2016年9月号-特稿 -简介 -文章检索



To:     The City Council of Sydney and the City Council of Melbourne
From:     New Zealand citizens of Chinese origin
Subject: Celebrating mass murderer Mao Zedong in your civic halls
We are horrified to learn that concerts are planned in the civic halls of your great cities to glorify the dead Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong.
More and more people in the world have come to see Mao was a dictator, tyrant and mass murderer on a par with Hitler and Stalin. Mao outdid Hitler as, while the Nazi leader committed his terrible crimes most against non-Germans, Mao specialized in butchering his own people -- Chinese people, especially poor peasants.  Mao also outshone Stalin, who starved five million peasants to death. In 1959 – 1962 Mao’s ruthless Great Leap Forward policies deprived food from peasants and caused the greatest famine in human history, with 45 million deaths from starvation. In some villages no one was alive and strong enough to bury their dead. All this has well documented in a number of well-received scholarly books.
The horrific Great Famine was only one chapter in Mao’s murderous history. It is estimated that Mao was responsible for 70-80 million deaths in China. Many Chinese people still have painful memories of their family tragedies cause by Mao.
That is why even the authorities in Communist China shy away from public celebration of Mao, as an incident in early May shows. It is not possible for any city in China to host a public concert as has been planned in your cities.
Please do not delude yourselves that you are “merely” hiring out your city hall. The use of your civic hall is not the use of any venue but is rich in political significance, as your repeated denial of a Northern European politician for meetings there showed.
Sydney and Melbourne are great cities in a great democracy. We are distressed that they should be reduced to theaters of glorification of Mao, one of the worst dictator, tyrants and mass murderer in the 20th century.

全世界越来越多的人意识到毛泽东是一个独裁者,暴君和大屠杀凶手,可以与希特勒和斯大林相提并论。毛胜过了希特勒,因纳粹领导人犯下可怕罪行针对的大多数非德国人,毛泽东专门从事屠宰他自己的人 - 中国人,尤其是贫农。毛泽东也不甘示弱于饿死500万农民的斯大林。在1959年至1962年,毛泽东无情的大跃进政策,剥夺农民食物,引起了人类历史上最大的饥荒,共计4500万人饿死。在一些村子里,活着的人甚至都没有力气埋葬死者。所有这一切都在一些广受欢迎的学术著作记载。


- 国际汉藏协会东南亚分会纪念六四三十四周年/陈叔涵
- 美国空军能使中共投降吗?/鲁山
- 《马毛说》/野聲
- 长篇小说《铁链女》第一章/杜潜
- 习近平的极限思维与美国的极限答案/陈维健

作 者 :-
出 处 :北京之春
整 理 :2016年9月1日16:14
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