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日期:1/22/2011 来源:中国选举与治理网 作者:乔桥整理



  刚刚看到一段视频,朗朗在奥巴马为胡锦涛举行的白宫国宴上演奏了《上甘岭》主题曲《我的祖国》。大家都知道《上甘岭》是抗美援朝的电影,我想朗朗也应该知道。如果知道这首歌的背景,还选择它演奏,那你可以怀疑他的动机或大脑智商。如果他不知道,那中国大陆的教育比我想象的还糟糕。设想一下,如果中国在宴请奥巴马的国宴上,邀请一位在中国演出多年的美国艺术家演奏一曲中美战争中针对中国的曲子,中国政府和老百姓会有什么反应?一定是一片谴责、质询、痛骂,阴谋论四起,肯定是一个很大的外交事件, 会被认为是对中国和中国人民公开的侮辱。外交部一定会有人对这一事件负责,甚至下台。我不知道中国外交部事先是否知道朗朗会演奏这首曲子。我想美国政府可能到现在还不知道这首曲子的背景。如果知道了,是否会介意?若果美国公众知道了这件事,可能心里也不会太好受。这一事件值得大家深思。不管怎么说,朗朗在这个场合演奏这一曲子是很不合时宜的。


  西谚有云“death by a thousand cuts”... 希望中美关系不会成为此类以及其他”不起眼“小动作的牺牲品。


  Wait a minute, folks. Before you make the allegation go further, please take a look at the satus of Lang Lang at the state banquet: he is on the White House guest list and his residence is listed as New York, New York. I am not sure if it was all up to the Chinese to decide what to play. After all, he was the guest of the White House. By the same token, I can't imagine the Chinese would have initiated the invite to Kenneth Roth, the director of Human Right Watch. Or  So it may well be an act by the artist himself (why he chose that melody, I don't know). Then again, if we take every piece music for its context, then Nianshen is right that the PRC national anthem can't be played when a Japanese guest coming to Beijing or Chinese visitor to Japan. The Star Spankgled Banner can't be played when a British guest coming to America--after all, it was written during the War of 1812.

  Yes, I think there were many instances where the Chinese could have done better during this state visit including a better handling of the press conference. But the music? Let's not overplay it.


  IMHO, it is a good idea to separate arts from politics and to let artists have their freedom to express themselves. 

  I agree with 教授一 that Lang’s selection is not the most opportune, but doubt about a possible outcry in America. If there were any backlash, it would be directed at Lang Lang. Many already dislike him out of jealousy, out of prejudice, or out of their understanding of a proper way of playing.

  For your interest, here is Roosevelt’s view. It is not from wiki leak, but from Cohen’s book. In 1907, Secretary of State Root asked if the US should accept Wu Tingfang as minister to America, since he had been deeply involved in the anti-American activities of 1905. TR replied, “My feeling world be strongly that we ought not to object to Wu. He is a bad old Chink and if he had his way he would put us all to the heavy death or do something equally as unpleasant with us; …[but] I do not object to any Chainman showing a feeling that he would like to retaliate now and then for our insolence to the Chinese.” (Cohen 67)

  I do see a point here, since the song was written for a film on the Korean War, and agree that it is probably not the most appropriate for the occasion. 

  On the other hand, I see no reasons for concern. The song was picked by the artist, I guess. The lyrics are not offensive. I think that people in America do understand the imperfect human history and respect different traditions. Suffice to mention that the French National Anthem was born in the French war with several of their neighbors. So was American national anthem in the War of 1812. More important, I guess that Americans would not be over-sensitive, because they have barely lost major wars. There is no such thing as the “century of humiliation.” Minutes before I read the message, I was reading Cohen’s textbook on US-China relations. Theodore Roosevelt looked down upon Chinese because of their lack of nationalism. I assume that most American shared his view and feeling.


  教授一所言极是,我们的大学教育存在太多太深的问题。国际关系专业的硕士、博士生们,还在忙着 ‘吃透西方先进国际关系理论’,其实也无非是摆个把式,什么都没学懂,什么也不愿意学。


  对于奥巴马,知道《一条大河》的历史背景,也没有什么不好。倒是可以矫正他那对朝战的扭曲的历史观。2010年11月10日,奥氏在韩国就朝鲜战争有如下表述:“This was no tie. This was a victory … It was a victory then, and it is a victory today.” 奥氏讲话两周后,半岛局势急转直下: 韩国执意军演,朝鲜“刺刀见红”,美国航母压境,日本欲借机“重返”半岛。如此等等,不知拿了和平奖的奥巴马如何作想。
  The reality was that the war simply halted where it began (the 38th parallel) and after millions of military and civilian casualties; talking about victory is like looking for victors, instead of survivors, in the 1978 唐山 or 2010 Haiti (海地) earthquake. There were perhaps no real winners in the Korean War 60 years ago. Conversely, the post-war “peace”, or non-war, since 1953 has yet to produce real losers.






