2024年1月号-民主墙 李翠云简介 李翠云文章检索





母 亲与我一直以来就是如客人一般,没有那种没有隔阂的亲人的感觉。因为母亲在我大概五周岁时,我弟弟才一岁还不会走路时,就离开了我们。自然母亲当时并没有 把我们托付给奶奶照顾,但是我们是住在奶奶隔壁的孙子女,奶奶肯定会管的。就这样我和弟弟就开启了我们的人生。母亲后来再也没有回来照顾我们,只是偶尔回 来探望。再后来大概是我读小学了,父母离婚,之后直到我18岁以后再没见过母亲。但是由于爸爸和奶奶相继去世,我觉得不管母亲过去怎么样,她毕竟生了我, 所以我在国外给她偶尔打打电话也没什么太大的负担。因为我知道她这辈子几次婚姻都失败了,现在一个人在山上住着养老也挺冷清的。她时常跟我抱怨没人聊天。 所以我就隔三差五跟她视频聊天,也刚好慰藉我的思乡之情。
我 弟弟是1990年生人,当时正是共产党计划生育一胎政策抓得最严格的时期。因为我们父母生了我一个女孩,所以在农村,只有再隔五年才能再生一个小孩。所以 我弟弟没有在五年后出生而是四年后出生是要罚款或者有更严重的后果。父母因为婚姻问题,母亲跟别人怀了我弟弟,我父亲在我奶奶的劝导下还是把我弟弟当成自 己的小孩。也许现在想来,在那么重男轻女的农村,父亲这些年来对我们的冷漠也可以得到解释。但是不管怎么样,父亲负担我和弟弟的早期教育经费对我们来说已 经是感激涕零了,毕竟我们老家当时穷得只是穿破鞋,破衣服,能吃饱饭就已经不错了。
母 亲在外怀了弟弟,父亲找到母亲后万分害怕,因为我父亲当时事共产党党员又是村长,所以更加害怕,怕本人举报,怕被铲平房子。于是把我母亲藏到亲戚家里。但 是这个亲戚非常害怕,害怕别人举报他窝藏孕妇的事情,导致房子被铲平。所以我父母亲等我弟弟快要出生时就藏到一个熟人家里去了。这个熟人住在山顶,很是偏 僻。可是我弟弟出生后,一个婴儿肯定会哭闹。于是那个熟人就跟我母亲说:“你不要让他哭。如果他哭了,就用被子把他闷死吧。可不要让他的哭声害了我们全 家。” 母亲更是诉说平常根本不敢出房间门,也不敢做饭,所以经常饿肚子。平常吃饭也只是等夜深人静的时候才敢做饭。后来我母亲又藏到一个熟人在山上的空房子里 去。那个熟人很好,因为母亲在所以他也暂时回家陪我母亲。
由 于对共产党的害怕,我父亲向共产党政府交了生我弟弟的罚款后又一定要母亲去做绝育手术响应共产党政策。我母亲就是在那时候做了结扎手术后来再无法生育。这 直接导致后来我母亲几次婚姻不能幸福。因为小孩在我父亲的那一辈人认为是必不可少的,是香火。所以我母亲作为一个女人不能再为老公生育小孩那就等于这个老 婆没什么作用,是要遭到万人唾弃的。 
完 了我说,共产党当时真的太坏了简直就跟土匪一样。我妈说了:共产党当时比土匪更坏。于是我母亲给我讲了我弟弟生父村里的一件真人真事。 那户人家本来是一家三口,父母亲加一个女儿。后来又收养了一个男孩。这样这户人家就变成有两个小孩了, 就触犯了共产党政府当时的一胎政策。
所 以村里的人就把这件事报告了共产党政府。共产党政府于是就要这家人交高额的罚款。于是这个丈夫就问丈母娘借钱,希望可以把罚款给交了。可是丈母娘也没有 钱,所以也没有钱借给女婿。因为这个父亲交不起罚款,于是政府就把这家人的房子给铲平了。这个父亲看到自己辛辛苦苦造得房子就然被铲平了实在太绝望于是就 跳河死了。这个妻子在丈夫死后受不了刺激就疯了,后来也死了。这样一个好好的家庭就被共产党政府给活活拆散并且谋杀了。两个小孩就这样成了孤儿。于是外婆 就把大的女孩接过去照顾。把小的收养的孩子送给政府, 并且说反正是领养,现在政府造成这家人家破人亡,她无力抚养两个小孩,那个领养的小孩就交给政府照顾吧。
    最 近我在复旦纽约校友群里跟国内的粉疽对骂。虽然我当时不应该与他们发生口角,但是我当时实在是忍无可忍。虽然这个微信群叫纽约校友群,可是有非常多的国内 校友,国外的校友其实只占少数。有一个国内校友就在群里发了一些关于毛泽东非常偏颇和极端的言论。于是我就接了一句在美国怎么还有这样的小粉红。我一直以 为这个微信群是为了服务在纽约本地的校友,然而却不是。于是第一场论战就开始。几个在美国校友与那个发毛信息的人一直论战到群主发出警告,他还穷追不舍, 后来他被踢出微信群才肯作罢。
    后 来有在北美二十几年的老校友加我跟我聊天。说类似的事情以前发生过。他们在群里发个圣诞快乐,就会被国内的粉疽喷,说过什么洋节,要只信毛泽东思想什么 的。后来那个群还被微信解散了。一个校友的账号被永久封了,另外一个被封了好几个月。那个校友让我备份微信以免发生类似的事情。我说我在美国 言论自由,如果微信要把我的微信账号永久封存我就找到那几位被永久封存的一起发起集体诉讼微信违反美国宪法。
    从 这件事情可以看出。一方面国内现在经济越来越差,一个刚毕业的复旦名校大学生只能找到一个实习生的岗位,他们高度羡慕我国内只有专升本的背景,却来美国读 法学院并且成为一名优秀的纽约律师的事实; 另一方面又非常痛恨像我这样比他过得好的海外华人, 痛恨美国。他深受共产党的洗脑,只要是反对共产党的言论对他们来说都是无法容忍的。听老校友说一般500人的大群里都有人被共产党政府派出来监视,反驳 和纠正所谓不当言论—反对共产党的言论。如果单位规定如果对不当言论不加阻止会被处分的。于是这群粉疽就分不清什么是国,什么是党,拼命“爱国”就是拼命 维护共产党的独裁统治。 

