



日 本在1931~1945年侵略中国,重创中华民国军队。日本全面侵略中国之前,中华民国军队正在消灭中共部队。但是,日本的全面侵略,让中共军队重新复 活,并迅速发展壮大。然后,苏联又以日本武器和美国武器大规模武装中共军队,打败已经严重受伤的中华民国军队。最后,中华民国政府败退到台湾。
日 本、韩国、台湾、新加坡已经证明,东亚文明国家可以很好的建立现代文明的自由民主制度。因为东亚人聪明、勤劳、守法、自我负责,可以迅速的进行国家建设, 可以有效降低一人一票民主制度的弊端。在任何国家,总是少数掌握多数财富,少数人才是比较理性的,一人一票的民主制度很容易走向民粹主义,导致民主的失 败。这在非洲、拉丁美洲和伊斯兰国家都比较充分的显示出来,比如南非、海地、委内瑞拉、阿富汗。美国花费2万多亿美元和20年时间,也没有帮助阿富汗建立 稳定的自由民主制度。
东 亚人聪明、勤劳、守法、自我负责,就容易自我摆脱贫困,就容易得到理性认知。因此,同等条件下,东亚国家的民主质量最高,稳定而有序,迅速走向现代文明。 日本、韩国、台湾、新加坡已经证明,东亚国家可以迅速走向现代发达文明和稳固的自由民主,然后成为自由民主世界的可靠盟友。比如,日本、韩国、台湾,都是 美国最可靠的盟友之一。因此,中国人民最值得美国人民和全球人民的帮助,建立自由民主制度。
历 史上,对于专制统治,中国人民爆发了最多的反抗压迫起义。面对蒙古帝国对亚洲和欧洲的侵略,中国人民的反抗最为顽强。二战时,欧洲国家面对纳粹德国的侵 略,亚洲国家面对军国主义日本的侵略,中国人民的反抗意志也是最顽强的。尽管中国的武器比较落后,但反抗精神显著高于那些迅速投降的欧洲国家。中国派远征 军支援在缅甸的英军和美军,中国军队表现出良好的战斗精神。
全 球人民帮助中国人民推翻习近平和中共的专制统治,就消灭了全球最大的邪恶力量,其他小的邪恶力量将很容易被消灭。因为,俄罗斯、朝鲜、伊朗、古巴等专制统 治国家,都是中共在输血。只要消灭中共专制统治,全球邪恶力量将失去最大依靠。同时,中国变成最强大的自由民主支持力量。从此,全球自由民主与安全将得到 巨大保证。
但是,目前为止,对于中国人民所遭受的全方位的专制统治压迫,全世界似乎是视而不见。尤其是美国、欧洲、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚等现代自由民主国家,却对中国人民所承受的灾难表现出显著的自私和冷漠。只 有中共出现严重侵犯人权的现象,可以让自由民主国家抓住大把柄,自由民主国家才发出一点声音。只有全球知名的中国异议人士被抓捕,自由民主国家才声援一 下,以彰显自己的自由民主价值观。对于中国人民所遭受的更大规模的专制统治压迫,自由民主国家视而不见,全部都被中共的经济利益所绑架。
2015 年7月9日起,中共对300多位异议人士进行大逮捕,我是侥幸逃脱判刑。但是,我却被中共迫害的妻离子散。2017年10月底,习近平在中共十九次代表大 会结束后表示要无限连任。那时,我意识到习近平要做皇帝,习近平才是中国人民和全球人民的最大敌人。我想把习近平和中共对人类文明的威胁告诉美国和全世 界,我就去申请美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、德国、法国等自由民主发达国家的签证,结果我连续失败了十几次。这让我沉痛的意识到,自由民主国家的 大使馆和签证官几乎都是中共的看门狗。
在 这五年来,我向美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等多个自由民主国家的驻华大使馆发送Gmail电子邮件,还对美国国务院多次发送电子邮件,但全部遭到冷漠对 待。我多次发给美国大使馆发送电子邮件,没有得到任何回复。但是,部分电子邮件竟然到了中共警察手里,我感到自己或可能被美国大使馆出卖了(或许是因为中 共对美国驻华大使馆的渗透)。中共警察对我进行严厉的审查,差点把我逮捕入狱。
在 偷渡逃离中共统治之前的数年里,我曾经多次向美国的一些大学与研究机构求助,但无人理会。我曾经多次向美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等自由民主国家的媒体 投稿,并把我的文章发送给他们的参议员和众议员,几乎全部遭到冷漠对待。这让我深深感到,他们所谓自由民主的价值观,实际上对中国学者是非常冷漠的。
如 果中共主动结束专制统治,就是解放90%以上的中共党员,更是造福中国人民和全球人民。但是,中共已经被邪恶的习近平等专制统治既得利益者所控制,已经不 可能主动下台。只有强大的外部压力,才能迫使中共放弃专制统治。推翻习近平的专制统治是第一步,才有机会迫使中共放弃专制统治。
美 国在余茂春等华人学者的倡议下,已经认识到把中国人民和中共分开。实际上,美国还应该把中国和中共分开,把少数极左中共党员与90%的温和价值观党员分 开,把中共中下层党员和中共高层分开,把中共高层党员与最邪恶的习近平分开。首先就是孤立习近平,打击其支持者。再次是孤立维护专制统治的高层成员,打击 所有维护中共专制统治的既得利益高层党员及其各种支持者。
比 如,美国总统或美国国务院宣布,或美国参议员众议员提议,一旦习近平继续连任,美国就立即制裁支持习近平的所有下属及亲属,立即制裁中共宣传部、中共网络 管理部、中共网络警察、中共政治警察、中共海关警察,立即制裁压制中国人民言论自由的腾讯、微博、抖音、百度、小米及其管理层。同时宣布,谁支持习近平连任,美国及盟友就制裁谁。谁反对习近平连任,就可以解除制裁。这样,就会瓦解习近平的支持力量。
美 国和盟友应该以更智慧的方式帮助中国人民推翻中共专制统治。首先,要求中共解除互联网限制及监控,归还中国人民的言论自由、出版自由、结社自由和游行示威 自由。其次,要求中共拿出自由民主改革进程表,尽快开启自由民主改革。第三,禁止对学生、军队、警察等进行任何洗脑教育及互联网信息屏蔽,让中国学生军人 警察等充分了解真相。
只 要让中国人民了解到真相,让中国学生军人警察了解到真相,归还中国人民的言论自由、游行示威自由,中国人民就能自己推翻中共的专制统治。实际上,这也是解 放90%以上的中共党员、中共官员、中共军人、中共警察。当了解真相的中国人民可以自由的进行游行示威时,了解真相的军人警察保持中立,中共专制统治就立 即土崩瓦解!
美 国和盟友的对华政策及对华言论,应该处处把中共和中国人民分开、把中共与中国分开,并指出中共对中国人民和全球人民的危害。因为,中共经常把自己的专制统 治利益冒充为中国利益,进而误导中国人民。中共经常把美国对中共的制裁,宣传成美国对中国人民和中国国家利益的制裁,进而制造反美情绪。因此,美国及盟友必须把中国与中共十分明细的区别使用。比如,不要使用“中国威胁”,应该准确的使用“中共威胁”。因为中国和中国人民都是中共专制统治的最大受害者,不能以受害者的名字代替邪恶的中共。
中 国人民缺乏武器,又被中共严格监控,因而中国人民的反对声音难以被中共足够重视。中共无法屏蔽国际社会的声音,而且会严重影响习近平和中共比较在乎的国际 声誉。美国及盟友对中共的国际制裁,更能直接影响中共利益。因此,世界各国政治家、媒体、企业及知名人士,对推翻习近平和中共的专制统治就非常关键。
现 在,正是决定人类文明命运的关键时刻,打倒习近平的专制统治就是全人类最关键的历史任务。全球所有政治家,全球所有媒体和互联网公司,全球所有正义人士, 请一起呼吁或协助呼吁推翻习近平的专制统治。全球人民,请一起推翻习近平和中共的专制统治,这是全球人民对人类文明未来的最大自救行动。
习 近平反复折腾中国人民,严酷迫害中国异议人士,习近平给我带来无数苦难,我就代表中国异议学者送给习近平一颗思想原子弹。被习近平病毒(新冠病毒)折磨的 全球人民,都应该站出来反对习近平。挽救人类文明的未来,必须先打倒这个掌握巨大专制权力的危险暴君。在这历史的关键时刻,全球所有正义力量,都应该一起 努力把习近平赶下台。
为 了挽救人类文明的未来,本文放弃所有版权,全球任何媒体和个人都可以免费发布、转载、引用或制作成视频节目等。请所有媒体不要在乎是否是首次发表,不要对 人类正义置若罔闻。本文原文是中文,已经用谷歌翻译成英语,请再翻译成其他语言传播。请所有正义人士积极帮助传播此文,或宣传此文的重要观念,感谢您对挽 救人类文明所做的一份贡献!
作者简介:自 由塔,一个被中共压迫又被自由世界拒绝的中国异议学者。在习近平的统治下,我被中共迫害的妻离子散,最后被迫冒着生命危险偷渡出境。习近平让我失去中学教 师的工作,网信办和腾讯对我赶尽杀绝。习近平领导的中共迫害我,美国等自由民主国家拒绝我,让我成了一条追求正义的流浪狗。习近平是我的最大敌人,习近平 的帮凶中宣部、网信办和腾讯就是第二大敌人。我的人生已经被这些邪恶势力所摧毁,我的余生就是对这些邪恶势力进行反攻。
本 文作者的Twitter和YouTube频道是“自由塔FreedomTower”,Twitter账号是“FreedomTower89”,敬请关注, 还有后续文章及视频。文章预告:《习近平是中华民族的第三大历史罪人》、《习近平是全体中国人民的最大敌人》、《腾讯是习近平与中共邪恶统治的最大帮 凶》。
因 为没有发达国家的签证,我现在只能在一个穷国做简单的体力工作,收入微薄,这严重影响了我的后续思想创作。朋友告诉我,我或许还可以尝试申请美国的杰出人 才移民(由于中共压迫,导致我的条件还有些不足),但我缺乏相应资金。因为我现在所在的国家还无法办理银行卡及PayPal支付,我暂时还无法获得 PayPal赞赏。愿意支持我的朋友,敬请后期关注支持。

习 近平周边的人反映,习近平是一个极左思想的人,类似于毛泽东、斯大林。他的价值观和人品非常扭曲,让他成为一个固执、虚荣、报复心极强的专制暴君。习近平 的少年儿童成长时期是中国的极左运动时期,他的父亲在监狱,他缺乏父亲教育,他受到的影响都是极左思想和非人道行为。作为囚犯的儿子,他在屈辱、无知和罪 恶的环境中成长,他变成一个压抑的坏小孩,导致他从未长大。他的成长就是一个被欺压的流浪儿童,他是一个非常倒霉的受害者,但他掌握巨大权力后又让所有人 倒霉。极度扭曲的心理疾病和价值观疾病决定,他就像一个坏小孩掌握了地球上迅速上升的第二大权力,这是对全人类的最大威胁!他是一个问题少年,现在变成全 人类的巨大问题!
People around Xi Jinping reflect that Xi Jinping is an ultra-leftist, similar to Mao Zedong and Stalin. His values and character are very distorted, making him a stubborn, vain, and vengeful despot. When Xi Jinping was growing up as a child, he was a period of extreme left movement in China. His father was in prison, and he lacked his father's education. He was influenced by extreme left ideology and inhuman behavior. As the son of a prisoner, he grew up in an environment of humiliation, ignorance, and sin, and he turned into a repressed bad boy who never grew up. He grew up as an oppressed street child, he was a very unlucky victim, but he wielded great power and made everyone unlucky. Extremely distorted mental illness and values illness decided that he, like a bad child, has mastered the second largest power on the planet that is rapidly rising, which is the greatest threat to all mankind! He was a delinquent teenager who has now become a huge problem for all mankind!
