2024年8月号-一人一推 王钧宇简介 王钧宇文章检索



















Hello friends on Twitter, I am Junyu Wang from Indiana. Today is Aug 25, 2024. This week is the 101th week of urging each overseas friend on Twitter to advocate for a detained prisoner of conscience.

Firstly I'd like to introduce the prisoner of conscience I advocate for, Xu Na. As a Falun Gong practitioner, Xu Na was repeatedly imprisoned and persecuted by the CCP since 2001. She has been detained since 2020 in the latest imprisonment.

I am here urging everyone to pay attention to prisoners of conscience and the human right status in China
and make more people aware of the CCP's crimes of human-right violation.

Today, the topic I'd like to discuss is freedom of speech. Undoubtedly, freedom of speech is the most feared thing by the CCP.

Many prisoners of conscience persecuted by the CCP were criminalized because they said something CCP couldn't tolerate.

After Mao Zedong's era, one of the typical mass persecution of free speech is the Tian'anmen square massacre.

This week happens to be Deng Xiaoping's birthday. I would like to talk about the status of CCP's limitation on free speech post reform and opening up, along with my advices for anti-CCP groups.

Deng described the democracy movement of 1989 as a foreseeable certainty. This implies that when the CCP decided to open up so that they could survive, they are already prepared to intensively suppress free speech of Chinese people for a long period of time.

Such suppression is composed of several aspects. The first is that after reform and opening up, the CCP gradually established a pseudo-judicial system, which looks like a modern judicial system, and amended the Criminal Laws, expelling some outrageous items from Mao's time, but meanwhile perfecting the usage of articles such as picking quarrels, subversion of state, or defamation. If you have seen those verdicts of political prisoners, these are the most commonly used convictions.

The important thing is that these crimes seem somewhat legitimate; they are quite deceiving to those who knew little about the truth, especially young students, thus lowering their chance of disapproval.

The second aspect is strong suppression against any opposing voice. At the beginning of reform and opening up, the control on speech was relatively loose. However, as the economy grows, so does people's disapproval, as well as the budget for maintaining stability. Ever since Hu Jintao's time, we could observe that CCP's suppression of free speech became increasingly harsh. When it came to Xi Jinping's time, it is not unreasonable to call CCP's suppression relentless and deranged. Any speech opposing the CCP may result in conviction and imprisonment.

The third aspect is the least apparent "soft control". As the economy grows, it brings weaknesses to people. Opportunity to make money, children's future, those already gained fruits of labor and hardworking, these are all factors that CCP utilizes to hijack people's freedom of speech. With these factors, people tend less to fight on a last stand, but instead apply self-censorship. Also, the economic growth provided sufficient funds for stability maintenance projects, which is essential for the CCP to maintain intense suppression.

Essentially, the CCP being able to achieve this is due to the totality of its control on every aspect of Chinese society, which is the establishment of socialist dictatorship. Until the end of the CCP regime, Chinese people will never have human rights.

At this moment, I advice the anti-CCP groups not to directly confront the CCP, but instead start approaching people around you, remind everyone via private conversations, which is difficult to censor, that everyone is in danger. Then calmly wait for a good opportunity. When posting on free platforms, please avoid posting overly radical content, so that more wall-climbing people in the middle could be attracted.

Lastly, I sincerely wish everyone regain freedom.
Thanks everyone, we'll see you next week.


作 者 :王钧宇
出 处 :北京之春
整 理 :2024年8月24日15:58