The China Communist Party Was Worse Than the Bandits Then, Is It Better Now?

Author: Cuiyun Li

I recently had a video chat with my mother in China and heard her story about the hardship and absurd experience of giving birth to my younger brother back in the 90s. 

My mother and I have always been like guests without the feeling of family members who are so close without any barriers. Because my mother left us when I was about five years old, and my brother was only one year old and could not walk. My mother did not entrust us to Grandma's care at that time, but since we were her grandchildren living next door, Grandma would definitely take care of us. In this way, my brother and I started our lives. My mother never came back to take care of us ever since and only came back to visit occasionally. Later, probably when I was in elementary school, my parents divorced, and I never saw my mother again until I was 18 years old. But since my father and grandma passed away one after another, I felt that no matter what happened in the past, my mother at least gave birth to me, so it was not a big burden for me to occasionally call her while abroad. Because I know that several marriages in her life have failed, and it is quite deserted to live alone in the mountains for retirement. She often complained to me that there was no one to talk to. So, I video-chatted with her every now and then, which just soothed my homesickness as well.

My younger brother was born in 1990 when the China Communist Party’s one-child policy was at its most stringent. Because my parents gave birth to a girl--me, in the countryside, they can only have another child after five years. So, because my brother was born four years later instead of five years later, there would be fine or worse consequences. My parents were having marital problems, and my mother was pregnant with my brother by someone else. My father, under my grandmother's persuasion, still regarded my brother as his own child.
Maybe now when I think about it, in such a rural village where sons are valued more over daughters, my father's indifference to us over the years can also be explained. But no matter what, we are very grateful that my father paid for my early education and that of my younger brother. After all, my family was so poor that we only had shabby shoes, shabby clothes, and no good food to eat.

My mother was pregnant, so my father was extremely frightened when he found her. Because my father was a member of the China Communist Party and the village leader at the time, for which he was even more frightened. He was afraid that someone would report my mother’s pregnancy to the CCP, so the CCP would demolish our house. Then, my father hid my mother in a relative's house. But this relative was very scared too, fearing that others would report him for harboring a pregnant woman, causing the house to be demolished. My mother then hid in an acquaintance's house when my brother was about to be born. This acquaintance lives on the top of a mountain, which is very remote. But after my brother was born, the acquaintance told my mother: "Please don’t let him cry. If he cries, suffocate him with a quilt. Don't let his crying harm our whole family." How disheartening! My mother even said that she usually didn't dare to leave the room. She did not dare to cook, so she was always hungry. Normally, she only dared to cook when it was late at night. Later, my mother moved to hide in an empty house in the mountains of another acquaintance. That acquaintance was very nice. Since my mother was here, the acquaintance went home temporarily to stay with my mother.