Global anti-Xi self-help: overthrow the evil rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP
——Xi Jinping is Hitler and the biggest enemy in the world, Putin is just Mussolini
Author: Freedom Tower, a Chinese dissident scholar oppressed by the CCP and rejected by the free world
(This article is about 20,000 Chinese characters. It is very important, please read the full text carefully)
1. Xi Jinping is the Hitler of the 21st century and the biggest enemy in the world
2. Xi Jinping is second only to Putin in responsibility for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
3. Xi Jinping's spread of the new crown virus caused the world's largest health and economic crisis
4. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the most dangerous enemies of human civilization
5. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the biggest traitors of China and the biggest enemy of the Chinese people
6. Xi Jinping is the worst enemy of his supporters and all CCP officials
7. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the most dangerous enemies of the American people and people around the world
8. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the biggest enemies of global business and the media
9. U.S. appeasement constitutes the second greatest global threat
10. It is the historical mission of the United States to help the Chinese people overthrow the CCP’s autocratic rule
11. Germany and Japan help the Chinese people to overthrow the CCP’s rule is to atone for history
12. The Chinese people’s overthrow of the CCP’s autocratic oppression deserves the help of the world
13. Ignoring the suffering of the Chinese people is a common crime of all mankind
14. The people of the world should overthrow Xi Jinping and the CCP with the strength of unity and wisdom
15. The decisive battle against Xi Jinping: a key battle that affects the fate of human civilization
On February 24, 2022, Putin launched a war of aggression against Ukraine and put the world under the threat of nuclear deterrence. As a result, many people compare Putin to Hitler and consider Putin to be the world's greatest enemy. In fact, the vast majority of people around the world ignore the huge threat that Xi Jinping and the CCP pose to the world. Such neglect is likely to lead to the destruction of human civilization or to suffer heavy losses.
1. Xi Jinping is the Hitler of the 21st century and the biggest enemy in the world
近 十年来,中共在习近平领导下,正在让中国变成新苏联。当年冷战时期的苏联,人口规模和美国相当。但是,中国人口却是美国的4倍。同时,人工智能、生物武器 和核武器的发展,越来越有可能灭亡人类。如果中国在中共的专制统治下变成新苏联,将构成对全球自由民主与安全的最大威胁!
For nearly a decade, the CCP, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, is turning China into the new Soviet Union. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union had a population similar to that of the United States. However, the population of China is four times that of the United States. At the same time, the development of artificial intelligence, biological weapons and nuclear weapons is increasingly likely to wipe out the human race. If China becomes the new Soviet Union under the authoritarian rule of the CCP, it will pose the greatest threat to global freedom, democracy and security!
For Ukraine and Eastern European countries, Putin is the biggest threat. But, for the world, Xi Jinping and the CCP are the biggest threats. China's population is 10 times that of Russia, China's total economic output is more than 10 times that of Russia, and China's industrial output value and total global trade volume ranks first in the world. Xi Jinping's turning China into a new Soviet Union and a neo-Nazi Germany will pose the greatest threat to the world without precedent!
Gorbachev and Yeltsin turned Russia into a liberal democracy, and Putin turned Russia into a dictatorship. At the same time, Putin launched a war of aggression, subjecting Russia to global sanctions. Putin destroyed the freedom of Russians, Putin destroyed the future of Russia, Putin is the biggest enemy of Russia and the Russian people.
Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang turned China toward reform and opening up, but Xi Jinping turned China into a high-tech autocratic dictatorship. At the same time, Xi Jinping's wolf warrior diplomacy and pro-Russian policy have led China to international isolation. Xi Jinping has ruined China's future. Xi Jinping has put high-tech shackles on every Chinese. Xi Jinping is the biggest enemy of China and the Chinese people!
Xi Jinping is the Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong of the 21st century, and Xi Jinping is the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century. Due to Russia's national power constraints, Putin can only be the Mussolini of the 21st century, a failed autocratic ruler. However, Xi Jinping will increasingly pose a bigger threat to the world by leveraging China's powerful national power and the CCP's ruling apparatus.
2. Xi Jinping is second only to Putin in responsibility for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
For Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Xi Jinping bears unshirkable responsibility. On February 4, 2022, under the impetus of Putin and Xi Jinping, China and Russia signed an agreement of unlimited cooperation, which is almost equivalent to an alliance. Then, after receiving support and assurances from Xi Jinping, Putin launched a war of aggression.
Putin originally thought that the United States was treating China as its biggest enemy, and the United States needed to win over Russia to confront China. Therefore, Putin judges that the United States will not interfere excessively with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. According to intelligence, Xi wants Putin to start a war of aggression against Ukraine first, and then Xi Jinping to start a war against Taiwan in September, leaving the United States and its allies unconcerned. However, contrary to Putin and Xi Jinping's expectations, the United States and global allies imposed the strongest sanctions on Russia, and Russia's battle was very unsuccessful, which made Xi Jinping and the CCP temporarily stop.
Therefore, for the people of Ukraine, the people of Eastern European countries and the people of Russia, Xi Jinping and the CCP are the second worst enemy. But for the Chinese people and the people of the world, Xi Jinping is the biggest enemy. Xi Jinping's crimes against Russia's invasion of Ukraine are second only to Putin. Xi Jinping and the CCP rule China by authoritarianism and threaten freedom, democracy and security around the world. This is the greatest ongoing global threat.
3. Xi Jinping's spread of the new crown virus caused the world's largest health and economic crisis
在 习近平和中共领导下,武汉病毒研究所研究新冠病毒,病毒在2019年底被泄露出来。但是,习近平和中共却隐瞒病毒爆发,让世界失去预防的准备。在中国对武 汉封城的时候,习近平却让国际航班畅通无阻,让病毒在全世界扩散。新冠病毒是1918年西班牙大流感以来最大的流行病,造成近百年来全球最大的健康危机。
Under the leadership of Xi Jinping and the CCP, the Wuhan Institute of Virology studies the new coronavirus, which was leaked in late 2019. However, Xi Jinping and the CCP kept the virus outbreak under wraps, leaving the world unprepared for prevention. While China locked down Wuhan, Xi Jinping allowed international flights to flow unimpeded, allowing the virus to spread around the world. The new crown virus is the largest epidemic since the Spanish flu in 1918, causing the largest global health crisis in nearly a century.
Perhaps in Xi Jinping's view, if the new crown epidemic only breaks out in China, and only China is hit, it will be very detrimental to Xi Jinping's global hegemony ambitions. Xi Jinping releases the new crown virus to the world, and the global economy will suffer a blow if the new crown virus breaks out all over the world.
在 习近平看来,专制统治具有防控疫情的制度优势,因为专制统治可以违反法律、侵犯人权。相反,自由民主国家受限于法律和人权,就很难控制疫情,这将给美国、 欧洲、日本等发达国家造成更大损失。如此,就更有利于习近平所渴望的“东升西降”——美国、欧洲、日本衰落,中国崛起。
In Xi Jinping's view, autocratic rule has institutional advantages to prevent and control the epidemic, because autocratic rule can violate the law and violate human rights. On the contrary, liberal and democratic countries are limited by laws and human rights, and it is difficult to control the epidemic, which will cause greater losses to developed countries such as the United States, Europe, and Japan. In this way, it is more conducive to the "rising in the east and descending in the west" that Xi Jinping desires - the decline of the United States, Europe, and Japan, and the rise of China.
Due to the CCP’s human rights-violating lockdown, the coronavirus was under control to a certain extent in China before the outbreak of Omikron. However, liberal democracies around the world must abide by laws and human rights. The evolutionary laws of the new coronavirus make the closure of the city ultimately ineffective, but the closure of the city has destroyed the economy, enterprises, industrial chains, personal income and healthy finance. Xi Jinping unleashed the new crown virus and set the worst example for the world. This resulted in the largest loss of life and economic loss globally since World War II.
从1918 年西班牙大流感的经验来看,从新冠病毒的演变规律来看,战胜病毒的并不是封城、疫苗、药物、隔离、核酸检测、边境封锁。就像1918年西班牙大流感变成普 通流感,新冠病毒的奥密克戎变种也变成普通流感,这才结束了疫情。病毒变异需要充分的感染数量才能完成最终自然演化,从而结束疫情。封城等破坏经济的防疫 措施,最终没有任何效果,反而严重破坏了经济。
Judging from the experience of the Spanish flu in 1918, and from the evolution of the new coronavirus, it is not the closure of cities, vaccines, drugs, isolation, nucleic acid testing, and border blockades that defeat the virus. Just as the Spanish flu of 1918 turned into a common flu, so did the Omicron variant of the new coronavirus, which ended the epidemic. Virus mutation requires a sufficient number of infections to complete the eventual natural evolution to end the epidemic. Anti-epidemic measures that undermined the economy, such as the closure of cities, ultimately had no effect, but severely damaged the economy.
俄 罗斯侵略乌克兰,造成全球能源价格和粮食价格上涨,习近平的罪责仅次于普京。习近平释放了新冠病毒,并以封城给全球做了最坏的示范。由于封城等破坏了全球 产业链和正常经济运行,导致疫情之后的全球通货膨胀。因此,习近平对2022年的全球通货膨胀和2020年以来的全球经济危机负有最大责任。
Russia's aggression against Ukraine has caused global energy and food prices to rise, and Xi Jinping is second only to Putin in culpability. Xi Jinping unleashed the new crown virus and set the worst example for the world with the closure of the city. Due to the closure of cities and other disruptions to the global industrial chain and normal economic operations, global inflation after the epidemic has been caused. Therefore, Xi Jinping is most responsible for the global inflation in 2022 and the global economic crisis since 2020.
Putin launched a war of aggression, causing many deaths and huge economic losses to the Ukrainian people. However, the death and economic losses caused by the novel coronavirus unleashed by Xi Jinping and the CCP on the world are more than 100 times more than Putin's crimes. Putin is evil, but Xi Jinping and the CCP are more than a hundred times more evil than Putin. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the most dangerous enemies in the world!
In the past three years, the huge suffering and economic losses caused by the new crown epidemic to people around the world are ultimately caused by the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP. People all over the world oppose Xi Jinping and the CCP, which is not only just in terms of values, but also related to the interests of people around the world and the future of human civilization.
4. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the most dangerous enemies of human civilization
据媒体报道,现在武汉病毒研究所还在研究更致命的多瘤病毒。如 果不结束习近平和中共对中国的专制统治,将有更多人类流行病毒被研究出来,成为中共的致命武器。同时,中共又大力研发人工智能,使人工智能的发展脱离正常 控制。未来,失控的人工智能很有可能使用核武器、生物武器、无人机、机器人等消灭人类。因此,要使人类文明未来摆脱被灭亡的命运,必须首先结束习近平和中 共的专制统治!
According to media reports, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is now working on the more deadly polyoma virus. If the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP over China is not ended, more human epidemic viruses will be researched and become the CCP’s deadly weapon. At the same time, the CCP vigorously researches and develops artificial intelligence, so that the development of artificial intelligence is out of normal control. In the future, runaway artificial intelligence is likely to use nuclear weapons, biological weapons, drones, robots, etc. to eliminate humans. Therefore, in order to free human civilization from the fate of being destroyed in the future, we must first end the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP!
