2021年7月号-港澳问题 侯鎮安简介 侯鎮安文章检索







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0:15 一年來(2019-2020)每月20日晚上,西鐵元朗站都有市民到來貼上721的文宣;但過去半年(2020),這些文宣都會被立刻破壞,無法保留到翌日。

0:53 「721事件」論述由最初白衣人襲擊市民,演變成白衣人與黑衣人的暴力衝突,甚至有指事件是黑衣人主動挑起;《鏗鏘集》翻查當日閉路電視和網絡片段中的線索,追查當中人物,了解他們口中的事件真相。



1:25 受害人蘇先生講述遇襲經過,他說警方及監警會的專責報告,至今仍未能還事件一個公道,因為兩者都認為,蘇先生的遇襲地點距離西鐵元朗站600米,跟721事件無關。但是,《鏗鏘集》對比西鐵站網上及閉路電視片段,發現有不少在元朗站施襲的白衣人,事發前在鳳攸北街一帶聚集,襲擊蘇先生的白衣人,即是西鐵元朗站的白衣人。



5:39 究竟在西鐵站襲擊市民的白衣人是什麼人?

5:46 部份白衣人來自廈村鄉錫降圍,錫降圍村長鄧錦輝否認,廈村鄉鄉事委員會主席鄧勵東也否認!

9:01 其中一個白衣人是錦田沙埔村的陳志祥,他也是「小牛農莊」的主人;雖然陳志祥現時失蹤,但「小牛農莊」仍有運作,並已改名為「逢吉農場」。



9:51 當日在鳳攸北街出現過不少接載白衣人的車輛,《鏗鏘集》透過車牌查冊,發現其中幾輛車的持有人都是村代表!

10:06 第一位村代表登記車主是屏山鄉輞井圍村代表鄧輝泰,他說當日剛巧路過,拒絕接受訪問。

10:31 第二位村代表登記車主是新田鄉竹園村村代表黃廣寧,他家人說他患病,正在醫院休養,不方便接受訪問。

11:27 其中一位住在元朗,當日曾到現場的村代表說反對任何暴力,但擔心被人「起底」,不願意上鏡受訪。



12:31 「721事件」當日,鳳攸北街曾出現不少接載白衣人的車輛,《鏗鏘集》根據車牌登記地址,逐一接觸車主!

12:55 第一位登記車主梁先生說他的汽車主要由他弟弟駕駛,他弟弟已經身處內地。

13:17 第二位登記車主說他把汽車借給一個住在元朗的朋友郭先生,之後自稱是郭先生的僱員致電《鏗鏘集》,說自己是郭先生的司機,替郭先生做運輸工作,不知道有人派竹枝,也沒有接載過白衣人,也沒有打人。視像片段中,這車負責領取竹枝和國旗。

13:44 第三位是一輛持中港車牌車輛的登記車主,車主是一間位於大埔靖遠街23號的公司,到訪當日,登記地址所在是另一間公司:卓爾物業發展(Prosperous Property Development),之後一個男士致電《鏗鏘集》,說跟朋友買了這輛車做中港貿易生意,只是沒有更改登記名字,事件如何發生他也沒辦法知悉,只知司機本來住新田附近,但一直身處內地。視像片段中,這車負責分發竹枝予白衣人。



14:40 閉路電視是有力的證據,James是其中一個提供閉路電視給《鏗鏘集》的商戶,他說家人擔心店舖被牽連,但他不想後悔一生,否則,香港就真的完蛋了!

15:12 「721事件」當晚,何君堯十時許現身鳳攸北街,他說只是路過,卻被誣衊為策劃721,是被有心的人陷害!

16:02 但是,2019年7月15日何君堯曾經在網上社交平台視像直播中說過:「現在又說來元朗搞事,元朗就歡迎他們,你們(六鄉)動作要趕快,把他們打得片甲不留。」

16:26 何君堯在節目訪問中回應:「那又如何?胡謅也不行?」

16:36 此外,閉路電視片段就看到當晚有幾個人陪何君堯離開,包括屯門的一位村長,還有何君堯的長期義工與支持者黃四川,他也是元朗媽廟路四川物業(Si Chuan Property)的東主,閉路電視拍到黃四川721當晚近八時,在現場手持鈸與數十名舉著「保衛元朗」標語的市民遊行!他因為事件被捕,暫時未被控告,正在保釋候查,但《鏗鏘集》也找不到他接受訪問。

18:24 至於與何君堯握手的鄧威良,他哥哥是元朗「八鄉北」區議員鄧鎔耀,《鏗鏘集》在議員辦事處外面找到鄧威良,他諮詢了法律意見後,認為不適合接受訪問。



19:01 (2020.6.9)警方就721事件,目前拘捕了37人,當中七人被控參與暴動及串謀有意圖傷人等,在被告及被捕人士中,有幾位當晚都有與何君堯接觸。

19:19 何君堯在節目訪問中回應:「任何人在那裡,即使我在那裡,有什麼大不了?721是一個不理想的情況,但整件事不是721一個原委,真正是什麼?顏色革命,有外國勢力!」



19:43 James認為721是一場有預謀的襲擊,因為鳳攸北街在傍晚時分,已有過百名白衣人聚集,但警方視若無睹。

19:54 James翻看閉路電視片段,發現數名懷疑是便衣警員,天網恢恢,疏而不漏;我們看到一位中國籍男子,手持一個疑似委任證或證件,不停來回這條街十多次以上。

20:27 從片段看到白衣人手持各式各樣武器,而手持疑似委任證的這位朋友,似乎無任何行動,James覺得實在太離譜!



