2015年11月号-国际视野 吴建国简介 吴建国文章检索



亵渎学术自由   孔子学院小巫见大巫


作者: 吴建国




這種試圖已經在一些學術論文中呈現,並獲得一股洋五毛勢力的支持。澳洲學者海倫•法利(Helen Farley)博士就是實驗者之一。在她的一系列學術文章中,廣泛地採用了中宣部的文風。其表現特徵為,第一,在闡述一個“事實”時,要么不提供證據支持,或不指出其信息來源;  第二,直接使用中共單方面的言論作為唯一證據;  第三,直接捏造證據。



筆者在本文選擇了法利博士其中一篇文章,以展示她的中宣部文風。法利以澳洲昆士蘭大學(University of Queensland) 歷史、哲學和宗教系名譽高級宗教研究員和南昆士蘭大學(University of Southern Queensland) 副教授的身份,於2014年在英文學術書籍《神聖自殺(Sacred Suicide)》一書中發表了一篇題為《死於誰之手?法輪功和自殺(Death by whose hand? Falun Gong and suicide)》的文章。她還在另外一個在美國發行的學術刊物上發表了一篇幾乎雷同的文章,只是題目不同而已。

加拿大馬尼托巴大學(University of Manitoba)副教授特里•拉塞爾(Terry Russell)看了這些文章後指出,“法利博士至少可以被指控為對學術嚴謹性的褻瀆,她文中對法輪功的許多說法都缺少應有的證據。”

澳洲悉尼大學教授瑪麗亞•辛格(Maria A. Fiatarone Singh)有著類似的看法,“(法利)文章的寫作方式絕對是有問題的,在闡述一些事實時(如自焚和大規模的自殺),把一些似是而非的事當成事實。”

然而,這些文章卻獲得澳洲一些大學行政官員的支持,以及一些西方學者明地暗地偏袒。還受到這些文章的編輯——挪威特羅姆瑟大學(University of Tromso)教授詹姆斯•劉易斯(James R. Lewis)歇斯底里地維護。






但兩週後,華盛頓郵報發表了一篇報導,揭示了完全不同的事實。寫這篇報導的華盛頓郵報記者菲力蒲.潘(Phillip Pan)親自到其中一個自焚者劉春玲的家鄉開封實地調查。劉春玲的鄰居們告訴他,他們從來沒有看見過劉春玲練法輪功。


2001 年8 月14 日,國際教育發展組織在聯合國會議上明確指出,“天安門自焚”是中共一手導演的,是對法輪功的構陷。並向與會的代表提供《偽火》的錄像光碟。當時在場的中共代表面對確鑿的證據啞口無言。




























南昆士蘭大學校長揚•托馬斯(Jan Thomas)教授很快回复說,對法利文章的指控沒有依據,並把法利學術造假的做法歸結為不同的觀點而已。






Chapter 11

Death by Whose Hand?

Falun Gong and Suicide1

Helen Farley


The teachings of Falun Gong explicitly forbid suicide; yet in 2001, five protesters

set themselves ablaze in Tiananmen Square resulting in two deaths. The suicides’

stated aim was to bring the world’s focus onto the repression of the movement

by the Chinese government. Falun Gong spokespeople were quick to defend

founder Li Hongzhi, saying that the movement strictly forbids suicide in

accordance with the traditional Chinese belief that suicide is an affront to the

ancestors. They claimed that the Chinese government had staged the suicides in

order to stir up public opinion against the movement. Indeed, the tide of public

opinion did turn against Falun Gong and its founder (Bell and Boas 2003: 285).2

Yet despite Falun Gong’s stated opposition to suicide, the movement does

encourage its adherents to refuse medicine or medical treatment, and some

regard this refusal of treatment to be suicidal. Chinese state media seized upon

Li’s writing in which he expressed that illnesses are caused by karma, and claimed

that in excess of one thousand deaths were the direct result of adherents following

Li’s teachings. Authorities also claimed several hundred practitioners had cut their

stomachs open seeking the Dharma Wheel that turns in response to the practice of

the five meditative exercises characteristic of the movement. Indeed, many of their

fellow followers had been arrested in Tianjin, following condemnation of their

movement by physicist He Zouxiu of the Chinese Academy of the Sciences. He

had claimed that Falun Gong had been responsible for several deaths (Bejsky 2004:

190).This chapter examines the complex relationship between Falun Gong and the

1 An earlier version of this chapter was published as Helen Farley, “Self-Harm and Falun

Gong,” Journal of Religion and Violence, 1(3) (2013): 259–75.