习 近平周边的人反映,习近平是一个极左思想的人,类似于毛泽东、斯大林。他的价值观和人品非常扭曲,让他成为一个固执、虚荣、报复心极强的专制暴君。习近平 的少年儿童成长时期是中国的极左运动时期,他的父亲在监狱,他缺乏父亲教育,他受到的影响都是极左思想和非人道行为。作为囚犯的儿子,他在屈辱、无知和罪 恶的环境中成长,他变成一个压抑的坏小孩,导致他从未长大。他的成长就是一个被欺压的流浪儿童,他是一个非常倒霉的受害者,但他掌握巨大权力后又让所有人 倒霉。极度扭曲的心理疾病和价值观疾病决定,他就像一个坏小孩掌握了地球上迅速上升的第二大权力,这是对全人类的最大威胁!他是一个问题少年,现在变成全 人类的巨大问题!
People around Xi Jinping reflect that Xi Jinping is an ultra-leftist, similar to Mao Zedong and Stalin. His values and character are very distorted, making him a stubborn, vain, and vengeful despot. When Xi Jinping was growing up as a child, he was a period of extreme left movement in China. His father was in prison, and he lacked his father's education. He was influenced by extreme left ideology and inhuman behavior. As the son of a prisoner, he grew up in an environment of humiliation, ignorance, and sin, and he turned into a repressed bad boy who never grew up. He grew up as an oppressed street child, he was a very unlucky victim, but he wielded great power and made everyone unlucky. Extremely distorted mental illness and values illness decided that he, like a bad child, has mastered the second largest power on the planet that is rapidly rising, which is the greatest threat to all mankind! He was a delinquent teenager who has now become a huge problem for all mankind!
Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong all constituted a huge threat to global liberal democracy and security. However, due to the limitation of technological development, the threats of Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong are all limited and will not constitute a fatal crisis to the development of human civilization. However, with the continuous development of technologies such as nuclear weapons, biological weapons, artificial intelligence, small drones, and robot warriors, human beings are increasingly capable of self-destruction.
Xi Jinping's destruction of the freedom and security of Hong Kong people is the "Pearl Harbor" where Xi Jinping led the CCP to attack the liberal and democratic world. The CCP led by Xi Jinping released the new crown virus to the world, which is the biological war and economic war launched by Xi Jinping and the CCP against the world. If the people of the developed countries and the world do not realize the harm of Xi Jinping and the CCP, the freedom and security of the world will suffer more disasters!
A huge autocratic country, the threat to human civilization will become more and more serious! An autocratic ruler who is brutal to his own people cannot care about the interests of the global people and the future of human civilization. Destroying the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP is to save the future of human civilization! People all over the world oppose the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP, which is the self-help movement of the people around the world!
5. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the biggest traitors of China and the biggest enemy of the Chinese people
Xi Jinping and the CCP have kidnapped 1.4 billion Chinese people, and they have turned the economic and technological power generated by the 1.4 billion Chinese people into a tool that threatens global freedom, democracy and security. At the same time, the 1.4 billion Chinese people are under all-round oppression by Xi Jinping and the CCP.
近10 年来,在习近平的领导下,中共对中国人民建立了世界上最强的高科技监控体系,这是人类历史上任何专制政权都未曾有过的。手机、通讯、摄像头、社交软件、电 子邮箱、交通工具、打车软件、手机图片、电子支付、网络购物、浏览器、输入法、网络存储、电子文档……所有可以监控中国人民的技术手段,习近平领导的中共 都会用它监控中国人民。
In the past 10 years, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the CCP has established the world's strongest high-tech surveillance system for the Chinese people, which has never been seen by any authoritarian regime in human history. Mobile phones, communications, cameras, social software, e-mail, transportation, taxi software, mobile pictures, electronic payments, online shopping, browsers, input methods, network storage, electronic documents... all the technical means that can monitor the Chinese people, Xi Jinping The leading CCP will use it to monitor the Chinese people.
Xi Jinping discovered that the new crown virus can also be used to control the Chinese people, using epidemic prevention as an excuse to control the rights and freedoms of the Chinese people, and closed the country to strengthen the control of the Chinese people. While the global epidemic prevention measures have been gradually lifted, Xi Jinping has led China to carry out more brutal epidemic prevention and control. For example, from March to June 2022, a huge and absurd humanitarian disaster occurred in Shanghai. Although the absurd epidemic prevention and control will destroy the Chinese economy and torment the Chinese people, Xi Jinping still implements the most absurd policies in the world for his own power and face. Now, Xi Jinping has become the biggest enemy of the Chinese people. Only when Xi Jinping steps down can the Chinese people get rid of the misery tortured by Xi Jinping.
1949年之后,中共统治中国,从此消灭了中国的自由和民主,让中国人民走向奴役之路。中共建立国有化的经济体制,就是让所有中国人变成中共的经济奴隶。中共禁止思想和言论自由,就是企图把中国人民变成它的奴隶。毛 泽东发动“文化大革命”,就是对中华民族进行“文化灭绝”。中共对中国人民实施强制计划生育和一胎政策,就是对中华民族进行“种族灭绝”。习近平领导中共 建立最强的高科技专制统治,严厉控制言论自由,严格限制出入境,把中国变成高科技的电子监狱,习近平就是中华民族在21世纪的最大敌人!
After 1949, the CCP ruled China, which wiped out China's freedom and democracy, leaving the Chinese people on the road to slavery. The establishment of a nationalized economic system by the CCP is to turn all Chinese people into economic slaves of the CCP. The CCP's prohibition of freedom of thought and speech is an attempt to turn the Chinese people into its slaves. Mao Zedong launched the "Cultural Revolution", which was a "cultural genocide" of the Chinese nation. The CCP's implementation of the forced family planning and one-child policy on the Chinese people is a "genocide" of the Chinese nation. Xi Jinping led the CCP to establish the strongest high-tech autocratic rule, strictly controlled freedom of speech, strictly restricted entry and exit, and turned China into a high-tech electronic prison. Xi Jinping is the biggest enemy of the Chinese nation in the 21st century!
思想言论自由是最基本的人权,也是影响国家政策水平和人民认知水平的最重要的人权。习近平领导的中共对中国人民进行史无前例的高科技言论自由控制,试图把每个中国人变成哑巴和傻子。习 近平愚蠢、狂妄、固执、虚荣、独裁,又企图消灭所有批评他的声音,结果让习近平和中共更加愚蠢的对外扩张及采取冒险行为,把中国人民和全人类带入更加危险 的境地。中共研究和扩散新冠病毒,习近平企图和普京一起发动侵略战争(普京侵略乌克兰,习近平侵略台湾),就是习近平与中共的邪恶冒险行为。
Freedom of thought and speech is the most basic human right and the most important human right that affects the level of national policies and people's cognition. The CCP, led by Xi Jinping, has an unprecedented high-tech free speech control over the Chinese people, trying to turn every Chinese into a dumb and a fool. Xi Jinping is stupid, arrogant, stubborn, vain, dictatorial, and attempts to eliminate all the voices criticizing him. As a result, Xi Jinping and the CCP are more stupid to expand abroad and take risky behaviors, bringing the Chinese people and all mankind into a more dangerous situation. The CCP studies and spreads the new crown virus, and Xi Jinping tries to launch a war of aggression with Putin (Putin invades Ukraine, Xi Jinping invades Taiwan), which is the evil adventure of Xi Jinping and the CCP.
人民是国家的主人,以专制手段统治人民的才是国家的最大敌人,为了专制统治利益而牺牲人民利益的才是国家的最大叛徒。习 近平领导的中共对中国人民建立全方位的专制统治,习近平和中共就是中国人民的最大压迫者、最大叛徒和最大敌人。如果习近平再次连任,中国所有群体都将承受 更大灾难。对中国人民来说,反对习近平连任及反对中共专制统治,才是真正的爱国者。支持习近平连任及支持中共的邪恶统治,才是真正的卖国贼。
The people are the masters of the country, those who rule the people by autocratic means are the biggest enemies of the country, and those who sacrifice the interests of the people for the interests of autocratic rule are the biggest traitors of the country. The CCP led by Xi Jinping has established an all-round autocratic rule over the Chinese people. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the biggest oppressor, biggest traitor and biggest enemy of the Chinese people. If Xi Jinping is re-elected, all groups in China will suffer even more disaster. For the Chinese people, those who oppose Xi Jinping's re-election and the CCP's autocratic rule are the real patriots. Those who support Xi Jinping's re-election and the CCP's evil rule are the real traitors.
6. Xi Jinping is the worst enemy of his supporters and all CCP officials
习近平不仅是中国人民的最大敌人,也是绝大多数中共高层、中共官员、中共党员、中共军人、中共警察、公务员、企业、企业家、媒体、记者编辑、教师、工人、农民等各类人群的最大敌人。习 近平想当皇帝,就像金正恩一样,所有中共高层、中共官员、中共党员、中共军人、中共警察、公务员等都变成习近平的奴隶。他们胆颤心惊的替习近平做事,却随 时可能被习近平抛弃,因为习近平固执、虚荣、独裁、多变、狂妄、自大、愚蠢、心胸狭窄、睚眦必报、忘恩负义、过河拆桥,是一个彻头彻尾的愚蠢暴君。
Xi Jinping is not only the greatest enemy of the Chinese people, but also the great majority of CPC senior officials, CPC officials, CPC members, CPC soldiers, CPC police, civil servants, enterprises, entrepreneurs, media, journalists, editors, teachers, workers, farmers and other groups of people. greatest enemy. Xi Jinping wants to be emperor, just like Kim Jong-un, all the top CCP officials, CCP officials, CCP members, CCP soldiers, CCP police, civil servants, etc. have become slaves to Xi Jinping. They work for Xi Jinping with trembling fear, but they may be abandoned by Xi Jinping at any time, because Xi Jinping is stubborn, vain, dictatorial, changeable, arrogant, arrogant, stupid, narrow-minded, vindictive, ungrateful, and demolition of bridges. He is a downright stupid tyrant.
For example, Wang Qishan helped Xi Jinping defeat many political opponents from 2012 to 2017, and was Xi Jinping's most effective assistant. However, when Wang Qishan accidentally offended Xi Jinping, he was retaliated by Xi Jinping. Liu Yuan and Liu Yazhou helped Xi Jinping consolidate power in the army, but they did not go with Xi Jinping's wishes, and they were both attacked by Xi Jinping and arrested Liu Yazhou.
习近平自己想当皇帝,习近平羡慕普京和金正恩,习近平希望自己能够像毛泽东那样掌握绝对权力。习 近平把自己的自私、愚蠢、固执、虚荣、独裁、狂妄、心胸狭窄等都包装成中共的利益和意志,结果导致习近平所领导的中共比以前邪恶十倍!习近平把整个中共变 成自己当皇帝的工具,就像金正恩把朝鲜劳动党当作个人工具。中共所仅剩的那点制约毛泽东的制度设计,正在被习近平重新摧毁。实际上,这等于是习近平窃取了 中共,习近平绑架了中共,习近平也就成了中共统治集团和所有中共党员的最大敌人。
Xi Jinping himself wants to be emperor, Xi Jinping envies Putin and Kim Jong-un, and Xi Jinping hopes that he can hold absolute power like Mao Zedong. Xi Jinping has packaged his selfishness, stupidity, stubbornness, vanity, dictatorship, arrogance, and narrow-mindedness into the interests and will of the CCP. As a result, the CCP led by Xi Jinping is ten times more evil than before! Xi Jinping turned the entire CCP into his own tool as emperor, just as Kim Jong-un turned the Workers' Party of Korea into a personal tool. The only little bit of the CCP's system design that constrains Mao Zedong is being re-destroyed by Xi Jinping. In fact, this means that Xi Jinping has stolen the CCP, Xi Jinping has kidnapped the CCP, and Xi Jinping has become the biggest enemy of the CCP ruling clique and all CCP members.
