2023年11月号-民主墙 李翠云简介 李翠云文章检索





昨 晚突然看到社交媒体上关于中共当局禁止悼念李克强的新闻。上网一查,发现前总理李克强去世了,这真是个噩耗。由于我旅居美国多年,对国内的新闻并没有很及 时的跟进和关注。但是印象中的前总理李克强做了很多深入民心的事。特别是他在新冠清零政策的时候以温和派的手段着手中国的经济问题。在新冠清零期间很多人 饿死没有饭吃,是李克强到各地区视察,还最早在视察的时候没有戴口罩暗示长时间在家强硬隔离没有必要。当时我还在微信朋友圈发布李克强是唯一一个还有理智 的中国领导人,这真是难能可贵的。

    李 克强提出最主要的观点是说出来中国的真正的现状“6亿中低收入及以下人群,他们平均每个月的收入也就1000元左右。”李克强说出这样的实事求是的实话是 所有中共领导人所做不到的。一般的中共领导人只会吹捧自己的政绩,国际上就会强调中国是如何富裕强大了,完全不把欧美放在眼里的。或者是习近平的做法,一 方面搞无脑弱智的清零政策,一方面又在非洲和其他国家大撒币就是为了他们说中国的好话。可是对中国的民众采取的总是戒严,戒严。戒严言论自由,戒严人身权 力,戒严任何反对意见……



    李 克强的观念与中共习近平的强硬观念和对百姓戒严一切的观念完全是不一样的。习近平要的是听话的逆来顺受的老百姓,他不管百姓是否真的日子过得好不好,或者 民主,自由等。只要他牢牢霸住权力的宝座,他修改宪法把国家主席的任期无限扩大,他现在都是成功连任了第三任国家主席和军委主席。

    记 得我小时候村里人打架,然后乙方的父亲后来去世了,甲方怀疑去世的父亲是被乙方儿女们故意谋害的然后嫁祸给甲方的。由于我年级还小还未上学,具体怎么样我 也无从判断。但是我印象里特别的深刻的记忆是关于中共的两个警察。那天中共的两个警察来到甲方, 而那户人家与我大伯家是住在同一个院子,所以来客人了都会在同一个院子坐着。我大伯家的媳妇是个很直爽的人,所以大嫂就跟那两个警察说了几句话,可是那警 察就开始大声恐吓和呵斥我大嫂。这把在旁边玩的我吓坏了。我当时虽然不懂也记不清楚他们当时到底说什么,但是我清楚地记得那种可怕的感觉。那两个中共警察 完全不跟平民讲道理,他们所用的手段就是用他们的权力恐吓和镇压普通百姓。普通百姓在他们眼里就是一条狗完全没有说话的权力。那次之后我就吓坏了,我对中 共警察就产生了极其厌恶的情绪。一直到我几十年过去的现在长大成人的我仍然记得那种害怕和想厌恶蟑螂一样的情绪。

    网 上有人提出李克强年级轻轻才68岁就去世了,是不是被谋杀的?中共一惯的做法是把那些高官异己的去世理由都说成是心脏病突发,然后好像一切不合理的说法都 成为合理的。 BBC也提出质疑这一说法。因为现在李克强已经不再是总理,他没有权力跟习近平唱反调了。可是外人不了解的中国一个丑陋文化是:有些人特别是当权的或者是 古代的帝王,他们的疑心病都很重。他们奉行的一句话是:斩草要除根。意思就是只要你这个人还在,那怕你现在明显的没有翻身的机会,但是你的存在就是一种危 险,因为将来也许你将来就会成为我的祸端。中国还有一句话就是:君子报仇十年不晚。意思就是一个要报仇可以蛰伏十年,慢慢等待合适的时机去报仇。很明显, 李克强在当总理的十年,特别是在新冠清零和经济两方面跟习近平唱反调并且显示出了习近平的愚。,这样的仇也许等个十年再报也不晚。虽然李克强现在没有权力 了,但是他的存在对他反对的人来说就是一种危险。所以那些把李克强视作是异己的一定会被他除掉的,而且是趁他没有权力的时候下手。当然这些也都是说法,我 们却不知道到底是发生了什么,但是唯一一点我们都明白的中共对待异己是不择手段的,什么事情都做得出来。中共不信民主自由人权那一套,他们要始终要的是听 话的奴隶。

    希 望李克强安息,虽然民众有很多不甘心,就譬如当年我无法面对我的父亲年纪轻轻就去世一样,现在民众也无法面对李克强年纪轻轻就去世的事实。可是我们只能安 慰自己这是他的命运吧!我们外人无法干预他的命运!我只是希望中共的邪恶执政早日结束,并且我会一直努力着的,希望有一天类似悲剧不要重演。


                           My Condolences to  Former Prime Minister Li, Keqiang

Last night I suddenly saw news on social media about the Chinese Communist Party’s ban on mourning Li, Keqiang. I checked online and found out that former Prime Minister Li, Keqiang passed away. This is really sad news. Since I have lived in the United States for many years, I have not followed up and paid attention to Chinese domestic news in a timely manner. But in my impression, former Prime Minister Li, Keqiang did a lot of things that deeply impressed and benefited the people. In particular, he used a moderate approach to China's economic issues during the COVID-19 clearance policy. During the COVID-19 Zero Tolerance period, many people starved to death due to no food to eat. It was Li, Keqiang who inspected various regions to still focused economy while the whole country was in dormant situation. He was the first to not wear a mask during the inspection, suggesting that long-term strict isolation at home was not necessary. At that time, I also posted in WeChat Moments that Li, Keqiang is the only Chinese leader who still has sense, which is really commendable.