2 Some commentators deny that these self-immolations even took place. See Munro

(2002: 267).

216 Sacred Suicide

Chinese government, exploring the reality behind the claims and counterclaims

regarding the former’s stated opposition to suicide. This is contrasted with Falun

Gong writings that encourage adherents to refuse medical treatments in order to

rid themselves of karma.

On Sunday, April 25, 1999, Falun Gong first came to the attention of western

media when some 15,000 adherents calmly surrounded the seat of the Chinese

government at the Zhongnanhai compound adjacent to the Forbidden City in

Beijing (Penny 2003: 643; Lee 2011: 209). The movement was outlawed in 1999,

which signaled the beginning of a bipartisan propaganda war between Falun Gong

adherents and the Chinese government, each claiming the other was responsible

for deceptions, atrocities, and conspiratorial plots (Biggs 2005: 205). Falun Gong

or Falun Dafa is a religious movement that arose from the qigong boom of the

1980s (Ownby 2003: 233). “Qigong fever” was the name given to the phenomenon

that gained over one hundred million practitioners, some 20 percent of the urban

population in China, practicing qigong’s characteristic breathing and meditation

techniques (Palmer 2007: 6; Palmer 2008: 79). Falun Gong emerged in 1992 as

part of this pre-existing qigong movement. Falun Gong means literally “Great Way

of the Wheel” or the “Dharma Wheel Discipline” (Fisher 2003: 296).

This chapter begins with a brief overview of the history of attitudes to suicide

in China. There are conflicting accounts of how the act is viewed; sometimes it

is condoned as the act of a martyr or as a protest, and at other times it is clearly

an affront to the ancestors and thus is roundly condemned. An examination

of the emergence of Falun Gong from the larger qigong movement in the

early 1990s follows. Most people in the West think of Falun Gong adherents

as peaceful meditators, cruelly suppressed by the Chinese government. The

veracity of this claim is scrutinized, along with the central tenets of Falun Gong

belief and practice. Falun Gong adherents have a strong belief in fate, destiny

and karma that is congruent with their attitude to death, but particularly to

suicide. Though Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi speaks against suicide, his

teachings may inadvertently condone suicide in two particular circumstances:

in self-immolation as a form of protest and in the refusal of adherents to accept

medical treatment when ill, sometimes resulting in death.

Suicide in China

The suicide rate in China is one of the highest in the world and suicide has often

played a prominent role in Chinese culture (Fei 2011: 213). Indeed, suicide

has featured in accounts of defeated military leaders and monarchs during the

Death by Whose Hand? 217

shifting of dynasties, wars, the uncovering of corruption, and unfavorable family

circumstances (Lo 1999: 624). Depending on the viewpoint of the narrator,

suicide was variously depicted as an act of fervent loyalty, as an extreme form

of moral protest, or as a strategy for escaping abusive or unjust social or familial

situations (Lee and Kleinman 2005: 296, Fei 2011: 214). By way of example, in pre-

Communist China, Mao Zedong wrote about women who took their own lives in

order to escape forced marriages. These suicides he considered to be symptomatic

of larger societal problems, such as the double standards around chastity and

promiscuity in men and women, the inability to pursue love, and other facets

of patriarchy that disempowered women. He viewed suicide as a symptom of a

society that had caused people to lose hope (Lee and Kleinman 2005: 295). It is

true that in contrast to most other countries, the suicide rate for women in China

is significantly higher than for males (Zhang and Xu 2007: 185).

Suicide rates soared during the Cultural Revolution. During the mass arrests

and detentions between 1966 and 1969 by the Red Guards, official reports

claim that around 35,000 people died from all causes, though the actual figure is

probably closer to 400,000 (Lester 2005: 100). Teachers jumped from windows

and those detained in labor camps and prisons found ingenious ways of ending

their lives (ibid.: 100–101). These suicides were acts of protest against a brutal

regime, often precipitated by violence and torture. Even so, suicide is generally

eschewed in the Chinese tradition as polluting. It is viewed as an unnatural

death and, consequently, to be shunned. In some cases, the unfortunate victim is

not to be mourned. The consequences of suicide also include economic hardship

for the family through the loss of that person’s productivity and reproductive

power (Lee and Kleinman 2005: 296). Suicide notes are often characterized by

a deep sense of remorse and a sense of unfulfilled filial responsibility towards

parents and the family (ibid.: 297). In other contexts, Chinese cultural attitudes

to suicide are to some extent ambiguous: it can be supported as pro-social or

frowned upon as anti-social. In the context of Confucian thought, it is morally

wrong to preserve one’s life at the expense of benevolence and justice (“ren” and

yi”). Life is good, but is not the supreme good; death is evil, but it is not the

supreme evil (Lo 1999: 626).