Xi Jinping is a stupid villain with a despicable personality. He lacks the will and ability to do good things, but he does bad things with viciousness. For China and the world, Xi Jinping has no good ideas, but he can come up with bad ideas. Xi Jinping is stupid and bad, but stubbornly covers up his incompetence and evil. Xi Jinping packaged his evil human nature as the interests of the CCP and the decisions of the CCP Central Committee, and then as China's interests and China's decisions, and finally harmed all Chinese people and seriously damaged global interests. In terms of personality, Xi Jinping is a worse tyrant than Hitler and Stalin. Xi Jinping betrayed China and the Chinese people in the most shameless way, as well as the CCP leadership and all CCP members.
习近平和他的亲信及亲属更腐败,但却不受反腐败影响。习 近平以反腐败的名义清洗对立派别,威慑各级官员、军队、警察和司法,实际上是习近平以自己的利益和多变暴君的性格虐待中共各类官员及公职人员,让所有人恐 惧习近平、臣服于习近平。在习近平这位心胸狭窄的多变暴君面前,无论支持者还是反对者,无论有权者还是无权者,最终都变成受害者。
Xi Jinping and his cronies and relatives are more corrupt, but not affected by anti-corruption. In the name of anti-corruption, Xi Jinping purged opposing factions and deterred officials at all levels, the military, the police, and the judiciary. In fact, Xi Jinping abused various CCP officials and public officials with his own interests and the character of a changeable tyrant, making everyone fear Xi Jinping, surrender to Xi Jinping. In the face of Xi Jinping, the capricious and capricious tyrant, both supporters and opponents, powerful and powerless, ultimately become victims.
Mao Zedong tortured the Chinese people and the CCP leadership with the "Cultural Revolution". Xi Jinping tortured the Chinese people and officials at all levels with his "dynamic zero" on the new coronavirus. Xi Jinping tortured the CCP leadership and public officials at all levels with his anti-corruption campaign. Xi Jinping wants to learn from Mao Zedong, and Xi Jinping is becoming Mao Zedong. To the people of the world, Xi Jinping is the Hitler and Stalin who harmed the world. Xi Jinping wants to turn the Chinese people into his slaves, and he wants the people of the world to submit to his feet. Xi Jinping has become the biggest threat to all groups, whether to the CCP or the Chinese people, both internally and externally.
Xi Jinping is a mentally abnormal person, and absolute power makes him absolutely abnormal. Xi Jinping is a value-disabled person with an underdeveloped ideology, and absolute power makes his ideological disability even more prominent. Xi Jinping lost his father's and mother's love as a child, and lacked the education of his father and mother, especially his father, who was imprisoned by Mao Zedong. However, Xi Jinping betrayed his father to learn from his father's enemy Mao Zedong. In the end, Xi Jinping has become the greatest scourge of the CCP and the Chinese people, and the greatest threat to human civilization. Because a mentally handicapped person with serious mental illness holds great authoritarian power, which will inevitably lead to great danger.
If Xi Jinping is re-elected, he may launch a war of aggression against Taiwan. Putin launched a war of aggression against Ukraine, which resulted in all Putin's cronies and supporters being sanctioned and their assets frozen. Russia is subject to comprehensive international sanctions, and all Russian people and Russian businesses suffer. Likewise, if Xi Jinping is re-elected and arrogantly invades Taiwan, the entire Chinese high-level will be sanctioned, and all Xi Jinping's cronies and relatives will be sanctioned (for example: Ding Xuexiang, Wang Xiaohong, Huang Kunming, Zhuang Rongwen, Wu Long, Xi Yuanping, Peng Liyuan, Xi Mingze , Cai Qi, Li Qiang, Chen Miner, Li Xi, Chen Xi), the CCP army and police were further sanctioned. All sectors of China's economy and industry have been sanctioned, and all Chinese people and Chinese companies have suffered.
军 队和警察本来是保护人民人,中共却把军队和警察变成压迫中国人民的暴力工具,习近平更是变本加厉。在习近平和中共的专制统治下,军人和警察都是习近平和中 共的看门狗,这是中国军队和中国警察的最大耻辱。如果习近平再次连任并发动侵略台湾的战争,中国军人就会变成炮灰,中国警察就会变成镇压人民的猎犬。
The army and the police are supposed to protect the people, but the CCP has turned the army and the police into violent tools to oppress the Chinese people, and Xi Jinping has intensified. Under the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP, the soldiers and the police are the watchdogs of Xi Jinping and the CCP. This is the biggest shame of the Chinese army and the Chinese police. If Xi Jinping is re-elected again and launches a war of aggression against Taiwan, the Chinese soldiers will become cannon fodder, and the Chinese police will become hounds to suppress the people.
在 习近平和中共的专制统治下,公务员需要把习近平和中共的话当作圣旨,企业和企业家不能得罪习近平和中共,媒体和记者编辑要替习近平和中共唱赞歌,教师要替 习近平和中共进行愚民教育,工人和农民是习近平和中共的生产工具。由于习近平和中共的愚蠢,让中国经济产业遭到很多国家的抵制或制裁,这又伤害了中国企 业、企业家、工人和农民等各类群体。
Under the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP, civil servants need to take the words of Xi Jinping and the CCP as the imperial edict, enterprises and entrepreneurs cannot offend Xi Jinping and the CCP, the media and reporter editors must sing praises for Xi Jinping and the CCP, and teachers must fool the people for Xi Jinping and the CCP Education, workers and farmers are the tools of production for Xi Jinping and the CCP. Due to the stupidity of Xi Jinping and the CCP, China's economic industry has been boycotted or sanctioned by many countries, which has hurt Chinese enterprises, entrepreneurs, workers, farmers and other groups.
If Xi Jinping is re-elected, almost all groups in China will suffer, including Xi Jinping himself. Just as Putin launched a war of aggression, Putin also became a victim. A foolish dictator who has been in power for so long has ended up being his own worst enemy. Putin is Putin's worst enemy, and Xi Jinping is Xi Jinping's worst enemy. If a foolish dictator has any wisdom left, he will step down peacefully. However, dictators are often stubborn and continue to be stupid.
如 果习近平再次连任,所有反对习近平的人,所有对习近平不满的人,都将遭到习近平的报复。即便是习近平的亲信或帮助过习近平的人,也可能被习近平抛弃,就像 习近平过河拆桥抛弃王岐山、刘源、刘亚洲。如果习近平再次连任,美国和盟友必然加强对中共高层及习近平亲信与亲属的制裁。如此,整个中共高层及习近平的亲 信与亲属,都变成习近平再次连任的受害者。如果习近平再次连任,中国所有群体,无论是支持习近平还是反对习近平,都将受到更大伤害。
If Xi Jinping is re-elected again, all those who oppose Xi Jinping, all those who are dissatisfied with Xi Jinping, will be retaliated by Xi Jinping. Even Xi Jinping's cronies or people who have helped Xi Jinping may be abandoned by Xi Jinping, just as Xi Jinping abandoned Wang Qishan, Liu Yuan, and Liu Yazhou when he crossed the river and demolished the bridge. If Xi Jinping is re-elected, the United States and its allies will inevitably strengthen sanctions on the top CCP officials and Xi Jinping’s cronies and relatives. In this way, the entire high-level CCP and Xi Jinping's cronies and relatives have become victims of Xi Jinping's re-election. If Xi Jinping is re-elected, all groups in China, whether for Xi Jinping or against Xi Jinping, will be hurt even more.
The United States and its allies should take full advantage of Xi’s conflicts with other CCP officials to divide and dismantle Xi’s support. Because Xi Jinping is not only the greatest enemy of the Chinese people and CCP members, but also the greatest enemy of the American people and the people of the world. The United States should support the reform and opening-up faction within the CCP, first to defeat Xi Jinping, the “Mao Zedong II” autocratic tyrant, and then it is possible to promote China’s liberal and democratic reforms and then overthrow the CCP’s autocratic rule.
7. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the most dangerous enemies of the American people and people around the world
Once, Hitler and the Nazi Party were the biggest enemies in the world, and Stalin and the CPSU were the biggest enemies in the world. In the past, the Soviet Union's power development and expansionist policies posed a huge threat to the United States. Now, Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party pose the greatest threat to liberal democracy and security in the United States and around the world.
Under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the CCP is confronting the United States in all aspects, infiltrating the United States and other countries in all aspects, and attacking and destroying global liberal democracy in all aspects. Because Xi Jinping and the CCP want to establish a continuous autocratic rule in the 21st century, the United States and liberal democracy are the biggest threats to Xi Jinping and the CCP. These two systems and values are a huge contradiction that will never be reconciled.
Xi Jinping and the CCP have infiltrated the United States and kidnapped the United States through trade, investment, capital, etc., and American Wall Street capital and large corporate capital have become tools for the CCP to kidnap the United States. For U.S. capital and businesses, their interests in engaging with China will never be safe without an end to the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP. To the American people, without an end to the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP, America’s liberal democracy will always be under the most powerful threat.
For the United States, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, India, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and other countries in the world, if the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party is not ended, their economic and trade exchanges with China will forever be threatened and threatened by the authoritarian rule. kidnapping. Especially for developed countries such as the United States, the European Union, Japan, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, if the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP is not ended, many industries in the developed countries will be destroyed by the CCP with despicable means, or they will be kidnapped by the CCP. Only by ending the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP can countries around the world safely engage in economic and trade exchanges with China.
For Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and other countries surrounding China, if the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP is not ended, the huge China is a permanent and imminent security threat. Especially in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India and countries around the South China Sea, the Chinese military threat is increasing.
为 了维护专制统治,习近平和中共必然升级技术手段监控中国人民,将越来越多的人工智能用于监控人类,这就为人工智能奴役人类和消灭人类创造了技术基础。为了 维护专制统治,习近平和中国必然大力发展军事力量,尤其是发展人工智能、生物武器、核武器、微型无人机、机器人战士、海洋武器和太空武器,这不仅给全球安 全造成巨大威胁,还可能造成人类文明的毁灭!
In order to maintain autocratic rule, Xi Jinping and the CCP will inevitably upgrade the technical means to monitor the Chinese people, and use more and more artificial intelligence to monitor human beings, which creates a technological foundation for artificial intelligence to enslave and eliminate human beings. In order to maintain authoritarian rule, Xi Jinping and China must vigorously develop military power, especially the development of artificial intelligence, biological weapons, nuclear weapons, micro drones, robot warriors, marine weapons and space weapons, which not only pose a huge threat to global security, but also may Cause the destruction of human civilization!
习 近平和中共疯狂的发展军事,首先将威胁美国,其次是威胁日本、韩国、台湾、印度、东南亚、澳大利亚、新西兰、欧盟、英国,其他国家也将受到间接威胁。但 是,人工智能、生物武器、核武器的威胁是全球性的。比如,习近平和中共领导的中国研究新冠病毒,导致1918年西班牙大流感之后的全球最大健康安全危机。 无论是否临近中国,或者是否与中共为敌,都逃脱不了这个危险。
The frantic military development of Xi Jinping and the CCP will first threaten the United States, followed by Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and other countries will also be indirectly threatened. But the threat of artificial intelligence, biological weapons, and nuclear weapons is global. For example, research into the new coronavirus in China, led by Xi Jinping and the Communist Party, led to the world's biggest health and safety crisis since the Spanish flu of 1918. No matter whether it is close to China, or whether it is an enemy of the CCP, there is no escape from this danger.
