
新闻首页 > 人权与民运


日期:4/27/2008 来源:网络 作者:曾金燕



联络电话 Contact Number︰(852) 25910692

联络电邮 Email Address︰hkja@hkja.org.hk / ifjchina@ifj-asia.org







Release Hu Jia Online Petition Campaign - 立即释放维权人士胡佳签名运动












Hu Jia is a human rights activist who has been concerned with social affairs, AIDS, environmental issues and defence of the weakest groups in society. Before his arrest by the Public Security Bureau at the end of Dec 2007, he had been under house arrest for a long time. Before he finally lost complete freedom he had been kidnapped, detained for a short period and physically tortured by the police in China. Hu, however, did not bow to these brutalities; instead, he overcame all obstacles and succeeded in disseminating details of human rights abuses within China to the outside world.

Hu Jia was convicted of “inciting subversion of state power” by the Beijing No 1 People’s Intermediate Court on April 3, 2008, for voluntarily accepting two foreign media interviews and publishing five articles from 2001 to 2007 on Boxun, a banned Chinese-language website based in the United States . This is one of the worst cases of anyone being jailed for what he had written in China. His conviction and imprisonment drew a lot of attention and criticisms abroad. The Beijing Municipal Detention Centre denied Hu his right to meet with his lawyer to lodge an appeal against his jail sentence right to the very end of his period of appeal.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association and International Federation of Journalists have been outraged by the verdict and are launching this signature campaign for justice. We hope that the Central Government of China understands our anger and will release Hu Jia as soon as possible. We will present these signatures to the authorities in China on 12th May, 2008 which marks the birth of Buddha.

Hu, 34, is applying for a medical parole after he lost his rights to appeal his sentence . Hu has been suffering from cirrhosis of the liver for years. His wife, Zeng Jinyan, has also been under house arrest for years and gave birth to a baby girl a few months ago.

In 2007 Hu and his wife were awarded a special “China” prize by Reporters Without Borders—Fondation de France. Hu was commended by one of the panelists as an exemplary fighter for freedom of expression in China through peaceful methods.

The declaration

We, as individuals and as a group, fully endorse and unreservedly uphold freedom of expression. We are, therefore, angered by the utter disdain of the authorities for the human rights of activist Hu Jia who was sentenced to three and a half years' jail and one year’s denial of political rights on questionable charges of “inciting subversion of state power” by the Beijing No 1 People’s Intermediate Court on April 3, 2008 for writing five articles and voluntarily agreeing to two interviews by the media.

We believe this is an instance of punishing a man merely for his words. This case not only violates the constitution of China which enshrines citizens' right to freedom of expression, but also breaches international protocols to which China is a signatory and which clearly state that freedom of expression is a basic human right .

We demand that the Central Government of China release Hu Jia forthwith.

发起组织 Organizers: Hong Kong Journalists Association, International Federation of Journalists 香港记者协会,国际记者联会

联络电话 Contact Number︰(852) 25910692

联络电邮 Email Address︰hkja@hkja.org.hk / ifjchina@ifj-asia.org


联署人士 (截至2008年4月27日上午11点共437签署 / 437 signatures in total)

俞若玫, 香港Comment:

佛日山普济功德会, 广东Comment: 三宝慈悲诸佛慈悲!随喜胡佳代 众生受难!随喜众生的呼吁的勇气!妙觉慈智合什

余少甫, 香港Comment: 希望内地政府早日撤销胡佳“莫须有”的控罪,让他可以早日与家人团聚!堂堂一个政府,竟然采取百多年前封建时代的“文字狱”手法,整治自己的人民,实在没有进步!

潘小涛, 香港Comment:

潘天赐, 香港Comment: 在我们的社会里,胡佳无罪。

潘丽琼(港台自由风自由phone主持), HK Comment: 支持自由表达的权利,立刻释放胡佳!

何慧莹, hong kong Comment: 中国要现代化,要与世界接轨,还需要更大的勇气,更大的包容量,才是实在的做法。

何宗勋, 台湾Comment:

何秀兰, 香港Comment:

中国社会民主党澳洲党部, Australia Comment: 强烈要求中共当局无罪释放维权人士胡佳! 丁小, hong kong Comment:

沈伟男, 香港Comment:

沈阳, 江苏Comment: 无条件释放胡佳先生,促进国家民主法治化。

民间人权阵线Civil Human Rights Front, Hong Kong Comment: 同一世界,同一梦想,还政于民,改善民生,释放胡佳!

毛国良, 中国浙江Comment: 立即释放维权勇士胡佳

武宜三, 香港五七学社Comment: 中共当局不要继续造孽了,靠暴力和谎言能永保你们的政权吗?