Suicide can also be viewed as a practical solution to a problem and in this

context it is supported. For those who believe in reincarnation, the temptation

to begin life anew is sometimes too great. Many women, especially in rural areas,

wish to reincarnate as a man (Zhang and Xu 2007: 189). This tension between

opposing viewpoints while allowing for creative ambiguity also encompasses the

challenges of normlessness and hypocrisy. For this reason, the community and

family members might view the suicide differently (Lee and Kleinman 2005:

218 Sacred Suicide

295). Suicide can be viewed as a means of defying social power and as a strategy

to respond to the inter-subjective struggles of commonplace social experience.

Social forces may prevail in defiance of individual purposes and aspirations, and

in turn, suicide may convey a resistance to the imposition of that authority (ibid.:

300–301). For example, Lucien Bianco wrote that one of the most common

ways to exact revenge upon a callous creditor was to commit suicide in front

of his door. In doing so, it caused the landlord to lose face (Bianco 1978: 280).

The reportage of suicide in an authoritarian state is rarely straightforward.

In some instances, administrations have suppressed the real number of deaths

ascribed to suicide in order to limit criticism of the state. Until the late 1980s,

there was very little reliable data on suicide in China (Lee and Kleinman 2005:

295; Xin Ma et al. 2009: 159). In some cases, World Health Organization

estimates of Chinese suicide rates are up to 40 percent higher than Chinese

government estimates (Phillips et al. 2002: 835). Conversely, these same regimes

may attribute suicides to a particular group or groups in order to discredit them

or to garner public support against them. This is what Falun Gong practitioners

have accused the Chinese government of doing in regards to several cases of

self-immolation reported in the media both in China and the West. Certainly,

Falun Gong attracted much criticism following the alleged self-immolation of

practitioners (Bell and Boas 2003: 285).

The Birth and Substance of Falun Gong

Falun Gong emerged onto the Chinese religious landscape in 1992, founded

by Li Hongzhi (Palmer 2007: 6; Penny 2012a: 35). It emerged from the qigong

movement that had transfixed China since the 1980s. Qigong can be described

as a system for improving and maintaining health based on ideas found in

traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and other aspects of Chinese culture.

The practice of qigong involves practitioners observing a wide range of physical,

mental, and breathing exercises. “Qi” can be translated as vital energy, and “gong

as skill, so qigong is literally the skill of developing vital energy so as to obtain

good health (Xu 1999: 967; Rahn 2002: 41).

By 1991, there was considerable criticism and cynicism about qigong. The

Chinese government began to vigorously monitor qigong masters, associated

literature and qigong organizations with the goal of uncovering “false” or

“unscientific” qigong (Ownby 2008: 166; Chen 2003: 509). It was amid this

widespread disenchantment with qigong that Falun Gong emerged and was able

to gain traction, attracting millions of adherents across China (Ownby 2000).

Death by Whose Hand? 219

Li Hongzhi deliberately distanced Falun Gong from qigong by arguing that the

aim of Falun Gong was not about the accumulation of extraordinary powers

such as clairvoyance or supernatural healing, as had been the focus of much

qigong practice. He also emphasized that it was not specifically about health,

though good health was sure to follow rigorous practice. In contrast to qigong,

the goal of Falun Gong was to purify one’s heart and attain spiritual salvation

(Lu 2005: 175; Palmer 2007: 219). The earliest writings about qigong described

body postures and illustrated appropriate techniques, but did not contain any

moral content. By way of contrast, the writings of Li Hongzhi contain moral

content to accompany the somatic technologies (Ownby 2000). Supporters

of both Falun Gong and qigong were equally strident in their protests that the

two sets of practices were independent. Though it emerged from the ideas and

practices of qigong, Falun Gong has characteristic exercises and ideologies that

differentiate it from qigong (Irons 2003: 254; Palmer 2007: 27–8).