21:05 監警會專題報告提到,當晚警方在7時51分至9時45分,五次派員到現場,均匯報白衣人沒任何破壞社會安寧或犯罪行為。

21:22 《鏗鏘集》向元朗警區指揮官何鎮宗求證,他不予置評。

21:47 《鏗鏘集》向警察公共關係科查詢,片段內的人士是否便衣警員,警方沒有回應我們的問題,所以我們不能夠證實他們是否警務人員;警方重申,正積極跟進調查案件。



22:06 鳳攸北街商戶James說:「勝利者不停竄改整個歷史,真相似乎漸漸被世人遺忘,或者千方百計令真相逐漸消失;但每件事情發生了,都會記在我們心中,我相信良知最終會勝過邪惡,無論幾年還是幾十年也好,我相信真相最後會水落石出!」






Hong Kong 721 Yuen Long Terrorist Attack: Who did it? Who controls the truth?


25th HRPA (Human Rights Press Awards) Documentary Video Award(2021.05.06)and Jin Yaoru Press Freedom Award(2021.04.21), although as a double-winner, “Hong Kong Connection:7.21 Who Owns the Truth”[https://youtu.be/mrHywuxPMV0] will disappear in YouTube very soon. No matter how many copies are going to be uploaded again, YouTube will remove them quickly upon the requests from the Hong Kong Government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) owing to copyright infringement. To avoid being forgotten and to facilitate revisions and further studies, I have prepared its written synopsis as follows:



0:15 Over the past year(2019-2020), on the evening of the 20th each month, people come to Yuen Long Station (YLS) on the West Rail Line to put up posters about the 721 incident. But in the past six months, none of these posters lasted more than a night.

0:53 One year has passed. Over time, the narrative of the incident has morphed from an attack by white-clad men on civilians into a violent confrontation between men in white T-shirts and men wearing black. There have been accusations that the incident was instigated by black-clad men. Hong Kong Connection (HKC) reviewed CCTV and online footage from the day to look for clues and track down those captured on film in a bid to understand the truth as they told it.


【Scene 1】

1:25 Mr. So, victim of the 721 incident, told us how he was chased and attacked by a crowd of white-clad men in Fung Yau Street North (FYSN), 600m away from YLS. He was told by the police that his case was not counted as a part of the 721 incident because it was not happened in YLS. He said there's been no justice for what happened on 721, from neither the police nor the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) report. However, after comparing CCTV and online footage from the night, HKC found out that a number of white-clad men who appeared in YLS, had gathered in the FYSN area before the incident. They should be also responsible for the attack on Mr. So!


【Scene 2】

5:39 Who were the white-clad men attacking ordinary people in the West Rail station (YLS)?

5:46 Some white-clad men came from Shek Kong Wai (錫降圍) in Ha Tsuen Village (廈村鄉). However, both Shek Kong Wai village chief Tang Kam-fai (鄧錦輝) and Ha Tsuen Rural Committee Chairman Tang Lai-tung (鄧勵東) denied this fact.

9:01 One of the white-clad men was Chan Chi-cheung (陳志祥). He came from Sha Po Tsuen (沙埔村), Kam Tin (錦田). He was the owner of "Little Cow Farm (小牛農莊)". Although Chan Chi-cheung has hidden himself away, "Little Cow Farm" is still in operation, but under the new name "Fung Kat Farm (逢吉農場)".


【Scene 3】

9:51 On the evening of 721, a number of vehicles carrying white-clad men appeared on FYSN. HKC made car license plate checks and found out several of the vehicles were registered under the names of village representatives.

10:06 The first one is Tang Fai-tai (鄧輝泰), the representative of Mong Tseng Wai(輞井圍) in Ping Shan Heung (屏山鄉). He said he just happened to pass by on the night. He refused to be interviewed.

10:31 The second one is Wong Kwong-ning (黃廣寧), the representative of Chuk Yuen village (竹園村) in San Tin Heung (新田鄉). His family said he was suffering from an illness, was still in hospital, and was not available for interview.

11:27 HKC managed to find one village representative who was at the scene that evening. He said he's against all forms of violence. He worried about getting 'doxxed' so he chose not to appear on camera.


【Scene 4】

12:31 On July 21st 2019, a number of vehicles appeared on FYSN carrying men in white T-shirts. HKC found the registered address for each license plate and contacted the registered owner of each vehicle one by one.

12:55 The first one was Mr. Leung. He said it's mostly his younger brother who drove the car and his brother had already been in the Mainland.