不 结束习近平和中共的专制统治,美国将永远面临最强大的邪恶对手的威胁。不结束习近平和中共的专制统治,日本、韩国、台湾、印度、东南亚、澳大利亚、新西 兰、欧盟、英国等世界各国,将永远无法得到安全。类似于新冠病毒的大流行病,很可能又被中共释放出来,全世界人民将再次遭受巨大损失。
Without an end to the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP, the United States will always face the threat of its most powerful evil adversary. Without ending the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the European Union, the United Kingdom and other countries in the world will never be safe. A pandemic similar to the new crown virus is likely to be unleashed by the CCP again, and people all over the world will suffer huge losses again.
8. Xi Jinping and the CCP are the biggest enemies of global business and the media
The novel coronavirus unleashed by Xi Jinping and the CCP and the global closure of cities has dealt a huge blow to global economic activities and the global industrial chain. Many companies and merchants have suffered serious losses in their operations. Many companies, merchants and individuals have gone bankrupt, including century-old companies and century-old stores. forced to close. However, the vast majority of enterprises, businesses and individuals are unaware of the great disaster that Xi Jinping and the CCP have brought to them.
Xi Jinping and the CCP used the world's largest industrial production capacity and the world's second largest market (China is already the world's largest market in many fields) created by the 1.4 billion Chinese people to coerce global countries and global companies to acquiesce to the CCP's autocratic rule, And then oppress the Chinese people and threaten the freedom, democracy and security of the world. For example, the CCP coerces German, Japanese and American auto companies with the world’s largest auto demand market. The CCP coerces Airbus in Europe and Boeing in the United States with the world’s largest civilian aircraft market. The CCP uses the world's largest emerging market to coerce American Wall Street capital and big American companies.
The CCP often uses "market for technology", technology plagiarism and theft, and low-cost dumping to gradually weaken or eliminate many global companies. For example, Canada's Northern Telecom was eliminated by the CCP's Huawei, and then Huawei recruited the technical talents of Canada's Northern Telecom. The CCP first lets you make money, then gradually nibbles or kidnaps you, and finally destroys or harvests you. Enterprises in many countries are either eaten by the CCP, controlled or kidnapped by the CCP, and become food or tools for the CCP. Xi Jinping has led the CCP to further expand on this evil model, and Xi Jinping and the CCP have become the biggest enemy of global corporations.
For the global media, especially for the global Internet companies, the CCP's network blocking and control of information and speech have made the global media and Internet companies lose the world's largest market. For example, Internet companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have lost 1.4 billion Chinese market. Xi Jinping has greatly increased his control over China's Internet and information speech, further diverting global media and Internet companies from China's huge user market. Therefore, Xi Jinping and the CCP are the biggest enemies of the global media and Internet companies.
全 球企业和全球媒体,必须深刻认识到习近平和中共的巨大危害。否则,如果继续漠视习近平和中共的威胁,继续漠视中国人民所承受的专制压迫,全球企业和全球媒 体不仅承受巨大损失,还可能迎来人类文明的毁灭或巨大损失。2020年以来的新冠病毒疫情,2022年的俄乌战争及全球通货膨胀,就是最有力的证据。
Global businesses and global media must deeply recognize the enormous harm of Xi Jinping and the CCP. Otherwise, if we continue to ignore the threats from Xi Jinping and the CCP, and continue to ignore the authoritarian oppression endured by the Chinese people, global companies and global media will not only suffer huge losses, but may also usher in the destruction or huge losses of human civilization. The new crown virus epidemic since 2020, the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022 and global inflation are the most powerful evidence.
9. U.S. appeasement constitutes the second greatest global threat
The CCP was able to seize Chinese power and Xi Jinping was able to establish a new high-tech autocracy. In addition to the evil and deceit of the CCP, the big reason is the selfishness, ignorance, indifference, cowardice and shortsightedness of the global justice forces. In particular, the many wrong decisions of the United States and the short-term interests of the United States bear important responsibility for the CCP's seizure of power in China and its continued authoritarian rule.
The CCP was originally a branch of the Comintern. It was established and developed with the support of the Soviet Union, and finally seized power in China with the support of the Soviet Union. During the Chinese Civil War from 1945 to 1950, the Soviet Union provided a large number of weapons to support the CCP in overthrowing the Republic of China regime led by the Kuomintang. At the same time, the United States not only stopped military aid to the Republic of China, but also imposed an arms embargo on the Kuomintang troops. In the end, the CCP overthrew the Republic of China, and the government of the Republic of China retreated to Taiwan.
根 据解密的苏联档案,苏联向中共提供了能够武装100多万军人的日本关东军武器装备,苏联把美国援助110亿美元武器中的40亿美元重武器直接转运给中共, 苏联把十几万由日军和朝鲜军组成的精锐军队交给中共。从中国抗日战争开始,美国总共援助国民党30亿美元的武器,而且经过了大量消耗。国民党的军队精锐在 抗日战争中遭到巨大消耗,中共的军事力量却持续发展壮大。最后,在美国的错误决策之下,中国大陆被中共统治。
According to the declassified Soviet archives, the Soviet Union provided the CCP with Japanese Kwantung Army weapons and equipment capable of arming more than 1 million soldiers. The Soviet Union directly transferred 4 billion U.S. dollars of heavy weapons out of the 11 billion U.S. dollars in U.S. aid to the CCP, and the Soviet Union transferred hundreds of thousands of An elite army composed of Japanese and Korean troops was handed over to the CCP. Since the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War in China, the United States has assisted the Kuomintang with a total of 3 billion US dollars of weapons, and it has gone through a lot of consumption. The Kuomintang's elite troops suffered huge losses in the Anti-Japanese War, but the CCP's military power continued to grow and develop. In the end, under the wrong decision of the United States, mainland China was ruled by the CCP.
Today, the CCP has become the most powerful enemy of the United States, and the United States will suffer the consequences. In fact, in the past 100 years, from Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union to communist China, the three major evil forces in the world have grown and grown, and the wrong decisions of the United States bear the most important responsibility.
1924 年美国“道威斯计划”,德国获得了326亿马克的贷款,其中70%是美国资本。美国华尔街资本和美国大企业,大量参与支持纳粹德国的发展。在1933年- 1939年间,与德国军工企业合作的美国公司超过60余家,他们向德国提供了汽车、飞机、坦克等各种技术,为德国的工业和技术发展提供了巨大的帮助。二战 中,德国使用的很多技术都来自美国或者是曾获得了美国的帮助。正是因为美国的巨大帮助,希特勒和纳粹德国才得以发展壮大。最后,美国付出巨大代价,又帮助英国和苏联打败纳粹德国。
In 1924, the United States "Dawes Plan", Germany obtained a loan of 32.6 billion marks, 70% of which was American capital. American Wall Street capital and big American companies were heavily involved in supporting the development of Nazi Germany. From 1933 to 1939, more than 60 American companies cooperated with German military enterprises. They provided Germany with various technologies such as automobiles, planes, and tanks, which provided great help to Germany's industrial and technological development. During World War II, many of the technologies used by Germany came from the United States or had received help from the United States. It was because of the great help of the United States that Hitler and Nazi Germany were able to thrive. In the end, the United States paid a huge price and helped Britain and the Soviet Union defeat Nazi Germany.
In 1928, the Soviet Union began its first five-year industrialization plan, but large American companies flocked to invest in the Soviet Union's automobile, oil, steel and other industrial sectors. In 1928 the Soviet Union's industrial output accounted for only 5% of the world's output, and in 1937 it accounted for 10% of the world's. Stalin said frankly: "About two-thirds of the large-scale enterprises in the Soviet Union were built with the help or technical assistance of the United States, and the remaining one-third were built with the help or technical assistance of Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Japan and other countries. "Until the middle of the "Cold War" in the 1960s, American business was building the Soviet Union.
美 国先是大量建设了苏联,又提供巨额军事援助帮助苏联打败纳粹德国。1941年6月22日,纳粹德国突袭苏联,苏联军队迅速溃败。5个月内,苏联红军损失了 大量人员和技术兵器。苏联几乎丢掉了西部所有的工业重地,纳粹德国占领苏联50%以上的工业产能。没有美国的援助,苏联将很快失去整个欧洲部分国土。美国拯救了苏联,苏联又扶持中共推翻中华民国政权,导致了中国人民从1949年之后遭受中共专制统治。
The United States first built a large number of the Soviet Union, and then provided huge military aid to help the Soviet Union defeat Nazi Germany. On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany raided the Soviet Union, and the Soviet army was quickly defeated. Within 5 months, the Soviet Red Army lost a lot of personnel and technical weapons. The Soviet Union lost almost all industrial powerhouses in the west, and Nazi Germany occupied more than 50% of the Soviet Union's industrial production capacity. Without American aid, the Soviet Union would soon lose all of Europe. The United States saved the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union supported the CCP to overthrow the regime of the Republic of China, causing the Chinese people to suffer from the CCP’s autocratic rule since 1949.
When Nazi Germany surrendered in May 1945, British Prime Minister Churchill and American Allied General George Patton both advocated to attack the Soviet army and relieve the huge threat of the Soviet Union, which was opposed by the top US. If the United States does not provide a lot of aid to the Soviet Union, both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union will suffer, and in the end, both evil forces can be wiped out. Or, after the surrender of Nazi Germany, restricting and weakening the Soviet Union, prohibiting the penetration and expansion of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China will not be ruled by communism. However, the United States made the wrong choice, leading to the successive expansion of the Soviet Union and Communist China.
其实,无论是对纳粹德国、苏联,还是共产中国,以美国为首的正义力量都可以把邪恶势力消灭在萌芽状态。比如,希 特勒进攻莱茵区时,如果英国、法国和美国出兵干涉,二战或许就可以避免。苏联刚诞生时,丘吉尔就呼吁警惕苏联的威胁。如果美国保持对苏联的警惕,苏联就不 可能迅速发展壮大及后续的渗透扩张,或许就能避免“冷战”和共产中国的诞生。如果美国对中共保持警惕,中华民国或许就不会败退到台湾。1989年中共镇压 学生自由民主运动的“六四事件”之后,如果美国警惕中共对自由民主的威胁,就不会有习近平领导下的中共威胁全球自由民主与安全。
In fact, whether it is against Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, or communist China, the righteous forces headed by the United States can wipe out the evil forces in the bud. For example, if Britain, France, and the United States intervened when Hitler attacked the Rhineland, World War II might have been avoided. When the Soviet Union was first born, Churchill called for vigilance against the Soviet threat. If the United States remained vigilant against the Soviet Union, the rapid development and expansion of the Soviet Union and subsequent infiltration and expansion would not have been possible, and the "Cold War" and the birth of Communist China might have been avoided. If the U.S. remains vigilant against the CCP, the ROC may not retreat to Taiwan. After the "June 4 Incident" in 1989 when the CCP suppressed the student freedom and democracy movement, if the United States was vigilant about the CCP's threat to freedom and democracy, there would be no CCP under the leadership of Xi Jinping that would threaten global freedom, democracy and security.
The appeasement policy of the global justice forces against Hitler resulted in the full-scale outbreak of the Second World War and caused huge losses to human civilization. The appeasement policy of the global justice forces against Stalin and the CPSU created a huge threat from the Soviet Union to global liberal democracy and security. The appeasement policy of the global justice forces against the CCP and Xi Jinping poses the greatest threat to human civilization in the 21st century! This time, the policy of appeasement of justice against evil will be the greatest historical threat to the survival of human civilization! The greatest responsibility for adopting a policy of appeasement against the evil forces is the United States, and the appeasement policy of the United States is the second greatest threat to human civilization!
