
新闻首页 > 人权与民运


日期:4/27/2008 来源:网络 作者:曾金燕

wong hon pong, hong kong Comment:

wmr, Beijing Comment: 支持胡佳,强烈要求释放。

Winnie U, Macau, China Comment:

Winnie Ng, HK, SAR of China Comment:

winna, 中国内地Comment: 温总理似乎曾经说过,在我国某一年没有一例因言获罪的案例,我希望事实如此,希望每个人都有自由表达的权利

Wing Yu, Hong Kong Comment: When will the Chinese gouvernment make corrections for their mistakes? When will the Chinese gouvernment stop torturing people who is hoping for a better world? When will the Chinese gouvernment understand the people who work hard for a better future in China? Why did they not learn a lesson from the painful Tiananmen Square Massacre? The questions go on.......and on..........

WING YICK, HK Comment:

Willy Lam, Hong Kong Comment: Release Hu Jia immediately; and stop harassing him and his family afterwards

Wei ling, New York of U.S.A Comment:

Wei Ling, China BeiJing Comment:

Wanling Wang, Taiwan Comment: Please show more respect to freedom of speech

Wan Kit Ying, Hong Kong Comment:

Wallace Chan, Canada Comment: While the government may not agree with Mr. Hu's opinions, Hu's freedom of expression should be considered and respected.

walker, hong kong Comment:

Wai Chan, Hong Kong Comment:

vlovemony, Hong Kong Comment: 胡佳没罪 ! Support Hu Jia !

Vivian To, HKSAR Comment: I support freedom of speech and the right to fair trial.

Vinchi Chak, Hong Kong Comment: 释放胡佳

Victor Leung, HongKong Comment:

Venus Hui, Hong Kong Comment:

V Yip, Hong Kong Comment:

Una So, Hong Kong Comment:

Tsui Sing Yan Eric, Hong Kong Comment:

Tsui Kai Cheong, Hong Kong Comment:

TSANG, Chi-Keung, Canada/Ontario Comment: Please walk your talk and do not even violate the constitution of China which enshrines citizens' right to freedom of expression. Please learn to agree to disagree.

tracy wong, hong kong Comment:

TOO Kin Wai, Hong Kong Comment:

tonyhopk, Hong Kong Comment: One dream one world

Tony, Macau Comment:

Tollemer Yan, France Comment: Release Hu jia

Toby Fung, Hong Kong Comment:

To Ling Chu, Hong Kong Comment:

timmy lau, macau Comment: Do Chinese citizen can only be treated as ants and animals in front of the China Governor ?? Does the Government really love his people ?

Tim Hamlett, hong kong Comment:

Tian xi, Sweden Comment: 呼吁中共当局无条件释放胡佳.

Thomas chan, HONG KONG Comment: 立即释放胡佳,中国政府接受传媒监察,停止以言入罪,停止利用司法进行行政控制

terry narcissan, hong kong Comment:

Taron, Hong Kong Comment:

Tang Kwai Sim, Hong Kong Comment:

Steve Marquardt, USA Comment:

steve chui, hong kong Comment: The PRC Government should release Hu Jia immediately if she wants to prove to the whole world that human rights and justice do exist in the Mainland and that the rule of law is vital to her development

Stephenie Ng, Hong Kong

Comment: Stephanie, United States

Comment: stephania ling, hong kong


Stan Lai, Hong Kong

Comment: Release him! Sophie Chui, Hong Kong

Comment: Sonia Randhawa, Malaysia

Comment: Freedom of expression is vital for accountability, for the healthy growth of a nation and for the well-being of the average citizen.

Simon So, HK Comment:

Si-si Liu, Hong Kong Comment:

shirley.w, hk Comment:

Sheila McNamara, UK Comment:

Sergi Vicente/Television of Catalonia (Spain), China/Beijing correspondent Comment: Chinese government should show the world that it is confident, that is prepared for criticism from both outside and inside, to show that this is a modern society. People like Hu Jia just want to improve things and in a modern country he should have the right space to talk freely.