Given Falun Gong’s interesting status within the People’s Republic of China,

it is useful to examine the background of its charismatic founder. Seen as an

enlightened master by Falun Gong adherents, he is portrayed by authorities as evil

incarnate, an unscrupulous liar and charlatan. Li Hongzhi completed his primary

school education in Changchun in 1969, graduating from junior high school at

eighteen and applying to join the Communist Youth League. Former schoolmates

and teachers recall him as an ordinary child who was unexceptional academically

in school (Thornton 2005: 260). The Chinese government is adamant that Li

Hongzhi learned how to perform qigong exercises in 1988. Falun Gong sources

dispute this, instead saying that he was drilled from age eight in those disciplines

by various Taoist and Buddhist masters (Lu 2005: 178; Penny 2003: 648–9).

Whatever the situation, it is certain that Li did travel to Beijing in 1992 to participate

in research with a group at the China Qigong Scientific Research Society (Tong

2009: 8). Not long afterwards, Li founded the Falun Gong Research Society with

his associates Li Chang, Wang Zhiwen, and Yu Changxi. Accreditation followed

and the new organization was recognized as a branch of the larger organization,

which in turn publicized Falun Gong training sessions (Tong 2002: 640). After

1994 when Li left China, these sessions were no longer conducted. According to

Falun Gong sources, the reason for their discontinuation was to enable Li to devote

all of his time to the study of Buddhism. But it is likely his departure had more to

do with the mounting opposition Falun Gong was attracting within Communist

Party and government circles (Ownby 2008: 167). By this time, Falun Gong had

tens of millions of adherents enticed by its negligible admission criteria, lack of

membership fees, simple exercises, and assurances of health and salvation (Chang

2004: 4; Irons 2003: 250; Penny 2012b: 7). Li Hongzhi finally left China for

220 Sacred Suicide

the United States in 1996, just ahead of government persecution. He established

himself in New York, where he resides and actively directs Falun Gong’s operations

(Burgdoff 2003: 335).

Falun Gong adherents believe that Li possesses supernatural powers such

as the capacity for levitation and that he is able to manifest miracles. In order

to promote this image, he associates himself with characters in popular martial

arts media and fantasy literature (Xiao 2001: 125, 6). Further, Li claims to use

telekinesis to insert the falun, or the “wheel of the law,” into the abdomens of

those who follow him (Hongzhi 1999a: 130). Li claims that negative energy is

expelled as this wheel turns, and positive energy is generated, ensuring sound

health and an absence of disease (Fisher 2003: 295; Palmer 2003: 353). In order to

keep the wheel turning, adherents must regularly perform the five characteristic

meditative exercises of Falun Gong, thereby removing any accumulation of bad

karma (Thornton 2005: 260–61). To further support this process of cultivation,

Li directs “law bodies,” or fashen, which are complete, independent, and realistic

individuals which are flexible and invisible. He directs the fashen to protect

followers suffering from illness, healing them in the process. Those practitioners

serious about adhering to Falun Gong must uphold the purity of their devotion,

ceasing any other sort of spiritual practice. Serious adherents must also avoid

even reading about or thinking about other forms of spirituality in order to

avoid deformation of the rotating dharma wheel (Lu 2005; 177–8, 180).

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is an uneasy fusion of several preexisting

traditions—namely Taoism, Buddhism, and Chinese folk religion—

which have been remixed into something never before seen in China (Thornton

2005: 260; Lu 2005: 174). The breathing and meditative aspects of Falun Gong

closely resemble the breathing exercises used to increase potency and longevity in

Taoism (Chang 2004: 39). Even so, there are numerous references to UFOs and

science, giving the movement a more contemporary appearance (Ackerman 2005:

500). This is reinforced by Falun Gong’s extensive use of modern communication

technologies including email and the Internet (Leung 2002: 782). In the West,

Falun Gong is known primarily as a harmless set of meditational exercises that

are readily accessible to novice practitioners. In reality, it is first and foremost a

rigorous system of morality (Penny 2003: 644; Chan 2004: 676; Ackerman

2005: 501; Burgdoff 2003: 336). Physical rejuvenation and good health are only

the result of strict moral practice (Ownby 2000; Madsen 2000: 243). Followers

strive to foster the time-honored spiritual values of truthfulness, compassion, and

tolerance through the practice of particular exercises and meditation (Hongzhi

1999b: 59–61; Madsen 2000: 243). The practitioner directly experiences the

supreme nature of the cosmos energized from within by the energy of the turning

Death by Whose Hand? 221

falun when he or she becomes suitably developed (Leung 2002: 764). The purging

of negative karma accrued from this life and previous incarnations, together with

the accrual of virtue as accepted in Falun Gong, allows the cultivation of spiritual

advancement (Ownby 2008: 93). In spite of the extensive moral teachings in

Falun Gong, followers and leaders alike claim that Falun Gong is not a religion,

but a movement that encourages spiritual and moral cultivation (Keith and Lin

2003: 629–30; Madsen 2000: 243).

