自由民主的危机及拯救美国和人类文明/Abraham L




The Crisis of Liberal Democracy and Saving America and Human Civilization


Abraham L













Dear friend:


Hello. Attached is a manuscript to save American civilization, "The Crisis of Liberal Democracy and Saving America and Human Civilization", which is also a manuscript to save Western civilization and human civilization. Liberal democracy and Christian civilization in the United States and Europe are already facing a serious crisis, but the vast majority of Americans and Europeans do not realize the crisis. It's like American civilization and European civilization have reached the edge of the cliff, but the vast majority of people do not see the cliff, which is extremely dangerous.


Western civilization and East Asian civilization are the two most outstanding groups, and all developed countries come from Western civilization and East Asian civilization. However, both Western and East Asian civilizations are facing severe low fertility rates, which are unsustainable civilizations. At the same time, the United States and Europe are facing reverse racial and cultural replacement, and the number of black Muslims is growing rapidly, which will have a serious impact on Western civilization.


Population components such as race, religion, culture, and values are the life carriers of a civilization. Just like East Asian countries can quickly develop into developed countries, but black African countries and Islamic countries will never be able to do so, because the population composition of civilizations is different. However, the demographic composition of Europe and the United States has a dangerous tendency to become "South Africa + Middle East + Brazil", which will have a serious impact on liberal democracy and Western civilization.


This book systematically analyzes the constituent elements of freedom, democracy and human civilization, and systematically analyzes the greatest crisis facing Western civilization and human civilization. At the same time, this book deeply points out the harm of Marxism (Communist Party, Socialist Party) and cultural Marxism (Western leftists) to human civilization, especially the serious erosion of the United States.


I know that I have violated the leftist "political correctness" restrictions on freedom of speech by expressing it in this way. However, the leftists are trying to blind Western civilization and human civilization by blocking freedom of speech, which will only accelerate the destruction of the United States, Europe and the whole world. If you are on the right, please actively spread the word about this book. If you are a leftist, you have actually been brainwashed by Marxism, and you need to get rid of the slavery of your thoughts even more. So, both leftists and rightists need to read this book.


The author of this book is an independent Chinese scholar and a Chinese dissident scholar who suffers from the oppression of the CCP. However, because the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and other Western countries refused the visa of the author of this book, the author could not publish this book in Western countries. So please help spread and publish this book. This book has been translated with Google, but it is not accurate enough and requires a professional translation.


The author of this book also hopes to write more books to save American civilization, Western civilization and human civilization. However, because the author does not have a visa from developed countries such as the United States and Canada, it is impossible to create safely. If you can help apply for a visa, or know an immigration lawyer, or know the US State Department and Immigration Service, or know a congressman and senator, please pass it on to them, thank you for your help.


In order to save American Civilization, Western Civilization and Human Civilization, please spread this book actively. For example, you can send this email and manuscript to your friends, especially American politicians and elites from all walks of life. Thank you for your contribution to saving America and human civilization.


Author: Abraham Liu

December 15, 2022


Twitter: @AbrahamLiu89