, and the risk that the euro zone’s difficulties might worsen.China’s policymakers do not want another lending spree that might burden the financial system with more bad debt, on top of the borrowing accumulated during the previous binge. The country’s relatively low budget deficit (about 2.5% of GDP in 2010) gives it room to spend more on social housing, social security, tax cuts for small firms and consumer subsidies. These could help promote private consumption—eventually.
这一次,出口商面临的是发达经济体长期增长缓慢,同时欧元区的困境有进一步恶化的风险。中国的决策者不想再来一次借贷井喷,这会让金融系统担负更多坏账,给之前的放纵积累下的贷款雪上加霜。中国的预算赤字相对较低(2010年大约为GDP的 2.5%),使其有更多空间花费在社会住房,社会保障,小企业税收减免以及消费者补贴等方面。这最终也会提振私人消费。

Nerves at the top
The long-term plan is forChinato wean itself off its reliance on exports and investment projects such as roads, railways and overpriced property developments, and for domestic consumption of goods and services to play a much bigger role in fuelling growth. But this rebalancing will be a long, hard slog. Officials do not want shock therapy because it could threaten the jobs of many of the 160m migrants who come from the countryside to provide the cheap labour behindChina’s exports.

This economic quandary has become more acute at what is a delicate political moment for the Communist Party. Later this year (probably in October or November), the party will hold its five-yearly Congress, the 18th since its founding in 1921, at which sweeping changes in the country’s top leadership will begin to unfold.

The Congress will “elect” a new 300-member central committee (in fact it will be hand-picked by senior leaders). This will immediately meet to rubber-stamp the appointment of a new Politburo, a body that currently has 25 members. All but two of the Politburo’s nine-member inner circle, the Politburo Standing Committee, will be replaced. Two appointments are all but certain: Vice-president Xi Jinping to take over from President Hu Jintao (as party chief after the Congress and as president next March); and Li Keqiang to replace his boss, the prime minister, Wen Jiabao, also next March. There will be much jockeying for the other slots.

It is a decade sinceChinaexperienced a leadership changeover on this scale—and the first time since the late 1980s that the advent of a new generation of leaders has coincided with such a troubled patch for the economy. The previous time, in 1988, an outbreak of inflation threw Deng Xiaoping’s succession plans into disarray, giving conservatives ammunition with which to attack his liberal protégés. The party’s strife erupted into the open the following year as students demanding greater freedom gathered inTiananmen Square.

The threats to the party today are very different, but fear of large-scale unrest still haunts the leadership. The past decade has seen the emergence of a big middle class—nearly 40% of the urban population, as some Chinese scholars define it—and a huge migration from the countryside into the cities. The party takes no chances. Large numbers of plainclothes police are on permanent watch in and aroundTiananmen Square. (Since 2008, visitors to the vast plaza have had to undergo airport-type scanning and searches.) Early last year, when anonymous calls began circulating on the internet for citizens to gather in centralBeijingin sympathy with the uprisings that were breaking out in the Arab world, the location specified was not Tiananmen but Wangfujing, a shopping street nearby. The police responded by flooding that area with officers too.

In the Pearl River Delta, which produces about a third ofChina’s exports, there are plenty of signs of malaise. Outside a Taiwanese-owned factory in Dongguan, a dozen or so police officers wearing helmets and carrying clubs watch a small group of angry workers complain that the owner has run away. The factory (which makes massage seats) is unable to pay its debts. They are afraid that, this time, after the lunar new year break they will have no jobs to come back to. A plainclothes policeman tries to silence them. Then a uniformed officer moves in with a video camera, and most of the workers retreat, keeping a prudent silence.

Others in the delta have been less reticent. In November thousands of employees at a Taiwanese shoe factory in Dongguan took to the streets in protest against salary cuts and sackings, purportedly caused by declining orders. Protesters overturned cars and clashed with police. Photographs of bloodied workers circulated on the internet. There have been further protests in recent weeks.

Guangdongprovince also saw a wave of strikes in 2010. At that time workers—mainly in factories supplying the car industry—were demanding only higher pay and improved conditions. Most of those disputes were quickly and peacefully settled, and rarely involved action on the streets. The latest spate of confrontations looks different. The steelworkers at the state-owned factory nearChengduwanted a raise; but, these days, rather than bidding to improve their lots, workers are mostly complaining about wages and jobs being cut. The strikers seem more militant.