10. It is the historical mission of the United States to help the Chinese people overthrow the CCP’s autocratic rule
From Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union, history has repeatedly proved that the reason why evil forces can pose a huge threat to human civilization is because of the selfishness, ignorance, indifference, hypocrisy and shortsightedness of the righteous forces. The country that bears the greatest responsibility is the most powerful of the forces of justice, and that country is the United States.
邪恶力量经常是邪恶又无耻,为他们的邪恶目的而采取卑鄙无耻的手段。习 近平和中共通过绑架美国华尔街资本和美国大企业,进而操作美国政治及对中共的政策。同样,习近平和中共通过经济利益操控欧洲、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、东 南亚、拉丁美洲、非洲等国家的资本、企业、媒体、学术和政治。如果美国人民和全球人民认识不到习近平和中共的邪恶,如果美国政府、美国华尔街资本和美国大 企业不能摆脱中共的操控,人类文明或将万劫不复!
Evil forces are often vicious and shameless, resorting to base and shameless means for their nefarious ends. Xi Jinping and the CCP manipulate American politics and policies toward the CCP by kidnapping American Wall Street capital and major American companies. Likewise, Xi Jinping and the CCP have manipulated capital, business, media, academia, and politics in countries such as Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa through economic interests. If the American people and people around the world do not recognize the evil of Xi Jinping and the CCP, and if the U.S. government, U.S. Wall Street capital, and major U.S. corporations cannot get rid of the CCP’s manipulation, human civilization may be lost forever!
世 界各国的资本、企业和政客为了自己的利益,忽视中国人民所遭受的专制统治苦难。他们与中共交往时,总是以自己的短期利益为最高原则,结果就掉进中共所设置 的陷阱,或者自食恶果。比如,有些国家为了争取中共的贷款援助,就对中共的危险及中国人民所遭受的苦难视而不见。结果,中共腐败的贷款,就让一些国家陷入 债务陷阱危机,比如巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡。
Capitals, businesses and politicians from all over the world ignore the suffering of the Chinese people under authoritarian rule for their own benefit. When they interact with the CCP, they always take their own short-term interests as the highest principle, and as a result they fall into the trap set by the CCP, or suffer the consequences themselves. For example, some countries turn a blind eye to the dangers of the CCP and the suffering of the Chinese people in order to win the CCP’s loan assistance. As a result, the CCP's corrupt loans have put some countries into a debt trap crisis, such as Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
正 义力量中最强大的国家,对邪恶力量的打击就负有最大责任和义务。因为除了强大正义力量,其他弱小正义力量无法对抗中共的强大邪恶力量。因此,如果美国不能 够全力打击习近平和中共的邪恶统治,人类文明、人类正义、全球自由民主与安全将遭受重大威胁。但是,美国的自私、无知、冷漠、虚伪、短视,一直在纵容习近 平和中共的邪恶统治。
The most powerful country among the forces of justice has the greatest responsibility and obligation to fight against the forces of evil. Because in addition to the powerful force of justice, other weak and righteous forces cannot fight against the powerful evil force of the CCP. Therefore, if the United States fails to fully combat the evil rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP, human civilization, human justice, global freedom, democracy and security will suffer major threats. However, America's selfishness, ignorance, indifference, hypocrisy and shortsightedness have been condoning the evil rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP.
近二十年来,由于中国经济科技等实力的迅速发展,中国人权问题才引起世界关注。实际上,中国人权问题最糟糕的时候是1956~1976年。但那时候中国比较贫穷弱小,无法构成对美国的重大威胁,所以没有引起世界关注。可以说,中 国人民对国家建设的巨大成功,才引起世界各国对中国自由民主人权的关注。只有中国更强大,世界各国才更关心中国人民的自由民主人权。尽管朝鲜现在还在严重 侵犯人权,很少有国家关心朝鲜人的人权与自由民主,因为朝鲜比较弱小。这深刻说明,自由民主世界总是把利益放在远比价值观更重要的位置,却永远把价值观当 做旗号。
In the past two decades, due to the rapid development of China's economic, technological and other strengths, China's human rights issues have attracted worldwide attention. In fact, the worst time for China's human rights issues was from 1956 to 1976. But at that time, China was relatively poor and weak and could not pose a major threat to the United States, so it did not attract the attention of the world. It can be said that the great success of the Chinese people in national construction has attracted the attention of all countries in the world to China's freedom, democracy and human rights. Only when China is stronger can all countries in the world care more about the freedom, democracy and human rights of the Chinese people. Although North Korea is still seriously violating human rights, few countries care about the human rights and freedom and democracy of North Koreans because North Korea is relatively weak. This profoundly shows that the liberal democratic world always puts interests far more important than values, but always regards values as a banner.
It is human nature for any country to put its interests first and its values second. However, in relation to major global interests and the future of human civilization, we must put values first. This is not only the need of justice, but also the needs of the common interests of mankind and the future of human civilization. Otherwise, selfishness, ignorance, indifference, hypocrisy, and shortsightedness may destroy human civilization.
美 国是最大的正义力量,但美国缺点的危害也是最大的。美国把自己的利益放在首位,或者是美国华尔街资本和美国大企业(特别是军火商)把自己的利益放走首位, 却高举道德旗号,这是非常虚伪的。但是,美国的自由民主制度所决定,美国允许对它的批判,这就是美国制度的伟大。习近平和中共的专制统治不仅在全球最邪 恶,也是全球最虚伪,更不允许任何人批判它。全球人民都可以放心的批评美国,这就是美国制度的伟大之处。
The United States is the greatest force for justice, but the harm of American shortcomings is also the greatest. It is very hypocritical for the United States to put its own interests first, or for American Wall Street capital and big American companies (especially arms dealers) to put their own interests first, but hold high the banner of morality. However, as determined by the liberal democratic system of the United States, the United States allows criticism of it. This is the greatness of the American system. The autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP is not only the most evil in the world, but also the most hypocritical in the world, and no one is allowed to criticize it. People all over the world can criticize the United States with confidence. This is the greatness of the American system.
美 国的制度是伟大的,但美国的道义水平却在下降。在一二百年前,美国欢迎所有遭受压迫的人。一批又一批寻找自由机遇的人来到美国,虽然他们抢走了印第安人的 土地,但创造了自由文明的美国。在19世纪,美国的大企业和大资本成长起来,美国越来越表现出资本的自私、无知和短视。这就是为什么美国助长纳粹德国、苏 联和共产中国的崛起。
The American system is great, but the moral standard of the United States is declining. A hundred or two hundred years ago, America welcomed all who were oppressed. Groups of people looking for opportunities for freedom came to the United States. Although they took away the land of the Indians, they created a free and civilized America. In the 19th century, big business and big capital in the United States grew up, and the United States increasingly showed the selfishness, ignorance and shortsightedness of capital. This is why the US fueled the rise of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and Communist China.
In the past 100 years, the United States has been the country that has helped the Chinese people the most. However, due to a series of wrong choices made by the United States, the Chinese people have fallen into a huge disaster under the CCP's autocratic rule since 1949. The United States bears the greatest moral responsibility for the disasters suffered by the Chinese people. By helping the Chinese people end the CCP’s autocratic rule, the United States is correcting historical mistakes, and it is also a threat to free the American people and people around the world from the CCP’s autocratic rule.
11. Germany and Japan help the Chinese people to overthrow the CCP’s rule is to atone for history
Germany started two world wars and Japan started World War II with Germany. Some of the ill effects of the two world wars are still lingering today. For example, during the First World War, Germany supported Lenin and the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (the predecessor of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) with a large amount of money and weapons, giving birth to the Soviet Union. Since then, the communist movement has affected all countries in the world, and China has become the biggest victim of the East.
In fact, the person who had the worst influence on human civilization in Germany was not Hitler, but Marx. The full name of the Nazi Party is the German National Socialist Workers Party, which is a far-left political party influenced by Marxist ideology. Hitler joined the Nazi Party and went from nobody to the head of Germany. The birth of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany was heavily influenced by Marx's ideas of socialism and communism. Without Marx, there would be no Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Xi Jinping.
With the birth of Marx, Germany became the most important birthplace of socialist and communist ideas. The most important thing for Germany to atone for history is to eliminate the influence of Marxist thought. Because of Marxism, the Chinese people have been enslaved by the CCP for more than 70 years. Now, Germany's biggest task of atonement for history is to help the Chinese people overthrow the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP.
日 本在1931~1945年侵略中国,重创中华民国军队。日本全面侵略中国之前,中华民国军队正在消灭中共部队。但是,日本的全面侵略,让中共军队重新复 活,并迅速发展壮大。然后,苏联又以日本武器和美国武器大规模武装中共军队,打败已经严重受伤的中华民国军队。最后,中华民国政府败退到台湾。
Japan invaded China from 1931 to 1945, and severely damaged the army of the Republic of China. Before Japan's full-scale invasion of China, the ROC army was destroying the CCP troops. However, Japan's all-out aggression has revived the CCP's military and has grown rapidly. Then, the Soviet Union armed the CCP army on a large scale with Japanese weapons and American weapons to defeat the already severely wounded ROC army. In the end, the government of the Republic of China retreated to Taiwan.
It was the Japanese aggression that gave the CCP army the opportunity to defeat the ROC army, which suffered heavy losses in resisting the Japanese aggression. Since then, the Chinese people have lived under the CCP's autocratic oppression. Therefore, Japan's support for the Chinese people to overthrow the evil autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP is the atonement of the Japanese people for the Chinese people.
Japan invaded China and caused huge losses to China. According to the statistics of the Republic of China in 1945, the Japanese aggression caused 45 million casualties in China and an economic loss of 62 billion US dollars. According to the resolution of the World Fascist Alliance in 1947, Japan should compensate China 21.6 billion US dollars. However, China "repays grievances with virtue" and did not demand compensation from Japan. Therefore, Japan should now spend 50 billion dollars to help the Chinese people overthrow the evil dictatorship of the CCP. At the very least, Japan should do its utmost to help the Chinese people overthrow the CCP’s autocratic rule.
12. The Chinese people’s overthrow of the CCP’s autocratic oppression deserves the help of the world
日 本、韩国、台湾、新加坡已经证明,东亚文明国家可以很好的建立现代文明的自由民主制度。因为东亚人聪明、勤劳、守法、自我负责,可以迅速的进行国家建设, 可以有效降低一人一票民主制度的弊端。在任何国家,总是少数掌握多数财富,少数人才是比较理性的,一人一票的民主制度很容易走向民粹主义,导致民主的失 败。这在非洲、拉丁美洲和伊斯兰国家都比较充分的显示出来,比如南非、海地、委内瑞拉、阿富汗。美国花费2万多亿美元和20年时间,也没有帮助阿富汗建立 稳定的自由民主制度。
Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore have proved that East Asian civilized countries can very well establish modern civilized liberal and democratic systems. Because East Asians are smart, industrious, law-abiding, and self-responsible, they can quickly carry out national construction and effectively reduce the drawbacks of the one-person-one-vote democracy system. In any country, the minority always holds the majority of the wealth, and the minority is more rational. The democratic system of one person, one vote can easily lead to populism, leading to the failure of democracy. This is more fully demonstrated in Africa, Latin America and Islamic countries, such as South Africa, Haiti, Venezuela, Afghanistan. The United States has spent more than 2 trillion dollars and 20 years, and has not helped Afghanistan to establish a stable liberal democratic system.