Because of the fear of the CCP, my father paid a fine to the CCP government for having my younger brother and then insisted that my mother undergo sterilization in compliance with the CCP’s policy. It was at that time that my mother underwent sterilization surgery and became infertile. This directly led to my mother’s subsequent unhappy marriages. Because children in my father’s generation were considered indispensable and continuance of life. Therefore, as a woman, my mother could no longer bear children for her husbands, which means that this wife was of no use and would be despised.

After I finished, I said that the CCP was really too bad at that time, just like bandits. My mother said that the CCP was worse than the bandits at that time. Then, my mother told me a true story that happened in my brother’s biological father’s village. 

A family of three, parents and a daughter became four after a boy was adopted. In this way, the family now had two children, which violated the one-child policy of the CCP at the time. So, the people in the village reported the incident to the CCP. The CCP then asked the family to pay a heavy fine. The husband asked his mother-in-law to lend him some money, hoping to pay the fine. But the mother-in-law also had no money, so she had no money to lend to her son-in-law. Because the father could not pay the fine, the CCP demolished the family's house. The father was so desperate to see that the house he had worked so hard to build was demolished that he jumped into the river and died. After her husband died, the wife couldn’t bear the result and became mentally ill, and later died. Such a good family was torn apart and murdered by the CCP. The two children became orphans. So, Grandma took the older girl and took care of her. She gave the little adopted child to the CCP and said that he was adopted anyway, and since now that the CCP has ruined the family and she is unable to raise two children, the adopted child should be left in the care of the CCP government.

It’s so devastating!

Although the CCP today has implemented a three-child policy to encourage young people who do not want to have children to get married and have children, the nature of the CCP has ever changed since then?

Recently, I fought with some Chinese “pink gangrene” in the NY Fudan Alumni WeChat Group. Although I shouldn't have quarreled with them, I just couldn't bear it at the time. Although this WeChat group is called the New York  Fudan Alumni Group, there are a lot of domestic alumni and only a minority of alumni are actually in New York. A domestic alumnus posted some very biased and extreme remarks about Mao Zedong in the group. So, I asked why there are still such little pinks in the United States. I always thought that this WeChat group was to serve local alumni in New York, but it was not. So, the first fight began. Several alumni in the United States argued with the person until the group leader issued a warning, and he still pursued the fight. Later, he was kicked out of the WeChat group before he gave up.

Unexpectedly, after a week, a newly graduated intern got even more serious because of my "little pink" comment and accused me of being wrong to expose my resume and more. It's just a manifestation of envy, jealousy, and hatred. Later, I sent him an email to verify his identity, and he scolded me again in the emails.

Later, an older alumnus who had been in North America for more than 20 years added me to chat.  He said that something similar had happened before. Someone posted Merry Christmas in the group, the person was criticized by the Chinese domestic alumni for celebrating foreign festivals and that they should only believe in Mao Zedong Thought. Later, the group was disbanded by WeChat. One alumni’s account was permanently blocked, and another’s was blocked for several months. That alumnus asked me to back up WeChat to avoid something like this happening. I said that I have freedom of speech in the United States. If WeChat wants to permanently ban my WeChat account, I will find those whose accounts have been permanently banned and initiate a class action lawsuit against WeChat for violating the U.S. Constitution.

It can be seen from this incident. On the one hand, the economy in China is getting worse and worse. A recent graduate from Fudan University can only find an intern position. They are highly envious of people like me who only have a background associate degree ascended to have a bachelor’s degree and come to the United States to study law and become an excellent New York  City lawyer. On the other hand, he hates overseas Chinese like me who have a better life than him and hates the United States. He was deeply brainwashed by the CCP and any remarks against the CCP were intolerable to him. I heard from the same older alumnus that usually there are people in a large group of 500 people who are sent by the CCP to monitor, refute, and correct so-called inappropriate remarks—remarks against the CCP. Even some institutes require that if you do not stop inappropriate speech, you will be punished. As a result, those “pink gangrenes” could not distinguish between what is the country and what is the CCP and being "patriotic" desperately led to desperately safeguarding the censorship and  dictatorship of the CCP.

So, I say that the CCP was worse than the bandits back then, and it is still worse than the bandits now. It has not changed anything at all.



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作 者 :李翠云
出 处 :北京之春
整 理 :2024年1月21日16:18
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