A report published this month by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) says that, compared with those in 2010, the strikes of 2011 were better organised, more confrontational and more likely to trigger copycat action. “Workers are not willing this time to accept that they have to make sacrifices for the national good because firstly they have already made enough sacrifices, and secondly, fewer are willing to just pack up and go home,” says Geoff Crothall of China Labour Bulletin, an NGO in nearby Hong Kong.
本月中国社会科学院发布的一份报告说,与2010年的示威相比,2011年的示威更有组织,更具对抗性,更易引发跟风行动。来自香港的一家非政府机构——中国劳工通讯的克罗赛尔(Geoff Crothall)说:“这一次,工人不愿为再国家利益牺牲了。首先,他们已经牺牲得够多了,其次,愿意就这么卷起铺盖回家的人更少了。”
Where the heart is
The government hopes that jobless migrants will return to their home villages, where they or their families still enjoy a tiny land entitlement on which they can subsist, or find work closer to their hometowns. Many will: job opportunities in the interior have grown in the past few years, thanks to a surge of government investment in central and western areas, aimed at evening out economic growth.

Last year Chongqing, a region in south-west China which had long exported large numbers of workers to the coast, for the first time employed more of its surplus rural workforce locally than it sent to other areas.Chongqing’s party chief, Bo Xilai, is believed to be a contender for the Politburo Standing Committee. He has been trying to turnChongqinginto a model for the absorption of rural labour into cities, a project that has involved vast spending on low-cost housing to accommodate the region’s migrants.

But rising numbers of migrant workers in big cities—more than 60% according to the National Bureau of Statistics in 2010—are themselves the offspring of migrants and have no experience of agricultural life. They regard themselves as urbanites, even if they are excluded from many of the welfare benefits to which city-dwellers are entitled. They are better educated than their parents’ generation, and more assertive. A riot by migrants last June in Dadun, another factory town inGuangdongwhere many of the country’s jeans are produced, hinted at the problemsChinacould face if second-generation migrants lose hope. The manhandling of a pregnant woman by security guards prompted two days of violence, with thousands of migrants setting fire to vehicles and government buildings. Strikes in coastal factories now mainly involve second-generation migrants, according to the report by CASS

Such unrest is not about to topple the party. As Chinese officials nervously digest the implications of unrest in the Arab world, demonstrations inRussiaand an easing of repression inMyanmar, they draw comfort from the consistency of Chinese opinion polls. These appear to show high levels of trust in the central leadership and of optimism about the future under party rule. Many ordinary Chinese are contemptuous of local authorities, but still believe that leaders inBeijingare benign.

The power of weibo
But according to Victor Yuan of Horizon, a polling company inBeijing, citizens’ satisfaction with their own lives and confidence in the government, though high, experienced a “big drop” in 2010 and didn’t recover last year. Confidence in the government has fallen by about 10 percentage points, to around 60%.

Mr Yuan says the rapid spread of microblogs has contributed to this decline. By the end of last year, weibo, as Chinese versions of Twitter (itself blocked in China) are known, were used by nearly half of the 513m Chinese who had accessed the internet in the previous six months (see chart). This was slightly more than the number who used e-mail and a rise of nearly fourfold over the year before, according to the government-affiliated China Internet Network Information Centre. Li Chunling of CASS estimates that 90% of urban internet users under 30 are microbloggers.
袁先生说,微博的迅速发展对下滑推波助澜。截至去年年底,在刚过去的六个月中,中国版的 Twitter——微博(Twitter本身在中国受到屏蔽)用户数量达5.12亿(见图)。根据政府下属的中国互联网信息中心的数据,这一数字比使用电子邮件的人数略高,而且比前一年翻了两番。中国社会科学院的李春林估计,30岁以下的城市网民中有90%都是微博一族。

Weibo have transformed public discourse inChina. News that three or four years ago would have been relatively easy for local officials to suppress, downplay or ignore is now instantly transmitted across the nation. Local protests or scandals to which few would once have paid attention are now avidly discussed by weibo users. The government tries hard, but largely ineffectively, to control this debate by blocking key words and cancelling the accounts of muckraking users. Circumventions are easily found. Since December the government has been rolling out a new rule that people must use their real names to open accounts. So far, users seem undeterred.

In the build-up to the 18thCongress,China’s leaders will become especially anxious to prevent embarrassment to the party. Weibo are likely to make their lives a lot more difficult—at least that was the lesson from a ten-day stand-off in December between police and residents of the coastalvillageofWukaninGuangdong.