In Falun Gong, everything is either good or evil, and individuals are either

true practitioners or ordinary people. Those who remain faithful to Li’s teachings

are true practitioners with a fated relationship to Falun Gong and access to the

highest spiritual truth. If they are able to remain faithful to Li’s teachings and resist

seductions along the way, this elite group will attain enlightenment. Any deviance

from this path and they will resume their pathetic lives as ordinary people, destined

for annihilation at some time in the not-too-distant future (Lowe 2003: 268).

To most observers, these apocalyptic and millenarian characteristics make Falun

Gong resemble a religion (Chang 2004: 59, 60; Burgdoff 2003: 334).

Suicide and Falun Gong

Li Hongzhi has repeatedly criticized suicide as a sin, as part of a larger prohibition

against taking life. According to the tenets of Falun Gong, God has a plan laid

out for every individual. Not every detail of a life is planned out but the major

milestones such as birth and death are planned to take place at certain immutable

times. Obviously, Falun Gong practitioners are able to influence their own lives,

but it is very difficult to extend a lifespan beyond an allotted time. By killing

oneself before time, an individual is effectively sidestepping the divine plan. The

act of suicide, while temporarily removing a person from suffering, is an act that

accrues even more negative karma for an individual, which increases the amount

of karma to be eliminated in a future incarnation. An individual would be better

advised to endure the suffering, thereby helping to eliminate negative karma

and not attracting more karma through suicide (Hongzhi 1999a: 27). Before a

person dies, preparations are occurring for that individual’s next incarnation. A

mother is pregnant, awaiting the birth of her child and the fetus is awaiting the

consciousness of the individual. If someone dies by their own hand before their

designated time, then that individual must wait between lives in a nether world

until they have spent the allotted time of their own predestined lifespan. Once

that time has passed, the individual will move into the next incarnation but with

an additional accumulation of karma (Penny 2012b: 116).

222 Sacred Suicide

Though theoretically adherents of Falun Gong are opposed to suicide,

there are two instances that confuse the situation. The first involves the selfimmolations

that took place in 2001 as a protest against the persecution of

Falun Gong by the Chinese government. The crackdown that occurred after

these events also sparked a number of mass suicides in detention centers. The

second is in Falun Gong adherents’ refusal to seek medical help when they are

ill. This has resulted in a number of deaths from a variety of medical disorders

that remained untreated. Though suicide is not condoned in Falun Gong, there

are certain philosophies and circumstances that predispose followers towards

suicide in particular contexts.


Suicide by burning is an intensely dramatic method of terminating one’s life

(Romm et al. 2008: 988). Self-immolation, while involving an individual

intentionally killing him or herself as with other forms of suicide, is usually done

for or on behalf of a larger cause. An act of self-immolation is not about injuring

anyone else or inflicting material damage. Rather, it is an extreme form of protest.

Thus, it is usually done either in a public place or with an accompanying letter

directed to the public or to specific political leaders (Biggs 2005: 173–4). These

individuals are attempting to appeal to others and to incite potential sympathizers

(ibid.: 201). This kind of protest in not unknown in China; there is a long history

of suicide as protest in China, for example, women committing suicide to protest

unfair or cruel familial situations (Lee and Kleinman 2005: 296; Fei 2011: 214).

On January 23, 2001, the eve of Chinese New Year, seven Falun Gong

followers traveled over 550 kilometers from Kaifeng to Tiananmen Square, to

set themselves alight in front of cameras and journalists from the Cable News

Network (CNN) (Biggs 2005: 176; Thornton 2005: 266; Ching 2001). One

of the protesters, a man sitting on the ground, was enveloped by fire; another

four consisting of two mother and daughter pairs, lurched about with their arms

raised as flames consumed their bodies. Police hurried to extinguish the flames

and assembled a barrier to block the view of onlookers, but police were not

fast enough; a 36-year-old woman died from her burns. Initially, the Chinese

government attempted to quash news of the event, even though western

journalists had been present and had recorded it; the tape was immediately

confiscated by authorities (Chang 2004: 16–17). But soon the government

realized they could use this as an opportunity to muster opposition to Falun

Gong. A week after the incident had occurred, state television broadcast some

Death by Whose Hand? 223

footage showing the 12-year old daughter of one of the practitioners, rolling

around in agony. The government framed the deaths as “cultic suicide,” and

discredited them as a form of protest (Biggs 2005: 205).