Scarlett, HK Comment:

SC Leung (IT Voice), Hong Kong Comment:

Sam, United States Comment: STOP PUTTING RESTRICTIONS HUMANITARIANISM CHINA! You have no right to do that! Do and say what you want about the Olympics, but stop treating your people like dirt! You people are the power of your nation, and you are just asking for a revolt!

S W Chu, Hong Kong Comment: China - Are you ready for PEACE & FREEDOM?

Ruby Chan, Hong Kong Comment:

Rose Wu, Hong Kong Comment:

Richard Clifford, U.S.A. Comment: All people in the world have the right to express their displeasure of their government! Hu Jia has a right to do such a thing! I urge the CCP to release him and give him back his life!

rebecca leung, hongkongsar, china Comment:

Raymond Yam, USA Comment:

Raymond Lai, Hong Kong Comment:

Ray Lee, 香港 Comment: 大陆共产党公然骑劫法院,迫害人民. 立即解放胡隹. 2012香港全民全普选. 杯葛08北京奥运.

Ray Cheung, Hong Kong Comment: 一个容不下多元思想,奉行盲目控制、统一思想的国家你能够向世界输出什么价值?

Prof. Chan Kin Man/The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Comment:

Polly Wong, Hong Kong Comment:

Philip Hoare, Hong Kong Comment:

PEN American Center, New York, USA Comment:


paul tsang, Hong Kong. Comment: Release Hu Jia.

Paul Lai, HK Comment:

Patrick Poon, Hong Kong Comment: 胡佳完全是因言入罪被判刑,请中国政府立即释放胡佳! Patricia Balfour, Canada Comment:

Odi Cheung, Hong Kong Comment:

Norma Connolly, Cayman Islands Comment:

nightingalelin, 澳门 Comment: 坚持就有自由,胡佳加油

Nicole Chow, Hong Kong Comment:

Ng Kwan Lam, Hong Kong Comment:

ng ka chun, Hong Kong Comment: 他关注的是民生,而非政治意识形态,这也有错?

Neal, Hong Kong Comment:

Nancy Lau, Hong Kong, China Comment:

Mr.L, HK Comment:

Mike Bizieff, USA Comment: Please release Release Hu Jia before the olymics. We want free press

Mike Anthony, Switzerland Comment: China will have no chance of being a real world leader until it evolves to respect fundamental principles, such as the freedom of expression. Release Hu Jia!

michelle Lee, HK Comment:

Michelle Lau, HK Comment: We demand that the Central Government of China release Hu Jia forthwith.

Michael Siu, Hong Kong Comment:

Michael Fisher HKU, Hong Kong Comment: I support the principle of freedom of expression and lament the fact that the PRC has reneged on its pledge that the award of the Olympic Games to Beijing would lead to improved Human Rights in China.

Mary Lau, Hong Kong Comment:

Martin Toshing, HK Comment:

Martin Lam, Hong kong Comment: 要求中共政府改善人权状况,立即释放胡佳

marken, 广州 Comment: 要奥运,更要民主与言论自由

marache, France Comment: Please release Hu Jia without delay.

Mak Wan Sheung, hong kong Comment:

majian, London Comment:

Mabel Au, hong kong Comment:

M. Sze, Hong Kong Comment:

Luis Yu Wai Ying, MACAU Comment:

Louis Lau, HKSAR Comment:

Loh Yuen Ching, Hong Kong, SAR Comment:

Lo Wai Ming, Chris, Hong Kong Comment:

Lo Ka Pik, HKSAR Comment: Free Hu Jia! Lisa Hui, Hong Kong,

SAR, China Comment:

li chun hong, hongkong Comment:

LI Chak Man, Hong Kong Comment:

Leung Yan Wing (梁恩荣), China/ Hong Kong Comment: The imprisonment of Hu Jia is a serious issue against human rights, which is very bad for the development of China.

LEUNG Pak Yuen, Hong Kong Comment:

LEONG SI KEI, MACAU Comment: 自由不应因此被夺走!!

Lee Wai Kai, Hong Kong Comment:

Lee Ka Ho, hong kong Comment: 请遵守公约!