The most important point Li, Keqiang put forward was to tell the true current situation in China: "The 600 million low- and middle-income people and below, their average monthly income is only about 1,000 yuan." Li, Keqiang told such a fact-based truth that all CCP leaders would not do. Ordinary CCP leaders will only tout their own political achievements, and in the international community will emphasize how rich and powerful China is, in the position completely disdaining Europe and the United States. Or maybe it’s Xi Jinping’s approach. On the one hand, he pursues a brainless and retarded policy of Zero Tolerance policy, and on the other hand, he spends a lot of money in  Africa and other countries just so that they can say good things about CCP. But the people in China are always under a lot of restrictions and censorship. Restrictions and censorships on freedom of speech, on human rights, on dissents...

The Chinese people have no food to eat and have endured an unnecessary long period of stay-at-home restriction and the suspension of all social activities, which has directly led to the very pessimistic current situation of the Chinese economy. It is very rare for a self-expanding autocratic party like the CCP to have a moderate reformist who can be pragmatic and considerate of grassroots and ordinary people.

Inquiring about Li, Keqiang's contribution, he also proposed the reform concept of "delegation, regulation and service", that is, streamlining administration and delegating power, combining delegation and regulation, optimizing services, deepening the reform of the administrative system, and promoting the transformation of government functions; after the COVID-19 epidemic, he called for protecting the market and stabilizing the economy. , employment; externally, China's opening up must continue to advance, and the Yellow River and Yangtze River will not flow backwards.

Li, Keqiang's concept is completely different from the CCP Xi, Jinping's tough concept and the concept of imposing restriction and censorship on the people. What Xi, Jinping wants is obedient and submissive people. He doesn’t care whether the people are really living a good life, or democracy, freedom or human rights, etc. As long as he firmly holds the throne of power, and he amended the constitution to extend the term of the president indefinitely, he has now been successfully re-elected as president of the country and chairman of the Military Commission for the third term.

I remember when I was a child, people in the village got into fights, and Party B’s father later passed away. Party A suspected that the deceased father was deliberately murdered by Party B’s children and then framed the blame on Party A. Since I'm still young and haven't gone to school yet, I can't tell what the specific situation was, but the most profound memory in my mind is about the two policemen of the Chinese Communist Party. That day, two CCP police officers came to Party A’s home. That family lived in the same courtyard as my uncle’s family, so guests would sit in the same courtyard when they came. My uncle's daughter-in-law is a very straightforward and upright person, so my sister-in-law said a few words to the two policemen, but the policemen began to threaten and scold my sister-in-law loudly. This scared me who was playing next to my sister-in-law. Although I didn't understand or remember exactly what they said at the time, I clearly remember the terrible feeling. Those two CCP policemen did not reason with the civilians at all. The method they used was to use their power to intimidate and suppress ordinary people. Ordinary people are like dogs in their eyes and have no right to speak at all. After that incident, I was frightened, and I developed an extremely disgusting feeling towards the Chinese Communist police. Even now, decades later, as an adult, I still remember the feeling of fear and the similar disgust of cockroaches.

Someone on the Internet asked whether Li, Keqiang died at  young age of 68, was he murdered? The usual practice of the CCP is to describe the death of high-ranking officials and dissidents as heart attacks, and then it seems that all unreasonable statements become reasonable. The BBC also questioned this statement. Because now that Li, Keqiang is no longer the prime minister, he has no power against Xi, Jinping. But one of the ugly aspects of China’s culture that outsiders don’t understand is that some people, especially those in power or ancient emperors, are very suspicious. The saying they adhere to is: to cut the weeds, we must get rid of the roots. It means that as long as you are still here, even if you obviously have no chance of turning around now, your existence is a danger, because you may become my killer in the future. There is another saying in China: It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It means that a person who wants revenge can lie dormant for ten years, slowly waiting for the right time to take revenge. During the time that Li, Keqiang was prime minister, especially in terms of COVID-19 Zero Tolerance and the economy, he obviously opposed Xi, Jinping and showed Xi, Jinping's stupidity.  So it may not be too late to wait ten years to avenge such a revenge for officials like Xi, Jinping. Although Li, Keqiang now has no power, his existence is a danger to those he opposes. Therefore, those who regard Li, Keqiang as a dissident will definitely be eliminated, and they will do so when he has no power. Of course, these are all just theories, but we don’t know what exactly was happened. But the only thing we all know is that the CCP is unscrupulous in dealing with dissidents and would do anything. The CCP does not believe in democracy, freedom and human rights. What they always want are obedient slaves.

I hope Li, Keqiang rests in peace, although many people are unwilling to do let it go yet. As I couldn't face the fact that my father passed away at a young age, now the people can't face the fact that Li, Keqiang passed away at a young age. But we can only comfort ourselves that this is his fate! We outsiders cannot interfere with his fate! I just hope that the evil rule of the Chinese Communist Party will end soon, and I will keep working hard, hoping that one day similar tragedies will not happen again.

                       By CDP, Cuiyun Li



作 者 :李翠云
出 处 :北京之春
整 理 :2023年11月7日19:3