The leadership of Falun Gong were quick to deny any connection to the

incident. From the United States, it released its own video, charging the Chinese

government with fabricating the incident (ibid.: 206). Adherents abroad

claimed that the self-immolators were not true practitioners (Thornton 2005:

266), because both Li and the movement had consistently opposed any form of

killing, including suicide, as a means of reaching salvation (Chang 2004: 17–18).

This attempt to disassociate itself from the act was probably counter-productive.

In all probability, the leadership of Falun Gong did not encourage or sanction

these actions; but it also seems unlikely that it was part of a Chinese government

conspiracy to discredit the organization. Interestingly, some of the adults had

participated in previous protests. Even in light of the government manipulation

of the event’s coverage to the detriment of Falun Gong, two more people set

themselves alight in the months following (Biggs 2005: 205). On February 16,

another adherent immolated himself on a residential street in Beijing. By the

time the police arrived just a few minutes later, Tan Yihui, just 25 years old, a

shoe-shiner from Hunan province, had died (Chang 2004: 17–18). The selfimmolations

continued when on July 1, Luo Guili set himself alight in a city

square in Nanning in southern China. Barely 19 years old, he died the following

day of severe burns and heart and lung failure (ibid.: 21).

Prior to the propaganda campaign resulting from the self-immolations,

people marveled at the Chinese government’s repression of such an insignificant

and benign organization. Subsequent to it, people thought that the government’s

actions were justified. Authorities had shown the 12-year-old girl’s face on

television for more than a month, and public opinion shifted to oppose Falun

Gong. It seems unlikely that the state could have attained such success if children

had not been involved in the immolation. Such a move allowed the government

to step up their repression of the organization, which included the systematic

torture of its followers. The Chinese government claimed that around 1,700

Falun Gong followers had committed suicide; evidence, they reasoned, of

Falun Gong’s cultish evil (Bejesky 2004: 155; Biggs 2005: 206). The Chinese

media carried many anti-Falun Gong diatribes. Children were compelled to

attend anti-Falun Gong lessons, and 12 million school students contributed

to a signature campaign, signing a declaration asserting their disbelief in cults

and opposition to them. Thousands of workers attended mass meetings and

signed petitions condemning the movement (Chang 2004: 18). Within just

six months of the shocking incident, Falun Gong was effectively disempowered

224 Sacred Suicide

within China (Richardson and Edelman 2011: 380). During the course of 2002,

the maimed survivors were paraded around and were part of a press conference.

“Falun Gong is indeed an evil cult and it led me to this,” uttered Chen Guo, the

daughter of the woman who died (Thornton 2005: 266). Footage showing the

young girl, her face badly burned and bandaged, calling out for her mother, was

shown repeatedly on television (Chang 2004: 18).

In response to the crackdowns, on June 20, 2001, some sixteen Falun Gong

followers held in a Harbin labor camp attempted suicide by hanging themselves

with ropes created from bed sheets. Of these, ten women died. These followers

were among thirty who had previously gone on a hunger strike, for which they

had their sentences extended by six months. In addition, authorities conceded that

eleven Falun Gong members in a re-education center had attempted mass suicide,

with three dying from the effort. For its part, the Falun Gong leadership claimed

that fifteen followers in that same camp died as a result of torture (ibid.: 28).

In light of the Chinese government’s persecution of Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi

fashioned an apocalyptic ideology to motivate his disciples to instigate and

participate in civil disobedience. It was estimated that by February 2002, 365

practitioners had died while in custody, and more than 50,000 were either in

prison, labor camps, or mental hospitals (Palmer 2003: 355). Would-be activists

were not formally invited to become a member of an activist team. There were no

formal instructions on how to dissent. Civil disobedience actions were planned

at local meetings. The heroic roles of the protester and the martyr were exhibited

via testimonials and stories at “Experience-Sharing Conferences” (Palmer

2003: 353–4). Li increasingly talked extensively about “Fa-rectification,” the

process by which the cosmos would be rid of evil. This process would ensure

the annihilation of evil doers—in this context, those responsible for suppressing

Falun Gong. The process had already begun on other levels and would soon

come to humanity. This was the struggle before that final battle (Penny 2012b:

156–60). Hundreds of practitioners chose to place themselves in situations

where they died painfully (Palmer 2003: 362).

