
新闻首页 > 人权与民运


日期:8/8/2008 来源:参与 作者:杨建利





公 民 力 量  杨 建 利  哈佛大学 高级研究员2008年8月6日----

Personal Statement

 YANG Jianli

 Aug. 6, 2008

At approximately 3:00 pm this afternoon, I was blocked by the Chinese authorities from entering Hong Kong.  As you know, I am a Chinese Citizen with a valid Chinese passport.  As such I have every right to enter and travel in my country.  Some of you may remember that over six years ago, I entered China using a friend's passport because, as a participant in the Tiananmen Square peaceful protest, my passport was not renewed by the Chinese government.  I was arrested and served five years in prison for the absurd charges of espionage.  I refused early release and served my full sentence so that I would have the right to regain my passport and remain a Chinese citizen with the right of return.  I was released from prison in April of 2007, traveled freely between April and August of 2007 at which time I returned to my residence in Brookline, MA, U.S.A.

In March of this year, I entered Hong Kong without incident.

Whatever rationale the Chinese government has for now blocking my entry in my country, it is beyond the bounds of national and international law. Unfortunately, this arbitrary denial of my right to enter my country reflects a systematic and unlawful policy of the CCP to deny and render stateless many of my countrymen, who cannot return to their homeland for no other reason than they utilized their rights of freedom of expression, freedom of religion, or freedom of assembly. This policy of denying its own citizens entry into China, has been implemented by the CCP since 1989.  It is egregious and flies in the face of all international norms.  I appeal to the international community to condemn this practice and call on the Chinese government to end it once

and for all. This particular action this afternoon is particularly offensive because of my intended mission in China.  After a two day continued Gongmin Walk with colleagues here in Hong Kong, I was to continue by train to Sichuan Province to visit with local citizens there.  The purpose of my visit was to explore the means by which we might cooperate in the construction of an elementary school in the area.  This school will be built using private funds collected from donations of private citizens. It will be built according to standards suitable for buildings in an earthquake zone.  The construction will be directed by private citizens using open and transparent accountability. As such it will be a living tribute to the innocents crushed by schools built to substandard construction codes.Its construction will also be a testimony to Gong Min Li Liang, citizen power.  The power of people to drive improvements in their lives and their quality of life. This humanitarian effort is now delayed.  This makes my denial of entry even more egregious.  It once again demonstrates the nature of the Chinese government and the China that the Chinese Government so desperately does not want the world to see as it carefully orchestrates the illusion of "One World, One Dream" around the Olympic games.
