2024年10月号-中国民运 北京之春简介 北京之春文章检索



時間:2024年10月13日(星期日) 下午2-4:30
地點:紐約法拉盛136-20 38Aev. 12Fl , Flushing NY 11354 
聯絡人:張菁/ 邵俊  (wrchina2007@gmail.com)
Seminar Interview Notice:
Topic: How Should the Overseas Chinese Respond to the Comprehensive Infiltration by the Chinese Communist Party?
In recent years, U.S. law enforcement agencies have taken action to combat and curb the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) infiltration of the United States. Several CCP agents and informants infiltrating the overseas democracy movement have been arrested and prosecuted. Additionally, CCP agents or proxies infiltrating the New York State and City governments have been exposed or indicted. CCP’s longstanding espionage networks in the U.S. are frequently revealed. We firmly believe that with time, the CCP’s infiltration, subversion, and destruction efforts in the U.S. will be fully thwarted and ultimately fail.
The overseas Chinese and democracy movement has historically been a major target of CCP’s comprehensive infiltration, division, and sabotage. It is also a crucial battleground that must be defended by the forces of democracy in China. It is urgent and important to summarize and expose the CCP’s infiltration tactics, including united front work, covert infiltration, creating internal conflicts, division and disintegration, bribery and sexual enticement, recruiting defectors, control, subversion, and human wave tactics. In the face of CCP’s pervasive infiltration, how should the overseas Chinese democracy movement respond? How can they increase vigilance and improve their ability to identify threats? In particular, how can they remain strong, independent, and calm under the pressure of espionage and hostile forces while continuing to advance and expand the democratic movement? A seminar jointly organized by the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, Women’s Rights in China, and the Christian Justice League will explore these important issues in depth.
We warmly welcome participation from all sectors, and invite media outlets to cover the event.
Speakers: Wei Jingsheng, Wang Dan, Chen Pokong, Shao Jun, Zhang Jing, Zhang Lin, Ning Xianhua, Qin Peng, Cheng Xiang, Zeng Jianyuan, Pei Yiran, and others.
Date & Time: Sunday, October 13, 2024, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Location: 136-20 38th Ave, 12th Floor, Flushing, NY 11354
Contact: Zhang Jing / Shao Jun (wrchina2007@gmail.com)

作 者 :北京之春
出 处 :北京之春
整 理 :2024年10月12日15:32