东 亚人聪明、勤劳、守法、自我负责,就容易自我摆脱贫困,就容易得到理性认知。因此,同等条件下,东亚国家的民主质量最高,稳定而有序,迅速走向现代文明。 日本、韩国、台湾、新加坡已经证明,东亚国家可以迅速走向现代发达文明和稳固的自由民主,然后成为自由民主世界的可靠盟友。比如,日本、韩国、台湾,都是 美国最可靠的盟友之一。因此,中国人民最值得美国人民和全球人民的帮助,建立自由民主制度。
East Asians are smart, hard-working, law-abiding, and self-responsible, so they can easily get rid of poverty and gain rational recognition. Therefore, under the same conditions, East Asian countries have the highest quality of democracy, are stable and orderly, and rapidly move towards modern civilization. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore have proven that East Asian countries can quickly move toward modern advanced civilization and solid liberal democracy, and then become reliable allies in the liberal democratic world. For example, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are among the most reliable allies of the United States. Therefore, the Chinese people are most worthy of the help of the American people and the people of the world to establish a liberal democratic system.
历 史上,对于专制统治,中国人民爆发了最多的反抗压迫起义。面对蒙古帝国对亚洲和欧洲的侵略,中国人民的反抗最为顽强。二战时,欧洲国家面对纳粹德国的侵 略,亚洲国家面对军国主义日本的侵略,中国人民的反抗意志也是最顽强的。尽管中国的武器比较落后,但反抗精神显著高于那些迅速投降的欧洲国家。中国派远征 军支援在缅甸的英军和美军,中国军队表现出良好的战斗精神。
Historically, Chinese people have experienced the most uprisings against oppression against autocratic rule. In the face of the Mongol Empire's aggression against Asia and Europe, the Chinese people's resistance was the most tenacious. During World War II, when European countries faced the aggression of Nazi Germany and Asian countries faced the aggression of militaristic Japan, the Chinese people's will to resist was also the most tenacious. Although China's weapons are relatively backward, the spirit of resistance is significantly higher than those of the European countries that surrendered quickly. China sent an expeditionary force to support the British and American troops in Burma, and the Chinese army showed a good fighting spirit.
In 1989, Chinese students and the Chinese people suffered the most brutal repression by the CCP army machine guns and tanks. Many young students were crushed into meat sauce by tanks. Now, the Chinese people have no guns and weapons, but suffer from the most severe high-tech authoritarian rule by Xi Jinping and the CCP. The autocratic oppression suffered by the Chinese people is something that other European and American countries have never experienced. If the United States, Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia and other countries turn a blind eye to the autocratic oppression suffered by the Chinese people, Xi Jinping and the CCP will pose the most deadly threat to the security of global liberal democracy and human civilization!
The United States spent more than 2 trillion dollars, and in the end, the Taliban ruled Afghanistan. The United States has spent more than 2 trillion dollars, and Iraqi society is still unstable. A study by Brown University's War Costs Project shows that the 20-year war on terrorism in the United States costs as much as $8 trillion. But so far, not much has been gained. If the United States can spend $1 trillion to support the liberal democracy of the Chinese people, or even just $100 billion, the United States will create the largest liberal democracy in the world, the United States will gain a most powerful and reliable ally, and at the same time eliminate One of the most powerful evil despotic ruling groups. But unfortunately, the United States has squandered the 8 trillion dollars in several Islamic countries.
In order to fight for freedom and democracy, the Chinese people have the courage to face the machine gun fire and the crushing of tanks by the CCP army. This is something that Americans and Europeans can't even imagine. However, because the Chinese people do not have any weapons, the strong efforts of the Chinese people for freedom and democracy have failed. Don't such people deserve the help of people all over the world?
全 球人民帮助中国人民推翻习近平和中共的专制统治,就消灭了全球最大的邪恶力量,其他小的邪恶力量将很容易被消灭。因为,俄罗斯、朝鲜、伊朗、古巴等专制统 治国家,都是中共在输血。只要消灭中共专制统治,全球邪恶力量将失去最大依靠。同时,中国变成最强大的自由民主支持力量。从此,全球自由民主与安全将得到 巨大保证。
When people around the world help the Chinese people to overthrow the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP, they will eliminate the largest evil force in the world, and other small evil forces will be easily eliminated. Because Russia, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and other autocratic countries are all blood transfusions by the CCP. As long as the CCP's autocratic rule is eliminated, the global evil forces will lose their greatest support. At the same time, China has become the most powerful support force for liberal democracy. From then on, global freedom, democracy and security will be greatly guaranteed.
13. Ignoring the suffering of the Chinese people is a common crime of all mankind
但是,目前为止,对于中国人民所遭受的全方位的专制统治压迫,全世界似乎是视而不见。尤其是美国、欧洲、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚等现代自由民主国家,却对中国人民所承受的灾难表现出显著的自私和冷漠。只 有中共出现严重侵犯人权的现象,可以让自由民主国家抓住大把柄,自由民主国家才发出一点声音。只有全球知名的中国异议人士被抓捕,自由民主国家才声援一 下,以彰显自己的自由民主价值观。对于中国人民所遭受的更大规模的专制统治压迫,自由民主国家视而不见,全部都被中共的经济利益所绑架。
However, so far, the whole world seems to be turning a blind eye to the full range of oppression that the Chinese people suffer from. In particular, modern liberal democracies such as the United States, Europe, Japan, Canada, and Australia have shown remarkable selfishness and indifference to the disasters endured by the Chinese people. Only when the CCP has seriously violated human rights can the liberal and democratic countries seize the big handle, and the liberal and democratic countries can make a sound. Only when world-renowned Chinese dissidents are arrested will liberal democracies show their solidarity with their liberal democratic values. Liberal and democratic countries turn a blind eye to the larger-scale oppression of autocratic rule suffered by the Chinese people, all of which are kidnapped by the economic interests of the CCP.
The best way to overthrow the evil autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP is for a free and democratic country to unite with the Chinese people, and a free and democratic country to help the Chinese people overthrow the evil rule of the CCP. In particular, Chinese scholars, or China's more thoughtful people, are the most worthy objects of support and alliance for liberal and democratic countries. But liberal democracies never do. The United States, which bears the greatest responsibility, has shown great selfishness and indifference towards the Chinese people.
In the past 10 years, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the CCP has shut down a large number of media and Internet media, and arrested or threatened Chinese scholars and dissidents in large numbers, resulting in Chinese scholars and dissidents being silenced or forced to remain silent. All the different voices were either blocked or threatened or arrested. The CCP led by Xi Jinping has made the whole country stupid and arrogant without any check, and shut up or put all its critics in jail. At this time, liberal democracies around the world, especially the United States, did nothing to do anything about it, and actually helped the CCP to contain Chinese dissident scholars.
Visa officers in liberal and democratic countries, especially those in liberal and democratic developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, and France, have shown great indifference to Chinese dissident scholars or dissidents. From the perspective of visa officers in these liberal and democratic developed countries, dissident scholars and dissidents most want to flee China, that is, not to return to China, so they are the first to refuse visas to Chinese dissident scholars or dissidents. As a result, visa officers in liberal and democratic developed countries have become watchdogs to safeguard the CCP’s autocratic rule. This is not only ignorant, but also shameful!
A number of professional visa applicants told me, do not let visa officers in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and other countries realize that you are a Chinese dissident scholar, do not let them find out that you are dissatisfied with the CCP’s rule, otherwise they will Your visa will be quickly denied.
An experienced visa professional said to me: "Don't think that the US visa officers will sympathize with you dissident scholars with a spirit of justice, they will be the first to refuse your visa. The United States has been the number one in the world for too long, and the Americans are very Arrogant, they will not pay attention to you dissident scholars at all. The U.S. consulate must give priority to maintaining the relationship between the United States and China. They don’t want to offend the CCP because of you. The first thing they reject are you dissident scholars!
These liberal and democratic developed countries are all kidnapped by the economic interests of the CCP. Because of the interests of ignorance, indifference and short-sightedness, the embassies and consulates of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, France and other countries have almost all become the CCP’s watchdog to block Chinese dissident scholars and dissidents. This is the shame of liberal democracies, this is the shame of the justice of human civilization, this is the shame of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, France and other countries!
2015 年7月9日起,中共对300多位异议人士进行大逮捕,我是侥幸逃脱判刑。但是,我却被中共迫害的妻离子散。2017年10月底,习近平在中共十九次代表大 会结束后表示要无限连任。那时,我意识到习近平要做皇帝,习近平才是中国人民和全球人民的最大敌人。我想把习近平和中共对人类文明的威胁告诉美国和全世 界,我就去申请美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、德国、法国等自由民主发达国家的签证,结果我连续失败了十几次。这让我沉痛的意识到,自由民主国家的 大使馆和签证官几乎都是中共的看门狗。
Since July 9, 2015, the CCP has carried out mass arrests of more than 300 dissidents, and I narrowly escaped the sentence. However, I was separated from my wife and son persecuted by the CCP. At the end of October 2017, after the conclusion of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping stated that he would be re-elected indefinitely. At that time, I realized that Xi Jinping is going to be the emperor, and Xi Jinping is the biggest enemy of the Chinese people and the people of the world. I wanted to tell the United States and the world about the threat to human civilization from Xi Jinping and the CCP, so I went to apply for visas from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, France and other liberal and democratic developed countries, but I failed more than a dozen times in a row. . This made me realize with great pain that embassies and visa officers in liberal democracies are almost all watchdogs of the CCP.
在 这五年来,我向美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等多个自由民主国家的驻华大使馆发送Gmail电子邮件,还对美国国务院多次发送电子邮件,但全部遭到冷漠对 待。我多次发给美国大使馆发送电子邮件,没有得到任何回复。但是,部分电子邮件竟然到了中共警察手里,我感到自己或可能被美国大使馆出卖了(或许是因为中 共对美国驻华大使馆的渗透)。中共警察对我进行严厉的审查,差点把我逮捕入狱。
In the past five years, I have sent Gmail emails to the embassies of liberal democracies in China such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, and I have also sent emails to the U.S. State Department several times, but all have been treated indifferently. I have emailed the US embassy multiple times with no response. However, some of the emails ended up in the hands of the CCP police, and I feel that I may have been betrayed by the US embassy (perhaps because of the CCP’s infiltration of the US embassy in China). The CCP police conducted severe scrutiny on me and nearly put me in jail.
Later, I was forced to apply for a visa for developing countries. When I was about to leave the country, I was stopped by the CCP customs police because I had already been restricted from leaving the country by the CCP police. In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I could only take a risk and choose to sneak away. However, because I don't have a visa from a developed country, I can't get political asylum, and I still have no personal security. In the end, due to the indifference and shamelessness of the liberal and democratic developed countries, I became a bereaved dog seeking justice.
This is not just my misery alone. Many Chinese dissidents who pursue freedom and justice, because they do not have visas from developed countries, were eventually arrested by the CCP or disappeared from the world, or risked smuggling, or died in smuggling. These humanitarian disasters, these trampling and persecution of justice, the CCP bears the responsibility, and the embassies and visa officers of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and other countries also bear the inescapable responsibility.
However, the whole world does not seem to know that these humanitarian disasters are happening, and countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia are still committing crimes against justice as always! If it was 100 years ago, they could have escaped freely. But today, the justice of human civilization has gone backwards drastically in this regard!