LEE C M, Hong Kong Comment:

Law Sam, Canada Comment:

LAU KP Philomena, Thailand Comment: Release Hu Jia. The world is concerned. The world is watching. As an overseas Chinese, I'm proud of Hu Jia's perseverance.

LAU KP Philomena, Thailand Comment: Release HU Jia. The world is concerned, the world is watching! As a Chinese, I'm proud of HU Jia's perseverance.

Lau Ka Yee, Hong Kong Comment:

Lau Hoi Lung, HKSAR Comment: 为何要打压良心

Lau Chun piu, Hong Kong Comment:

Lam Wing Kit, Hong Kong Comment:

Lam Sum, hksar Comment: Release Hu Jia now!

Lam Mee Yee, HKSAR Comment: 请中央尽快释放胡佳,民主并不只是西方资本主义的产物,民主是文明社会维护人道人权的基本,希望真正的民主快快在中国实现,希望中国人也能呼吸到自由民主的空气,可以有独立的思想自由的言论,不需再担惊受怕,不需再畏首畏尾,如此中国就能真正地迈向文明和进步。

laiwaiyee, hongkong Comment:

Lai Shui Ying, Hong Kong Comment:

Lai Sheung Ping, Hong Kong Comment:

Kwong yuk heung, hong kong Comment:

Kwan Wong, CPA, United States/New York Comment:

kwan Che Ying, Hong Kong Comment:

kwai chung christian fundation, unversial Comment: fuck to china goverment forever …

Kusche Cheng, Hong Kong Comment:

Kristine Pang, Hong Kong Comment:

Kitty Ng, Hong Kong Comment:

Kit Chan, HKSAR Comment:

kinming, hongkong Comment: WuJia is innocent;

Kevin Lam, Hong Kong Comment: Free & Release Hu Jia

Kevin, HK Comment: 强烈要求中国政府立即释放胡佳

Katherine Chan, 香港 Comment: 反对恶法、反对滥权。掩盖不公义、打压弱势,并不能缔造真文明、真和谐,中国及香港的当权者,请唔好再咁无聊!

karachi union of journalist, Pakistan Comment:

Julia Hoffmann, Netherlands Comment:

Joseph Li, Hong Kong Comment:

Joseph Hung, HK Comment:

Joseph Choi, Hong Kong Comment: Release Hu Jia immediately

Jonathan Evans, Hong Kong Comment:

Johnson Yu, Canada Comment:

Johnson Yu, Canada Comment:

John Chung, Hong Kong Comment:

John AuYeung, Hong Kong Comment:

joe chan, hong kong Comment: 十三亿中国人有多少个会质 疑目前仍然统治中国的共产政权呢?

Ji Ruan, Liverpool, UK Comment: Hu jia is a good man and he is for a better China. I despise the behaviors of harming the freedom of speech. Bringing him into jail with ridiculous reasons is showing the weakness of the current regime. Release Hu jia immediately, and give his family appropriate compensation.

Ji Menshu, USA Comment:


Jane So, USA Comment:

jan c aschan, Belgium Comment:

Jacqui Condron, UK Comment: I demand the immediate release of Hujia and all people like him under dentention in China. Jacqueline Condron

Jackie Sam, Hong Kong Comment:

JACKIE HUNG, HK Comment: 释放胡佳和所有不同意见人士.一个真正尊重人权,能聆听和包容不同意见人士的政府,才真正值得人为之骄傲.

J. Clancey, Hong Kong Comment:

Ivy Chan, HongKong Comment:

Ivan Chan, Hong Kong Comment:

Ip Pou Kuan, Hong Kong Comment: 只有民主,人民的生活才会有保障只有言论自由,才可控制政府的霸权请释放胡佳

IP Kim Ching, Hong Kong Comment:

International PEN, UK Comment:

IFJ Asia-Pacific, Australia Comment:

Iceberg Ho, Hong Kong Comment: 为中国的言论自由默哀...