The villagers’ protest was typical of thousands that roil the Chinese countryside every year: a complaint about the seizure of agricultural land by local officials for private redevelopment. Unusually, however, in Wukan citizens took control of their village and drove out party hacks and police. Officials were alarmed by images that circulated on weibo of triumphant residents rallying in the centre of their village, like students inTiananmen Square22 years ago (see the picture at the start of this piece). They tried, unsuccessfully, to stop news spreading by ordering a block on the village’s name and location.

The villagers gave up their protest on December 21st after a rare, high-profile intervention by theGuangdongparty leadership, which promised to look into their complaints. Remarkably, on January 15th the protest leader, Lin Zuluan, was appointed as the village’s new party chief (the previous one having disappeared, it is thought into custody). Even the party’s main mouthpiece inBeijingbroke its silence on the issue, saying it showed that local officials should stop treating citizens as adversaries.Wang Yang,Guangdong’s party chief, who is believed to be a contender for a senior Politburo position this year, said the incident demonstrated how people’s “democratic consciousness” was getting stronger. He called on officials not to ignore citizens’ concerns.

Few regard the Wukan episode as a turning point for the party. At least one protester onTiananmen Squarehas since been seen being dragged away by police in the usual fashion. But it has stirred debate, online at least, about how the party should respond to protests and other forms of public pressure. And villagers in Wukan warn that they will not be satisfied until they have reclaimed their land. One protest leader says there could be another, “even bigger” uprising.

The new leadership that will take over after the upcoming Congress will quickly face tests of its ability to handle social unrest. Even if the country does not appear on the brink of an Arab-style upheaval, many Chinese academics say the next few years could see burgeoning instability, exacerbated by slower economic growth and a widening gap between rich and poor.China’s outgoing leaders have tried to suppress debate about ways of reforming the political system to allow the public to voice their grievances more freely. But many analysts believe there is a pressing need for such reform. Today’s “Chinamodel”, as some inChinaand abroad were tempted to call it after Western economies fell into disarray three years ago, appears increasingly unsustainable.
即将到来的十八大过后,新的领导班子要接受其应对社会不安能力的考验。尽管中国不会面临阿拉伯式的动乱,但许多中国学者认为,由于经济增长减缓,贫富差距加大,未来几年中国会萌发社会不稳定。中国即将卸任的一些领导人曾试图压下关于政治改革以及让公众更自由地发表不满的讨论。但许多分析人士认为改革迫在眉睫。自三年前西方经济开始陷入混乱,中国国内外都称之为“中国模式” 的那一套已经显得不再稳定持久。

Chinese roulette
An intriguing glimpse of how at least some in the party elite might see things was offered last April when Zhang Musheng, a prominent intellectual, published a book calling for a revival of the one-time Maoist goal of building a “new democracy”. General Liu Yuan, the son of Liu Shaoqi who wasChina’s president during the Mao era, openly backed the idea. Mr Zhang (himself the son of a late senior official, as are several of the new leaders-to-be) said a new democracy would involve continued party rule but with much greater freedom.

Few ofChina’s liberals believe there is much chance of any leader pursuing this idea in the near future. But Mr Zhang’s description ofChinatoday has struck a chord (and has been circulated widely by weibo users). A well-known economist, Wu Jinglian, picked up a phrase of Mr Zhang’s in an essay in Caijing, aBeijingmagazine, in which he attacked the notion of a “Chinamodel” and called for political reform. The phrase of Mr Zhang’s that made an impression was one describingChinaas “playing pass the parcel with a time bomb.”
from the print edition | Briefing  译者:王力鹏&杜鹃



