2023年3月号-民主墙 李翠云简介 李翠云文章检索







习近平在中国共产党二十次代表大会后成功连任了第三任中国共产党中央委员会总书记。习近平一个人身上有三项非常重要的 职务,分别是中国共产党中央委员会总书记,中国中央军委主席和中国国家主席。其中中共中央总书记与中央军委主席在中共党章中本来就没有连任限制,所以他在 中国共产党二十次代表大会后连任了中共中央总书记一职。习近平的本意是要在即将召开的2023年的第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会上连任国家主席一职。 习近平早在2018年3月11日第十三届全国人民代表大会第一次会议上通过的宪法修正案,删去第七十九条第三款关于国家主席只能连任两届的内容。
连任中共中央总书记,只是习近平散发的一种信号,再加上之前的宪法修改,说明他已经做好准备想要连任第三任国家主席一职。很多人认为习近平修改宪法抹去届 数的限制是想要搞国家主席终身制,然后在党内拼命收紧控制民众,大有复辟独裁皇帝制度的意思。习近平时代与当年毛泽东时代大有拼比。两者都是对权力狂热爱 好者。毛泽东时代搞文化大革命,搞大跃进,杀了无数的人也饿死了无数的人。到习近平时代,人们普遍能吃饱了,生活水平也有所提高,但是谁都没想到三年的新 冠清零政策让无数生活在大上海的这样的国际大都市的人活活饿死。习近平的清零政策已经野蛮到了没有人性的地步,不管是死是活都要先测核算,哪怕是紧急事件 也要测核酸。人们被封死在自己的房子几个月不能出门。
后来的白纸运动,让中国在一夜间完全放开,不再有什么规定需要阳性的人在家自我隔离。每个城市每天都有几十万几十万的人感染,也有无数的人死去。大家拍到 火葬场爆满。里里外外到处是尸体,火葬场日夜赶工也烧不完那么多尸体。更有很多人在网上传出买不到任何药物。有名的老人要救护车也一样没有。在全世界都快 要与新冠的斗争尘埃落定的时候,中国却是一片狼藉。中国政府却完全不统计不报道感染人数和死亡人数。其中还有张维为大言不惭:“这次疫情防控应该是有史以 来最大规模的一次开放式样的、体验式的制度自信和中国自信公开课。今天生活在中国,免于感染新冠感染,或免于死于新冠肺炎的安全感,至少是美国的五百倍以 上。中国人民对自己的制度优势和对美国的制度劣势的认识,从来没有今天这么直接、这么亲切、这么深刻。”
习近平的清零政策就像是毛泽东当年的文化大革命一样荒唐和离经叛道。这些愚蠢的没有人性的绝对的和极端的政策除了折腾百姓到永无宁日,让很多人死去以外再 没有其他任何意义。习近平自己骄傲的扶贫政策也没有成功。国家总理李克强就有提到中国还有6亿人处于平均月收入只有1000元的日子。中国根本没有脱离贫 穷,很多人还是在贫困线上挣扎。习近平唯一做到的就是让他和共产党对人民的独裁统治更加专制。因为这种专制让人们失去了人身自由,言论自由,和让人们的基 本生活秩序混乱。所以,如果习近平连任成功的话,对人民的折腾会更加变本加厉。如果习近平成功连任了第三任还会继续连任第四任第五任,甚至是会终身制,成 为中国另外一个名副其实皇帝。这对中国的经济,民生和生活的打击都是不可估量。

What impact will Xi Jinping's re-election after the 20th National Congress have on China?
Xi Jinping was successfully re-elected as the third general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China. Xi Jinping has three very important positions on his own: the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the chairman of the Chinese Central Military Commission, and the Chinese president. Among them, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission have no re-election restrictions in the Party Constitution of the Communist Party of China, so he was re-elected as the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China. Xi Jinping's original intention was to be re-elected as the country's president at the first meeting of the 14th National People's Congress in 2023. As early as March 11, 2018, Xi Jinping passed the Constitutional Amendment at the first meeting of the Thirteenth National People's Congress, which deleted the content in Article 79, paragraph 3, that the president of the country can only serve two consecutive terms.
The re-election of the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee is just a signal sent by Xi Jinping. Coupled with the previous constitutional amendments, it shows that he is ready to be re-elected as the third president of the country. Many people believe that Xi Jinping amended the constitution to remove the limit on the number of terms, in order to implement the tenure of the president for life, and then desperately tighten the control of the people within the party, which has the meaning of restoring the autocratic emperor system. The era of Xi Jinping is very comparable to the era of Mao Zedong. Both are power fanatics. During the Mao Zedong era, the Great Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward killed countless people, and also countless people were starved to death. In the era of Xi Jinping, people generally have enough to eat and their living standards have improved, but no one expected that the three-year zero-coronavirus policy would cause countless people living in an international metropolis like Shanghai to starve to death. Xi Jinping's zero-clearing policy has become barbaric to the point of inhumanity. No matter whether it is dead or alive, it must be tested and calculated first, and even if it is an emergency, the nucleic acid must be tested. People were sealed off in their houses for months.
Later, the white paper movement allowed China to completely liberalize overnight, and there are no longer any regulations that require positive people to self-isolate at home. Hundreds of thousands of people are infected every day in every city, and countless people die. Everyone photographed that the crematorium was full. There are corpses everywhere inside and out, and the crematorium can't burn so many corpses even if it is rushing to work day and night. Many people even reported on the Internet that they could not buy any medicines. The well-known old man asked for an ambulance and didn't have it either. China is in a mess when the world is about to settle down in the fight against Covid-19. The Chinese government does not count or report the number of infections and deaths at all. Among them is Zhang Weiwei: "This epidemic prevention and control should be the largest open-style, experiential system self-confidence and China self-confidence public class in history. Living in China today, I am free from the Covid-19 infection, or the sense of security of being free from death from Covid-19 is at least 500 times that of the United States. The Chinese people’s understanding of their own system’s advantages and the United States’ system disadvantages has never been so direct, so cordial, and so profound.”
Xi Jinping's zero-clearing policy is as absurd and deviant as Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. These stupid, inhuman, absolute, and extreme policies have no other meaning except to toss the people until there is no peace and let many people die. Xi Jinping's vaunted anti-poverty policies have also failed. Premier Li Keqiang mentioned that there are still 600 million people in China whose average monthly income is only 1,000 yuan. China has not escaped poverty at all, and many people are still struggling on the poverty line. The only thing Xi Jinping has done is to make his and the Communist Party’s dictatorship over the people even more authoritarian. Because this kind of tyranny makes people lose their physical freedom, and freedom of speech and makes people's basic life order chaotic.
Therefore, if Xi Jinping is re-elected successfully, the tossing of the people will be even more severe. If Xi Jinping succeeds in being re-elected for the third term, he will continue to be re-elected for the fourth and fifth terms, or even for life, and become another veritable emperor of China. The blow to China's economy, people's livelihood, and life are immeasurable.
Therefore, I firmly oppose Xi Jinping's re-election and firmly oppose Xi Jinping's revision of the Constitution!
Cuiyun Li
Jan.3, 2023


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- 美国空军能使中共投降吗?/鲁山
- 《马毛说》/野聲
- 长篇小说《铁链女》第一章/杜潜
- 习近平的极限思维与美国的极限答案/陈维健

作 者 :李翠云
出 处 :北京之春
整 理 :2023年3月27日16:55
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