2024年12月号-神州大地 YU LIU简介 YU LIU文章检索













The illegal detention of the human rights lawyers by police in Weixian, Hebei, China, illustrates the deteriorating human rights situation in China under CCP rule 

In October 2024, in Weixian County, Hebei Province,China, well-known human rights lawyers Wang Yu and Jiang Tianyong were illegally detained by local police for their involvement in Liu Meixiang's case observation and defense, which attracted widespread attention. This incident highlights serious problems in the rule of law and human rights situation in mainland China. In that case, Ms. Liu was charged with embezzlement, but her supporters argued that the charges were questionable.  When Liu Meixiang's relatives, friends and lawyers appeared in court at the Weixian County Court, the local special police were heavily guarded, and even when Liu Meixiang's husband, Qiu Bin, tried to film the scene outside the courthouse, the special police violently seized his cell phone.  Qiu Bin and lawyers Wang Yu, Jiang Tianyong and others who came to support were taken away by the police on charges of "swatting" and other charges for resisting or calling the police.  Wang Yu was even accused of being violently treated at the police station and his arm was sprained.  In China's legal system, the public security system is supposed to protect people's safety and enforce the law, but in this case in Weixian County, the police not only ignored the legitimate rights of defense lawyers, but also used intimidation and violence to prevent due process from the judicial process, which seriously violated the principle of the law.  This practice exposes lawyers to enormous pressure in the performance of their duties, conceals the apparent impartiality of justice and erodes the authority of the law. In addition, the unfair practices in this case included not only the illegal detention of lawyers, but also the court's restrictions on Liu Meixiang and her defense lawyers, such as disqualifying lawyer Bao Longjun from defending her defense and limiting the number of observers, making the case even more opaque. This kind of operation not only infringes on Liu Meixiang's right to defense, but also makes the outside world question the lack of judicial fairness and the CCP regime's disregard for the law.  Overall, this incident is a microcosm of mainland China's inadequate rule of law construction and human rights protection, reflecting the CCP's law enforcement agencies often enforce the law and violate the law, using improper means to crack down on dissent and protect their own interests. This not only damages China's image of the rule of law, but also reduces the protection of human rights to a non-existent legal system.

Pastor Fu Xi, Chairman of ChinaAid, believes that judicial justice is the foundation of social justice and calls on China Weixian Public Security Bureau to immediately release the detained lawyers Wang Yu, Jiang Tianyong and Qiu Bin.


作 者 :YU LIU
出 处 :北京之春
整 理 :2024年12月6日17:28