欧阳达初, 香港Comment:

欧迪龙, Thailand Comment:

杨奕生, Hong Kong Comment:

杨长镇, 台湾Comment: 我支持胡佳的言论自由权,我也尊敬胡佳对中国人权的努力付出。我建议声援团体一起支持胡家透过中国司法体制上诉到底。当中国法院以逾时的理由驳回胡家之上诉时,我建议应该以相关单位干扰胡佳上诉之可能性为由,一方面要求继续上诉,一方面以政府为被告。透过司法抗争运动突显中国人权问题。

杨锡聪, 香港Comment:

梁俊彦, 香港Comment: 立即放人, 打压维权分子才是真正分裂祖国的行为

梁文道, 香港Comment:

查锡我/公民党, Hong Kong SAR Comment: I cannot see what crime has Mr. HU Jia committed. He has just said something according to his conscience that every man should do. This is a typical case of political persecution by an authoritarian government whose powers are not restricted although the sources of which come from the people but are not for the people. I urge the Communists Party to really do some reflections on what they have done. No matter how much National reserve we have and how strong our arm forces are, China has still not modernized if freedom of expression and association is not protected and safeguarded. Stephen Char

林洁红, 香港Comment:

林斌, Australia Comment: 呼吁中国政府释放政治犯,不再以言入罪。

林强, 香港Comment:

林子斌, Hong Kong Comment:

林嘉强, 香港Comment:

林苑莺, 香港Comment:

杜金臣, hk Comment: 支持!

李仰桓, 台湾Comment: 立即释放胡佳及其他政治犯/良心犯

李月华, Hong Kong Comment:

李智良, 香港Comment:

李士杰, 台湾 Comment: 国家是一个合法地拥有暴力的组织,其执法的基础来自于人民。任何人都应该有在非急难的时刻,自由表达言论的权利。表达言论自由权利的剥夺,应在于立即而明显的危险,而非抽象与特定阶级、组织利益的违背。

李锐华, New Jersey, USA

Comment: 《胡佳被判刑,你会“橙色”北京奥运吗?》http://leeyuiwah.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post_5379.html 作为中国人的我好矛盾 ... 好想国家成功办好奥运,但面对不公义的事又不能视若无睹。 胡佳的罪名是写了五篇文章,接受了两次访问。这样都可以说成是“颠覆国家政权”!我们的国家政权真的如此不堪批评吗? 见曾金燕(胡佳妻子)的《请你告诉我:判决公正吗? 》 http://leeyuiwah.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post_06.html 橙色运动也许是一个好的折衷办法。大家去参与、支持奥运 ---- 但带著良心去,而不是昧著良心去。 北京奥运橙色运动:《支持橙色运动,支持中国人权!》 http://www.alliance.org.hk/publish/hkanews/?p=138 "The Color Orange Project for Beijing Olympics" http://www.thecolororange.net/uk/ 延伸阅读: 《何谓“煽动颠覆国家政权”?》 http://www.reportweek.com/2007/08/blog-post_5022.html

李金凤, 香港记者协会 Comment:

李竹然, Beijing Comment: 我所居住的地方离bobo自由城不到5公里。06年开始关注胡佳金燕夫妇,难以置信在我们身边竟然有人正在遭受那般黑暗的“礼遇”,而原因只是仗义执言。理想国度何在?自由之城到底离我们多远?言必称法而行必枉法者,可有法而法之?

李 冬, New Zealand Comment: 胡佳因文罹难,五篇文章、两次采访,都是公开的公民行为,竟换来三年半牢狱生涯。这是什么时代?这是什么样的政权?强烈要求立即无罪释放胡佳!

朱汉强, Hong Kong Comment:

朱凯迪, 香港Comment:

易平渊, 巴西Comment: 强列要求中国共贪党释放胡佳,立即停止以因言获罪对人民的迫害。

施逸翔, Taiwan Comment: Long Live International Solidarity

方富润, 香港Comment: 不放胡佳,罢看奥运!

张三一言, 香港Comment: 胡佳是我最敬重的朋友. 全力支持香港记者协会,国际记者联会签名信所表达的内容

张志杰, 台湾Comment:

张锐辉, Hong Kong Comment:

张炳玲/前记协主席, Hong Kong Comment:

张涛, China/BeiJing Comment:

师北宸, 湖南省郴州市桂东县 Comment: 不知道胡佳被关在哪里?可以去探视吗?

