今天是这位伟大的改革家逝世23周年纪念日。转载一篇2010年岁尾网上看到的文字,是布热津斯基在斯坦福大学演讲的片段。最令人意外的是,胡耀邦在1980年代后期已经形成了明确的以宪政为指向的政改思路。看到布氏转述的内容,愈发为胡耀邦的无端下台和不幸逝世而痛惜!贺卫方 2012年4月15日
演讲中,他说假如中美发生战争,日本肯定站在美国一边:这种力量对比打不起来。演讲中,他说:“我确定地认为,二十世纪是人类历史上最为罪恶的时代,我这一生中始终致力我最为关切的问题,就是试图理解这一切是怎么发生,应该怎么做才能保证这些事情不再发生”(For me, the twentieth century was the most criminal century in human history, literally. I’ve been concerned all my life with trying to understand why that happened, and what has to be done to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. )。
演讲中,他谈到他印象很深的是与胡耀邦在北京的一次晚餐谈话,地点是马克西姆餐厅:“那次晚餐令我如此震惊的不是菜单,不是菜的式样,而是胡耀邦对我说的话。在那个时候,他就已经发现中国经济改革的重大成功预示着加速政治改革的紧迫的必要性,我问他,他的政治改革意味着什么,他异乎寻常的直截了当。他谈到了必需的,非常明确的一种多党体系,一种真诚的多党体系,一种存在竞争的多党体系。他还阐述了政权必须真诚而广泛地从属于法律的管制,官僚体系也要从属于法律的管制,这是一种绝对的必要,这一切,反过来又必需一个真正的宪法体系,而这种宪法则要由民众授权,各种思想的互相竞争的内容要融合成为一体。他所说的这一切,令我彻底震惊了,我非常赞赏他竟然看到了那么深远”(What struck me about that dinner was not so much its menu or its style, but what Hu Yaobang was saying to me. He observed that, at that time, the great success of the economic transformation of China dictated the imperative necessity of the acceleration of political change, and when I asked him what he meant by political change, he was remarkably explicit. He talked about the need, quite specifically so, for a multiparty system, a genuine multiparty system, a competitive party system. He argued also that there has to be a genuine comprehensive subordination of the state to the rule of law, and of officialdom to the rule of law, and that this was an absolute necessity, which in turn required a truly constitutional system, but one derived from popular mandate, articulated in the context of the competition of ideas. I was absolutely struck by what he had to say, and I was amazed by how far-reaching it was.)。