Hsiao, Australia Comment: 立即释放维权分子胡佳

Hong Kong Journalists Association, Hong Kong Comment: Released Hu Jia

Hong Kong Christian Institute, Hong Kong Comment:

Hong Kong (English-speaking) PEN, Hong Kong SAR Comment:

Ho Chun Kit, Hong Kong Comment:

ho chit chung, hong kong Comment: (甩)支那

Henry Huang, UK Comment: Release Hu Jia!

Helen Mok, Hong Kong Comment:

Hazel Man, Hong Kong Comment:

Harry, Canada Comment: He is a hero.

Hao Qiu, USA Comment:

Greg Liu, France Comment: 胡佳应该立即释放。他身体无法接受监狱的条件。如果胡佳没有人权保障,因言获罪,中国哪里有什么法治?宪法不是有言论自由吗?温家宝不是说依法执法吗?不会都是骗子吧?

Gang He, MD, PhD, USA Comment: 强烈要求中国政府立即释放胡佳!

Fung Wood Wood, Hong Kong Comment:

francis chan, hong kong Comment:

Foo Kin Way Sophia, Hong Kong Comment:

Flaire, france Comment:

Fiona Law, Hong Kong, China Comment:

Fernando Cheung, Hong Kong Comment:

Fermi Wong, Hong Kong Comment: 展现文明进步的一面, 立即释放胡佳先生!

Fanny Lee, Hong Kong Comment:

辛中华, 中国 Comment: 中华人民共和国系违反人伦、侵犯人权的非法政府。审判和监禁胡佳是荒唐的罪行。向香港关心内地民主事业的人士致敬!天灭中共!

龙纬汶, 香港 Comment: 支持胡佳!

黄 峰, 法 国 Comment: 坚 决 支 持

黄仁逵, hongkong Comment:

黄世泽, 香港Comment:

黄国辉, Hong Kong Comment:

黄健泰, Taipei / Taiwan Comment: 〝We demand that the Central Government of China release Hu Jia forthwith〞

黄静, 香港 Comment:

黄华辉, 香港 Comment:

黄硕红, Hong Kong Comment:

麻丝, HK Comment: .

麦肖玲, Hong Kong Comment:

赵善荣, Hong Kong Comment:

赵达功, 深圳 Comment:

赵雅楠, 中国河北唐山 Comment: 支持释放

鲁德成, 加拿大 Comment:

谭伟峰, H.K. Comment:

谭声雷, HKSAR Comment:

谭秀贞, 香港 Comment: 请中国政府善待真正爱国者胡佳, 并遵守中国宪法, 让胡佳和全体中国人民享有宪法赋予的公民权利. 一名香港的爱国者心声.

马晓明, 中国西安Comment: 声援胡佳!敬仰胡佳!要求立即无条件释放胡佳!要求尊重和保障公民的基本权利!

冯爱玲, 中国香港 Comment:

冯幸铨, 香港 Comment:

冯天弘, 香港Comment: 反对以言论入罪中共请履行申奥承诺改善人权

被拆迁群体, 天津Comment: 胡佳表达了我们的心声,代我们受难.

韩文光, Canada Comment: 以言入罪,违反中国萱法,保障公民享有言论自由,深感愤慨。

韩连山, 香港 Comment: 同一天空、同一梦想。言论自由、民主人权法治。祖国的人民,我们支持你们继续争取真正的同一世界!

雷跃辉, 中国江西 Comment: 以胡佳先生发表的5篇文章为制罪证据,这是中共典型的以言制罪的又一桩枉顾自颁的宪法保障公民言论自由的丑恶行径,必将得到正义的清算。

雨希, hk Comment:

陶君行, 香港Comment:

陈朝政, Taipei, Taiwan Comment: Release Hu Jia.

陈朗升, Hong Kong Comment: 头可断 血可流 人民自由不可弃!!

陈慧玲, Hong Kong Comment:

陈志伟, 中国香港 Comment: 中华人民共和国以“人民共和国”为名,人民才是国家的主人,所以人民有权利为民族、为国家、为社会、为政府的所有事情提出批评和改善意见。宪法亦赋予国民有方言论自由,所以胡佳理应无罪,当立刻释放。

陈彦楷, 香港Comment:

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