After the political heat intensified in response to the immolations, Falun

Gong adherents displayed posters on power poles in Shenyang City and

dropped fliers in letter boxes in Beijing back streets, disputing the government’s

reports of the self-immolations and condemning them for turning a blind eye to

poverty and unemployment. Residents were inundated with video footage and

automated phone calls that played recordings criticizing the government. Angry

followers also hacked into television broadcasts (Chang 2004: 21; Thornton

2005: 266; Rahn 2002). The apocalyptic teachings of Li Hongzhi could well

have precipitated the self-immolations through a veiled call to civil disobedience

Death by Whose Hand? 225

and the promise of salvation for martyrs. Li teaches that the “Ending Period of

Catastrophe” is almost here, that contemporary society is degenerate and will be

purged. The only ones who will be saved are those who are genuine Falun Gong

practitioners. Li called Jiang Zemin, then president of the People’s Republic of

China, “the highest representative of the evil force in the human world,” who

is being manipulated by higher beings to persecute Falun Gong. According

to Li, only when evil is eliminated can practitioners return home through

consummation to the Falun Dafa paradise (Rahn 2002).

Refusing Medical Treatment

Though not as dramatic as the self-immolations, many Falun Gong members

have effectively committed suicide through a refusal to seek medical treatment

when they were ill. There is considerable social pressure on Falun Gong followers

to abandon conventional medicine, though not all inevitably do so. Li does not

explicitly tell adherents not to consult doctors, saying each person must make

their own decision (Hongzhi 1999a: 41–2). He asserts that disease is caused by

negative karma (Palmer 2003: 363). In Falun Gong, karma is recognized as a

discrete substance, and is black in color. The first goal of the process of cultivation

is to transform this karma into another substance, called de, which literally means

“virtue.” In contrast to karma, de is white in color. Li himself then transforms

de into a form of energy called gong that gradually infuses all the body’s physical

structures, converting it into what is known as a “pure white body” in Falun Gong

texts (Penny 2012b: 42). This accounts for most of the karma in the body.

The process of the removal of the remainder of the karma is called “xiaoye

and is achieved through the practice of Falun Gong (Wessinger 2003: 221).

According to the tenets of Falun Gong, physical disorders are actually

precipitated by the ejection of negative karma from the body. To employ

conventional medical treatment to treat the condition serves only to mask the

pain associated with this elimination. In this way, karma can re-enter the body

where it will lie dormant until it re-appears, possibly causing a more severe illness.

Illness represents an opportunity to purge karma from the body. Hence the pain

and suffering of sickness becomes a spiritual issue rather than a medical one

(Burgdoff 2003: 341; Porter 2003: 157). A true practitioner does not suffer real

illness, only xiaoye. Afflictions should not be approached with fear and dread

but following the principles of forbearance, calm, and joy at the potential of

being provided with an opportunity to progress spiritually (Fisher 2003: 300).

Li considers that illness, along with birth, old age, and death, all have karmic

226 Sacred Suicide

reasons and demand karmic retribution. If a person is ill, then the karmic debt

needs to be paid before wellness can be regained (Hongzhi 2003: 296).

In Li’s opinion, dubious moral values have caused a variety of diseases that

neither hospitals nor medicine can cure. The corruption of society has led to

this situation (ibid.: 298). He further claims that medicines can poison a person

and that they cannot remove the karma that is causing the illness (ibid.: 298–9).

Instead, hospitals and medicine simply mask the spiritual illness, while healing

the physical illness. The retained karma will cause the illness to reappear in the

latter part of life (Porter 2003: 157). According to Li, when an individual dies,

the karma is pressed into the reincarnated person and is not obvious to start

with. The sickness will appear to be caused by some trigger in the physical world

but this is really not the case. If the person dies again without having purged

that karma through enduring the illness, then the illness will manifest in the

individual in a subsequent lifetime (Hongzhi 2002: 38–40). He likens the human

body to a tree in which the growth rings contain the sickness karma. He further

asserts that no person is able to deal with all of the sickness karma at the same

time and so it must be dealt with incrementally (ibid.: 40). Interestingly, Li does

not confine his criticism to Western medicine. He also claims that conventional

qigong also delays dealing with karma. Further, he warns that if a person has

accumulated much negative karma over several lifetimes and continues to accrue

more by doing bad things, then sooner or later heaven will not permit the debts

to remain unpaid and the person faces the complete destruction of the body and

soul, that is, complete annihilation (ibid.: 41).

