2024年10月号-中国民运 廖烨简介 廖烨文章检索



国殇日一致抗共 华人应为其他族裔反抗者发声
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Dear friends, brothers and sisters from different nations and regions, and esteemed supporters:
Today, we gather here, standing on the free soil of Canada, to voice our protest against the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party and to express our united stance. Today is October 1st, China’s National Day, a day in China that is marked as a celebration, commemorating the founding of a regime. But for us, this day represents oppression, injustice, and suffering.
First, let us speak out for the minority peoples and regions suffering under the tyranny of the CCP: Tibetans, Uyghurs, Manchurians, Mongolians, Hongkongers, and Taiwanese. They have endured countless instances of persecution and repression throughout history. Tibetans, whose unique culture and religious beliefs have been crushed by Communist indoctrination, have had their voices for cultural, educational, and religious independence silenced for decades. Our Uyghur brothers and sisters are enduring cultural genocide, forced labor, and the inhuman treatment of concentration camps. Our fellow Hongkongers have faced escalating repression and violent crackdowns in their fight for democracy and freedom. Taiwan continues to face increasing threats from the CCP, while the cultures of Manchuria and Mongolia are being systematically eroded.
For more than 70 years, the CCP has ruled China with an iron fist, controlling the thoughts of its people and stripping away their fundamental rights: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly. Under this regime, anyone daring to speak out faces imprisonment, torture, or even worse. Many of us here have personally experienced or witnessed the suffering of family and friends under this oppressive system.
Today, we are not only speaking out for Tibetans, Uyghurs, Mongolians, Manchurians, Hongkongers, or Taiwanese; we are speaking out for all Chinese people who are oppressed under the rule of the CCP. The Chinese Communist Party cloaks its exploitation and oppression of minority peoples with the pretense of “national unity.” They manufacture division and use ethnic conflict as a tool to consolidate their power.
But today, standing here, whether we are Uyghurs, Tibetans, Mongolians, Hongkongers, Manchurians, or our Canadian friends and allies from around the world, we are united! We believe that every nation and every region has the right to determine its own destiny, to preserve its culture and history, and to live with freedom and dignity.
Canada, as a free and democratic nation, is one of the world's beacons in defending human rights. Here, we enjoy freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. We can stand up without fear and reveal the truth of the CCP's tyranny. The Canadian people and government have been steadfast supporters of human rights across the globe, and we call on the Canadian government and the international community to continue supporting China’s struggle for democracy and to sanction those CCP officials responsible for human rights abuses.
Today, we urge the international community not to remain silent in the face of the CCP's atrocities. Democratic nations around the world must stand together, opposing dictatorship and supporting oppressed nations and regions. Whether in Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong, or Taiwan, the CCP's expansion and repression must be stopped.
Let us shout together: "Tibetans, we stand with you! Uyghurs, we stand with you! Manchurians, we stand with you! Mongolians, we stand with you! Hongkongers, we stand with you! Taiwanese, we stand with you! Canada stands with us, the democratic nations of the world stand with us!"
Freedom, equality, and justice are rights that should be enjoyed by every person and every nation. Today, we stand here not only to oppose the dictatorship of the CCP but to speak for all those who have been deprived of these basic rights.
Thank you all for your support. Let us stand united, hold fast to our beliefs, and continue to fight for freedom and justice!

作 者 :廖烨
出 处 :北京之春
整 理 :2024年10月2日15:56