  电影插曲与电影是两回事。《泰坦尼克号》的爱情插曲可以独立于这电影而存在。《我的祖国》是歌唱家郭兰英的成名曲,后来中国的著名歌唱家大多翻唱过此歌。歌曲做于朝鲜战争早已结束的1956年,是中国最著名的歌曲之一,是中国的 “第二国歌”。正如美国有“美丽的美利坚”被称为“第二国歌”。唱歌或奏乐的人未必想到,甚至知道《上甘岭》。不知道《上甘岭》这部电影与中国教育质量有啥关系?我没看过这部电影,中国今日的学生们大多没听说过这部电影,但都会唱《我的祖国》。这歌也是历年留学生们春节联欢最常唱的歌,唱时也未必会想到抗美援朝战争,因为歌词里毫无针对美国的词句。就歌词而言,全世界各国都能接受。就曲调而言,是中国歌调的典型。要是都过分解读,那中国元首去日本,或者在日本参加亚运会、奥运会就不能奏中华人民共和国国歌了。那是一首词曲俱佳的、受中国人民喜爱的爱国歌曲而已,何必做太多外交解读?日本学者曾对我说,做于 1977年的《北国之春》其实是当时复兴军国主义情绪的一面精神旗帜。也许是的,但那又怎样?究竟是好歌,而且毫无军国主义词句,中国人也喜欢,我个人也很喜欢,我们同日本朋友一起唱。中国官方曾对《夜来香》做过不恰当的政治禁止,说那是在歌厅给侵华日军唱的。美国人曾经把独立战争时英国人讥讽美国人的《美国佬》变成了自己最喜爱的歌之一,也是“美国之音”电台呼号曲。我想,美国人民和政治家都有这胸怀。中国人民也应有这胸怀来容忍别人无心的所谓“小动作”。都21世纪了,没人把外交场合看得跟18世纪那么庄重,那是人之间的社交,是人就不可能面面俱到。一首歌对两国关系不会产生任何实质影响,何必大惊小怪,小题大作呢。何况连词都没有,朗朗不过演奏了段中国乐曲。


  国礼场合, 给人以杯弓蛇影, 太不懂事.。这样一个“中国”怎叫人放心。
  但愿一切仅出于偶然. 比如他预设场面时, 情绪翻腾, 眼睛一闭,忽然冒出一段滚滚发展的变奏,在善良和愤怒之间突然紧张, 大起大伏, 似翻江倒海,什么的。一切仅因为一个技术偏好, 因为自己的认识, 因为个人情智的化学平衡....因为原是接待班子的选定。等等。
  it seems LL要预备解释,尽管艺术家有些豁免权...


  i strongly doubt that there will be any noise about this. my father is a korean war veteran and he doesn't care. it happened a long time ago, most americans are very vague about the history, and we just don't have very strong feelings about it. i think this is an advantage of not using past wounds to serve as present motivation. just because it would be responded to this way in china doesn't mean it will be responded to this way here. 有美國特色的內外有別。


  For what it's worth, the song itself is about remembering home and the good times, and seems to have no political content (except, perhaps, for a line or two to the effect that if wolves attack heroes will defend).(Strictly speaking, "Our Zuguo" is not a war song, but was written after the war; but I think the point remains. See http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E3%80%8A%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84%E7%A5%96%E5%9B%BD%E3%80%8B




    It is all about the occasion. It is about sensativity. There is nothing wrong with the song itself. I tend to think Lang Lang's ignorance partly led to his decision to choose this song. I certainly do not think this minor thing will or should affect U.S.-China relations. I also do not think the U.S. general public cares that much about this. There won't be people on the street demonstrating. I was just wondering what the reactions would be if the shoe were on the other foot. I hope some people on this listserv would be as tolerant as they are toward this incident if the same situation happens in China. By the way, Hu's visit to the U.S. is basically a show needed from both sides. Nothing substantial was resolved during the trip. 中美关系的问题在于战略,结构和价值。如果这些问题解决不了,中美关系无法改进。In fact I predict that U.S.-China relationship will get much worse before it gets better. I hope  I am wrong, but I am afraid I am right. U.S. weapon sales to Taiwan are pending. If the sales happen, U.S.-China relations will take another nose dive. Many Chinese will be again disappointed, pointing out the "recent successful visit" of Hu Jintao to the U.S. (a perception they got from the Chinese media) and condemning the "damn" Americans!

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