1. 清洗民主女神像 - 暨舊金山六四紀念活動新聞發布會 2. "獄中的八九一代" - 六四26週年研討會
3. "從未忘記,永不放棄" - 六四紀念燭光晚會
主辦團體: 中国民主教育基金会、矽谷民主 會、全美學自聯、人道中國、北加州香港會等
Memorial activities of 26th anniversary of "June 4" in San Francisco Bay Area 1. Cleansing of Goddess of Democracy and press conference
2. The imprisoned "Eighty-Nine" generation, The Symposium for "June 4" anniversary
3. "June 4" candlelight vigil
Organizers Chinese Democracy Education Foundation Silicon Valley for Democracy in China Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars Humanitarian China - Northern California Hong Kong Club