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作 者 :经济学人
出 处 :经济学人
整 理 :2012年1月31日19:15
Copyright ©闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾剧懓顪冪€n亜顒㈡い鎰Г閹便劌顫滈崱妤€骞婄紓鍌氬€瑰銊╁箟缁嬫鍚嬮柛顐線缂冩洖鈹戦悩鑼闁哄绨遍崑鎾诲即閵忕姷鐤囬棅顐㈡处缁嬫垿鎮块悙顒傜瘈闂傚牊渚楅崕鎰版煟閹惧磭绠婚柡灞剧洴椤㈡洟鏁愰崶鈺冩毇缂傚倷璁查崑鎾垛偓鍏夊亾闁告洦鍓涢崢閬嶆煟鎼搭垳绉甸柛瀣噽娴滃憡瀵肩€涙ḿ鍘甸悗鐟板婢ф宕甸崶鈹惧亾鐟欏嫭绀冮柨鏇樺灲瀹曟椽鏁撻悩鑼槰闂侀潧饪电粻鎾诲极椤忓棛纾介柛灞捐壘閳ь剚鎮傚畷鎰槹鎼达絿鐒兼繛鎾村焹閸嬫挾鈧娲橀崝娆忕暦椤愶箑唯鐟滃繘鎮$€n喗鍋℃繝濠傛噹椤eジ鎮介姘枠闁糕斁鍋撳銈嗗灱濞夋洜绮i弮鍌楀亾濞堝灝鏋欑紒顔界懇閵嗕線寮撮姀鈩冩珳闂佸憡渚楅崹鐣屾閳ユ枼鏀介柨娑樺娴滃ジ鏌涙繛鍨偓婵嗙暦閵忥紕顩烽悗锝庝簻閻庮參姊哄Ч鍥х伄閺嬵亞绱掗悩宕囧⒌闁哄本鐩、鏇㈡偐閹绘帒顫氶梻浣瑰▕閺€杈╂暜閹烘绠掗梻浣瑰缁诲倿骞婅箛娑樼柈闁绘劗鍎ら悡娆愩亜閺嶃劍鐨戝褝绠撻弻鐔碱敊缁涘鐣跺銈庡亝缁诲牊淇婇悜钘壩ㄩ柕澶樺枟缂嶅棝姊虹拠鍙夊攭妞ゎ偄顦叅婵☆垰銈藉ú顏呭亜缂佹銆€閸嬫挻鎷呯化鏇燁潔闂侀潧绻嗛埀顒佹灱閸嬫捇鎮滈懞銉у幘缂佺偓婢樺畷顒佹櫠椤斿皷鏀芥い鏇炴濡绢喖菐閸パ嶈含闁诡喗鐟╅、鏃堝礋閵娿儰澹曢梺鍝勮癁鐏炶姤娅婂┑鐘垫暩婵敻鎳濋崜褍顥氬┑鐘崇閻撴瑩鏌i幇闈涘闁哄棙锚闇夋繝濠傚閻帡鏌″畝鈧崰鎾诲焵椤掍胶鈯曞畝锝堟硶缁寮介鐔蜂壕闁荤喓澧楅崯鐐电磼鐠囨彃鏆炵紒宀冮哺缁绘繈宕惰閻撴垶绻濋姀锝嗙【闁挎洏鍊濋敐鐐哄箳閹搭厽瀵岄梺闈涚墕閸燁偊鎮橀鍛箚妞ゆ劑鍨归弳娆撴煟閿濆洤鍘村┑鈩冩倐閸┾剝绻濋崘鈺傜彟闂傚倷绀侀幉锟犲箹閳哄懏鍊舵繝闈涱儏鍥存繝銏f硾椤戝倿骞忕紒妯肩閺夊牆澧界€靛ジ鎮归埀顒勬晝閸屾氨鍝楁繛瀵稿帶閻°劑鎮″▎鎰闁煎ジ顤傞崬铏圭磼閵娧勬珪缂佽鲸甯¢、娆戝枈鏉堚晛鎮戞俊銈囧Х閸嬫盯顢栨径鎰瀬闁告劦鍠栭悞鍨亜閹烘垵鈧鎯岄崱妤婄唵闁兼悂娼ф慨鍫ユ煟閹惧崬鍔﹂柡宀嬬秮瀵挳鎮欏ù瀣壕闁革富鍘搁崑鎾愁潩閻愵剙顏� All Rights Reserved
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闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾剧懓顪冪€n亜顒㈡い鎰Г閹便劌顫滈崱妤€骞婄紓鍌氬€归懝楣冨煘閹达附鍋愮€规洖娴傞弳锟犳⒑閹惰姤鏁辨俊顐㈠暣瀵鈽夐姀鐘插祮闂侀潧枪閸庝即鎳滈鍫熲拺缂備焦蓱閻撱儲淇婇锝囨噭缂佸矁椴哥换婵嬪炊閼稿灚娅栨繝鐢靛仦閻n亪宕洪崟顖氬偍闁告挆鍕垫綗闂佸湱鍋撻崜姘缚閳哄懏鐓犻柛婵勫劜閺嗏晠鏌涘▎蹇旑棦婵﹨娅g槐鎺懳熼懡銈庢К闂備胶枪閿曘倕锕㈤柆宥呯劦妞ゆ帊鑳堕崯鏌ユ煙閸戙倖瀚�:Beijing Spring, PO Box 186, Bogota, NJ 07603 USA