In this context, Li also refers to his fashen who, as mentioned earlier, he can

direct to take on the role of removing negative karma from practitioners. If the

practitioners are ordinary people, he will not direct the fashen to help them; to

do so would be a waste. A practitioner condemns him or herself to ordinariness

by taking medicine instead of taking the opportunity to clear karma. Illness is

a test and fashen are only to help those who pass that test (Lu 2005: 177–8;

Hongzhi 1999a: 41–2). When adherents die of their illness even when they

have refused medical care, Li covers himself by asserting that the person must

have been an ordinary person and it would have been their time to die. It is not

worth extending the life of an ordinary person. Li himself must acknowledge

his disciples; conducting the meditation exercises and otherwise following the

teachings of Falun Gong does not guarantee that Li will acknowledge that person

as a disciple. The fundamental nature of that person has not been transformed

because the practice was not approached with sufficient diligence (Hongzhi

1998: 33–5). Li has also expressly prohibited Falun Gong practitioners from

healing others, which they would be capable of if they were advanced enough

Death by Whose Hand? 227

in their own cultivation. Healing others transfers the karma from the ill person

onto the healer and, therefore, retards his or her own cultivation. It also robs

the sick individual of the opportunity to begin cultivation themselves, the only

sure way to health (Penny 2012b: 42).The Chinese government claims that more

than 1,400 adherents have died because they rejected medical care due to their

Falun Gong beliefs (Cheung 2004: 24).


The allure of Falun Gong lies in its claims to wed traditional Chinese culture to

modern science and beyond, to the science of Master Li Hongzhi that would

supplant the scientific knowledge crudely accrued thus far (Ownby 2008: 93).

Falun Gong emerged from the larger movement of qigong through the 1990s, but

is different in important ways. Both have a millenarian structure and the idea of

a universal bliss in salvation. Qigong’s vision is of a blissful future for humanity,

but Li Hongzhi tells of an apocalyptic end of the universe with salvation taking

place in another dimension (Palmer 2007: 239). Body technologies are common

to both and yet with qigong the path of accomplishment is based on paranormal

powers, while in Falun Gong the way to salvation is via moral and spiritual

discipline (Hongzhi 1999b: 7; Palmer 2007: 239).

Though Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong condemn suicide as an attempt to

disrupt God’s plan and because of the excessive negative karma accrued, certain

philosophies and teachings predispose adherents to effectively commit suicide

in certain contexts (Hongzhi 1999a: 27). The self-immolations of a number of

Falun Gong practitioners in 2001, undoubtedly an act of protest against the

Chinese government’s crackdowns on the organization also became an appealing

option for adherents because of Li’s apocalyptic messages. He advocated “farectification,”

increasingly focused on retribution against those who suppressed

Falun Gong and the struggle that preceded it (Penny 2012a: 156–60). Though

not explicitly encouraged, adherents heard stirring tales of martyrs, protesters,

and the paradise that awaited them after death (ibid.: 353–4). Though the

leadership of Falun Gong tried to distance themselves from the self-immolations

of 2001, the mass suicides and immolations continued.

Falun Gong’s teachings about illness have also encouraged large numbers

of adherents to effectively suicide through their refusal of medical treatment.

Though illness is seen as an opportunity to work through and expel karma,

seriously ill adherents have died without medical treatment (Palmer 2003: 363).

Li has covered himself by saying that those who died were not practicing the

228 Sacred Suicide

tenets of Falun Gong with the correct attitude and that their practice had not

effected a real change in their psyches (Hongzhi 1998: 33–5). Though the aim

of this practice is not to die but is to gain health, the reality is that a number

of people are dying as a result, from diseases including cancer, heart disease,

and diabetes. The open condemnation of suicide by Falun Gong’s leadership is

disingenuous given the number of followers who have died as a direct result of

their adherence to Falun Gong’s teachings.


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曾以六四事件為背景創作的英文舞台劇《Beyond the Gate of Heavenly Peace》曾在墨爾本La Mama劇院上演,並在紐約的La Mama劇院朗讀。


- 北京,你真的太残忍!/林傲霜
- 高高在上的蔡奇,不知所措的官员/钟邢
- [旗帜鲜明]地支持华涌,反对蔡奇/钟邢
- 还我北泉签名纪实/李海霞
- 为何这么大的三起公共事件没有引发抗议潮/陈维健

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