崔丽容, HK Comment:

季礼声, Hong Kong Comment:

孙岳, PR China Comment: 保护言论自由,支持维权活动。言论自由是中国宪法赋予公民的基本权利,“颠覆国家政权”根本就是莫须有的罪名。请中国政府不要颠倒是非,立即释放胡佳并保证维权人士能够不受干涉地进行合法的维权活动!

孔伟良, 新西兰 Comment: 希望中国政府不要再迫害,尽快让胡佳先生自由

孔繁强, 中国 / 香港Comment:

大地之主, 中国 Comment: 停止打压维权人士!释放胡佳!

声秀号子, 法国Comment: 对胡佳的判决是执法部门执法犯法的具体表现!胡佳只是行使了中国法律给予人民的言论自由和出版自由的权利而已,又何罪之有?为什么执法部门可以知法犯法而人民就要守法现时获罪呢?

基督徒关怀香港学会, Hong Kong Comment:

周澄/中大学生会, 香港Comment: 立即释放胡佳及杨春林!

周淑芬, HKSAR Comment:

周思中, 香港 Comment:

周子恩@三师会, HK Comment: 为什么我们先进的伟大祖国,还要让这些封建吃人旧制度复辟? 如果胡佳真的说谎,或者心怀不轨,拥有雪亮眼睛的百姓一定会嗤之以鼻。何况胡氏不过一介书生,无权无势,各位官老爷到底又何惧之有呢? 一念之间,再次给人口实贻人话柄(见下图),试问心系家国的香港人应该如何自处呢? http://www.xanga.com/tommyjonk/650371003/item.html

吕书练, 香港Comment: 大国崛起,但要有崛起的大国风范。

吴崇德, Taipei, Taiwan Comment: Good job!

吴国明, Hong Kong Comment:

吴伟明, 香港Comment:

吴镇桂/亚洲视觉, 香港Comment: 国内政治很复杂,但愿胡佳早日出狱.

吴若莹, 台北Comment:

吕柏林, 奥克兰Comment: 刑罚胡佳,就是刑罚每个中华人民共和国公民。 中华人民共和国没有公民,只有罪犯,只有打倒中华人民共和国,罪犯才能成为中国公民。

吕易,赵东明,李娟/澳洲, Australia Comment: 胡佳无罪,胡佳是中国人的脊梁,胡佳是中国艾滋病人的益友,胡佳是衡量中国社会有无公义良知的一面镜子。强烈要求中共当局无罪释放维权人士胡佳!

各地营救王炳章大联盟, 各地Comment:

古莉, 法国Comment: 呼吁释放胡佳,还给他全家自由。此举将可改善一些北京当局和中国的形象。

南方民主同盟, 香港Comment: 中共不要骚扰胡佳的亲人!

区佩芬, China/HK Comment: 无条件释放胡佳

区锦新, 澳门Comment: 呼吁中共停止政治逼害,释放所有政治犯,良心犯,异见人士,切实尊重人权,促进社会和谐。 

刘文钦, HK Comment:

刘 泰, 香港Comment:

刘水 诗人 前记者 自由作家, 中国大陆Comment: 捍卫宪法尊严,言论自由是宪法权利,胡佳无罪。

刘进杰, 河南省许昌县 Comment: 要求释放维权人士胡佳,要求开放党报禁,结束黑暗暴政 冯正虎, 上海Comment: 胡佳是一位虔诚的佛教徒,是一个把苦难留给自己,把爱献给别人的善者。胡佳没有“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”的 誓言,每天却有这样的奉献,直至平静地接受不公正的审判,这就是胡佳的荣耀。我与他的妻子、孩子、父母以及所有的朋友都期盼他健康地早日回家。

傅正明, 瑞典Comment:

Zola Zhou, 湖南长沙地区Comment: 我想知道胡佳的下落。

Zhang Zhiyong, China/Beijing Comment: I will always uphold human rights.

Yvonne Liu, Hong Kong Comment:

Yuk Ann Li, USA, New Jersey Comment:

Yuen Che Hung, Hong Kong Comment:

Yuen Chan, Thailand Comment:

Yue Hung, Canada Comment:

Yip Po Lam, Hong Kong Comment:

Yip Kwok Wai, Hong Kong Comment:

Yi-hsiang Shih, Taiwan Comment:

Yan KWOK, Hong Kong Comment:

World Press Freedom Committee, United States Comment: We believe Chinese governmen's repression of freedom of the press, freedom of expression and freedom of association (all guaranteed in the Chinese constitution) to be reprehensible and totally unacceptable. Reread and put into practice Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

woo ka lai, hong kong Comment:

wonghinyan, hong kong Comment: release all of them

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