13:17 The second one said he had lent his car to a friend surnamed Kwok who lives in YL. Afterwards, a men called to tell us that he was employed by Mr. Kwok to do logistics business. He said he did not see any bamboos or white-clad men that night. He also did not beat anyone that night. However, video footage shows that the driver of that car took over bamboos and national flags.

13:44 The third one is a company that owned a car with a cross-border license plate. But its registered address (23 Tsing Yuen Street, Tai Po) led us to another business: Prosperous Property Development(卓爾物業發展). The staff there said they'd never heard of the company but afterwards, a men called to tell us that he had bought the car from his friend to do cross-border trading business and he simply didn't update the car registration. He said he had no idea how it happened, he only know who's driving the car that night but it's none of his business. If the driver wishes to talk about it, he will, but he can't force him if he doesn't. He was probably tending to some private matter at the time. He lives near San Tin. He's been out of HK for the past six months, he's been in the Mainland all this time. However, video footage shows that a group of white-clad men handed out bamboo sticks from the car's boot.


【Scene 5】Law maker and Councillor Junius Ho shook hands with white-clad men

14:40 The CCTV footage is strong evidence because it basically captures all the gatherings of white-clad men that evening. James is one of the shop owners that provided CCTV footage to us. He said his family had told him to stay out of trouble, fearing that his business would be drawn into the fray. However, he doesn't want to live with regrets. They were attacking people all over YL. It was an absolute outrage. If we don't bring to light the evidence that we have, then HK will be finished.

15:12 (FYSN) This is the spot where white-clad men gathered on the night of 721 (2019). Junius Ho came to shake hands with them around 10:00pm. He said he just happened to pass by that night. He said he was innocent but he got framed by those with an agenda.

16:02 However, a week before 721 (2019), Junius Ho posted this video message on social media: Two days ago, it was Sheung Shui, Yesterday, they turned to Sha Tin. Now they say they'll come to make trouble in YL. Right, YL will welcome them. What will happen when they come? We'll take care of them. The more people they send, the faster you (villages) have to act. You have to beat them to a pulp.

16:26 In response to his video message, Ho argued, "So what if that's what I said? Why can't I talk baloney?"

16:36 In addition, CCTV footage showed that several men left with Ho that night. One of them was holding a bat. He's a village chief from Tuen Mun. And also Wong Si-chuan, a long-term volunteer and supporter of Ho. Wong was also the owner of Si Chuan Property which is located in Ma Miu Road, YL. CCTV footage also showed that Wong appeared in a rally at around 8pm, holding cymbals. He was joined by dozens of people holding placards that read "Defend YL". Wong was later arrested, but has so far not been charged for his role in the incident. HKC tried to find him at his company and his home but both were unsuccessful.

18:24 Billy Tang was another person who shook hands with Junius Ho before he appeared on YLS platform later that night. His brother is Ronnie Tang, District Councillor for YL's Pat Heung North. We found Billy Tang outside his brother's office. After seeking legal advice, he said it was not appropriate for him to take part in our interview.


【Scene 6】

19:01 (721 incident court hearing 2020.06.09) The police have so far arrested about 40 people in connection with the 721 incident. A handful of them were charged with rioting and conspiracy to wound with intent. Several of the defendants and arrested persons had met Junius Ho that night.

19:19 In response to this, Junius Ho argued, "Anyone who was there, and even if I was there, what's wrong with that? What happened on 721 wasn't desirable but the real cause of the whole thing wasn't 721 itself. What was really behind it? It's a colour revolution, there were foreign forces behind it."


【Scene 7】

19:43 James thinks the 721 incident was a premeditated attack because the police had turned a blind eye to the more than 100 white-clad men that were already in FYSN late afternoon that day.

19:54 In reviewing CCTV footage, James spotted several men who he suspected to be plainclothes police officers. God's mill grinds slow but sure. A man who's holding what looks like a warrant card, walking up and down the street more than ten times. 

20:27 The footage showed men in white T-shirts holding different weapons. However, there doesn't seem to be any action from this man who's holding what looks like a warrant card. This is really outrageous.


【Scene 8】

21:05 The IPCC report said the police had sent officers to the scene five times between 7:51pm and 9:45pm to report on the white-clad men's activities. Each time they reported no breach of the peace or criminal behaviour.

21:22 (2020.06.30) HKC approached the Yuen Long (YL) district commander Eric Ho to verify if the men in the footage were plainclothes officers but he said he can't comment on such footage.

21:47 HKC lodged an enquiry to the Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB). We asked if the men in the footage were plainclothes officers. The police did not respond to our question so we were unable to confirm if they were police officers. The police repeated that they were actively following up on their investigation into the incident.



22:06 "The victors will always manipulate the past, the world seems to be gradually forgetting the truth or there will be attempts to erode the truth at all costs. But every single event that happened is printed in our hearts, I believe that good will always triumph over evil. Whether it will take years or decades, I believe the truth will prevail in the end." said James, one of the shop owners that provided CCTV footage to HKC.


Freelance writer, HK citizen & voter: Jane Ann Hulls


(This essay is an open letter with no copyright. Unlimited sharing and publishing are all welcomed.)


作 者 :侯鎮安
出 处 :北京之春
整 理 :2021年7月19日19:8