在 偷渡逃离中共统治之前的数年里,我曾经多次向美国的一些大学与研究机构求助,但无人理会。我曾经多次向美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等自由民主国家的媒体 投稿,并把我的文章发送给他们的参议员和众议员,几乎全部遭到冷漠对待。这让我深深感到,他们所谓自由民主的价值观,实际上对中国学者是非常冷漠的。
In the years before smuggling to escape the CCP’s rule, I repeatedly sought help from some universities and research institutions in the United States, but they were ignored. I have repeatedly contributed to the media in liberal democracies such as the US, UK, Canada, Australia, etc. and sent my articles to their senators and representatives, and almost all of them were treated with indifference. This made me deeply feel that their so-called values of freedom and democracy are actually very indifferent to Chinese scholars.
If the world continues to ignore the threat of Xi Jinping and the CCP’s autocratic rule, if the liberal, democratic and developed countries continue to treat the Chinese people who are oppressed by tyranny, if the United States continues to choose the wrong one under the guidance of selfishness, ignorance, indifference, arrogance, and cowardly human weakness China policy, human civilization will suffer greater threats, greater crises and greater costs!
Indifference to the 1.4 billion Chinese people who are oppressed by tyranny is a common crime of all mankind! The release of the new coronavirus by Xi Jinping and the CCP has caused huge losses to people around the world. In the future, this punishment may be more severe, even at the cost of the destruction or severe loss of human civilization.
If human beings are destroyed one day, it will be the result of human selfishness, ignorance and indifference. Selfishness fuels evil, ignorance condones evil, and indifference helps evil. In the man-made disasters in human history, human beings are not innocent at all, and they even deserve their sins. Perhaps, many people do not know or understand that this is also a sin, because ignorance itself is the beginning of evil or the beginning of sin.
14. The people of the world should overthrow Xi Jinping and the CCP with the strength of unity and wisdom
Putin launched Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, which made people around the world see once again the evil of authoritarian rule, the threat to liberal democracy, and the threat to global security. But far more evil and dangerous than Putin and Russia is the dictatorship of Xi Jinping and the CCP. Therefore, people around the world should wake up and help the Chinese people to overthrow the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP with the strength of unity and wisdom.
Xi Jinping is the biggest enemy of the Chinese people and people around the world, and he is also his own worst enemy. Xi Jinping tried in vain to continue his evil rule, just like Mao Zedong was in power for a long time, and eventually became the greatest historical sinner of the Chinese nation. If Xi Jinping still has some wisdom and conscience, he should take the initiative to step down. Hitler's greatest contribution to the world was suicide. The greatest contribution Stalin and Mao Zedong made to the world was death. Xi Jinping's greatest contribution to the world is to take the initiative to step down. However, due to Xi Jinping's strong desire for power, evil ideological cognition and stupidity, arrogance, stubbornness, vanity and dictatorship, Xi Jinping will not take the initiative to step down.
Not only the Chinese people are victims of the CCP’s autocratic rule, but the vast majority of CCP members and CCP officials are also victims of the CCP’s autocratic rule. Especially under Xi Jinping's extreme authoritarian rule, every CCP member and CCP official is trembling with fear. They are not allowed to express any dissent, otherwise it is "arbitrarily discussing the central government". Xi Jinping took all his evil character and autocratic atrocities as the will of the CCP Central Committee. As a result, CCP members and CCP officials became the first victims, and all Chinese people followed suit. Therefore, the United States and its allies must make full use of the internal contradictions of the CCP to target the most evil elements.
Xi Jinping and the CCP’s autocratic rule are the biggest enemy of the Chinese people and people around the world, and the biggest enemy of more than 90% of the CCP members. Only those few ultra-left communists who insist on evil values want China to become the new Soviet Union. They regard the most evil Mao Zedong, China's greatest historical sinner, as the great savior of the Chinese people, and also hope that the Chinese people will live forever in the evil movement of the "Cultural Revolution" from 1966 to 1976.
如 果中共主动结束专制统治,就是解放90%以上的中共党员,更是造福中国人民和全球人民。但是,中共已经被邪恶的习近平等专制统治既得利益者所控制,已经不 可能主动下台。只有强大的外部压力,才能迫使中共放弃专制统治。推翻习近平的专制统治是第一步,才有机会迫使中共放弃专制统治。
If the CCP takes the initiative to end the autocratic rule, it will liberate more than 90% of the CCP members, and it will benefit the Chinese people and people around the world. However, the CCP has been controlled by the vested interests of autocratic rule such as the evil Xi Jinping, and it is impossible to step down voluntarily. Only strong external pressure can force the CCP to abandon its autocratic rule. Overthrowing Xi Jinping's autocratic rule is the first step, and there is a chance to force the CCP to give up its autocratic rule.
美 国在余茂春等华人学者的倡议下,已经认识到把中国人民和中共分开。实际上,美国还应该把中国和中共分开,把少数极左中共党员与90%的温和价值观党员分 开,把中共中下层党员和中共高层分开,把中共高层党员与最邪恶的习近平分开。首先就是孤立习近平,打击其支持者。再次是孤立维护专制统治的高层成员,打击 所有维护中共专制统治的既得利益高层党员及其各种支持者。
Under the initiative of Chinese scholars such as Yu Maochun, the United States has realized that the Chinese people are separated from the CCP. In fact, the United States should also separate China from the CCP, separate the few ultra-left CCP members from the 90% moderate-value CCP members, separate the middle and lower CCP members from the high-level CCP, and separate the high-level CCP members from the most evil Xi Jinping. The first is to isolate Xi Jinping and crack down on his supporters. Once again, it isolates the high-level members who maintain the autocratic rule, and strikes down all high-level party members with vested interests and their various supporters who maintain the autocratic rule of the CCP.
比 如,美国总统或美国国务院宣布,或美国参议员众议员提议,一旦习近平继续连任,美国就立即制裁支持习近平的所有下属及亲属,立即制裁中共宣传部、中共网络 管理部、中共网络警察、中共政治警察、中共海关警察,立即制裁压制中国人民言论自由的腾讯、微博、抖音、百度、小米及其管理层。同时宣布,谁支持习近平连任,美国及盟友就制裁谁。谁反对习近平连任,就可以解除制裁。这样,就会瓦解习近平的支持力量。
For example, the U.S. President or the U.S. State Department announced, or U.S. Senators and Representatives proposed that once Xi Jinping continues to be re-elected, the United States will immediately sanction all subordinates and relatives who support Xi Jinping, and immediately sanction the CCP’s Propaganda Department, the CCP’s Internet Management Department, the CCP’s Internet Police, and the CCP’s Political police, CCP customs police. Immediately sanction Tencent, Weibo, Tik Tok, Baidu, Xiaomi and their management for suppressing the freedom of speech of the Chinese people. At the same time, it was announced that whoever supports Xi Jinping's re-election will be sanctioned by the United States and its allies. Anyone who opposes Xi Jinping's re-election can lift sanctions. In doing so, it would disintegrate Xi's support.
After the overthrow of Xi Jinping, the United States and its allies will attack all those who uphold the CCP’s autocratic rule and support all those who promote the development of China’s freedom and democracy. The United States and its allies will sanction whoever maintains the CCP's autocratic rule. Whoever promotes the development of freedom and democracy in China will be supported by the United States and its allies. Moreover, the United States and its allies must unite the forces of global justice and jointly promote China's movement towards freedom and democracy.
It is difficult for Chinese dissident scholars and dissidents to have a voice in China. The United States and its allies can grant visas unconditionally, allowing them to express their voices freely and grant political asylum at any time, so as to solve the worries of the righteous people in China. In order to further weaken the growth of the CCP's power, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries should greatly relax the visas for Chinese talents and outstanding young people, accelerate the drain of China's talent and the population of outstanding young people, and at the same time enhance the talent strength of liberal democracies.
美 国和盟友应该以更智慧的方式帮助中国人民推翻中共专制统治。首先,要求中共解除互联网限制及监控,归还中国人民的言论自由、出版自由、结社自由和游行示威 自由。其次,要求中共拿出自由民主改革进程表,尽快开启自由民主改革。第三,禁止对学生、军队、警察等进行任何洗脑教育及互联网信息屏蔽,让中国学生军人 警察等充分了解真相。
The United States and its allies should help the Chinese people to overthrow the CCP’s autocratic rule in a smarter way. First, demand that the CCP lift Internet restrictions and surveillance, and return the Chinese people's freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of association, and freedom of demonstration. Secondly, the CCP is required to come up with a free and democratic reform process table and start the free and democratic reform as soon as possible. Third, it is forbidden to conduct any brainwashing education and Internet information blocking for students, military, police, etc., so that Chinese students, soldiers and police can fully understand the truth.
The United States and its allies, all sanctions and interest exchanges against the CCP should be linked to the issue of freedom and democracy in China. For example, sanctioning the CCP’s military-industrial enterprises, high-tech companies, surveillance product companies, etc., as well as sanctioning the CCP’s high-level leaders and speech supervision departments, must be linked to the CCP’s process of freedom and democracy. The biggest goal and core standard of the US and its allies' China policy is to overthrow the CCP's autocratic rule.
只 要让中国人民了解到真相,让中国学生军人警察了解到真相,归还中国人民的言论自由、游行示威自由,中国人民就能自己推翻中共的专制统治。实际上,这也是解 放90%以上的中共党员、中共官员、中共军人、中共警察。当了解真相的中国人民可以自由的进行游行示威时,了解真相的军人警察保持中立,中共专制统治就立 即土崩瓦解!
As long as the Chinese people know the truth, the Chinese students, soldiers and police know the truth, and the Chinese people's freedom of speech and demonstration is restored, the Chinese people will be able to overthrow the CCP's autocratic rule by themselves. In fact, this is also the liberation of more than 90% of CCP members, CCP officials, CCP soldiers, and CCP police. When the Chinese people who know the truth can freely march and demonstrate, and the soldiers and police who know the truth remain neutral, the CCP’s autocratic rule will collapse immediately!
美 国和盟友的对华政策及对华言论,应该处处把中共和中国人民分开、把中共与中国分开,并指出中共对中国人民和全球人民的危害。因为,中共经常把自己的专制统 治利益冒充为中国利益,进而误导中国人民。中共经常把美国对中共的制裁,宣传成美国对中国人民和中国国家利益的制裁,进而制造反美情绪。因此,美国及盟友必须把中国与中共十分明细的区别使用。比如,不要使用“中国威胁”,应该准确的使用“中共威胁”。因为中国和中国人民都是中共专制统治的最大受害者,不能以受害者的名字代替邪恶的中共。
The U.S. and its allies’ China policies and rhetoric toward China should at every turn separate the CCP from the Chinese people, separate the CCP from China, and point out the CCP’s harm to the Chinese people and people around the world. This is because the CCP often misleads the Chinese people by posing its own interests of autocratic rule as China’s interests. The CCP often promotes U.S. sanctions against the CCP as U.S. sanctions against the Chinese people and China’s national interests, thereby creating anti-American sentiment. Therefore, the United States and its allies must use a very clear distinction between China and the CCP. For example, don't use "China threat", you should use "CCP threat" accurately. Because China and the Chinese people are the biggest victims of the CCP's autocratic rule, the name of the victim cannot be used to replace the evil CCP.
15. The decisive battle against Xi Jinping: a key battle that affects the fate of human civilization
中 国人民缺乏武器,又被中共严格监控,因而中国人民的反对声音难以被中共足够重视。中共无法屏蔽国际社会的声音,而且会严重影响习近平和中共比较在乎的国际 声誉。美国及盟友对中共的国际制裁,更能直接影响中共利益。因此,世界各国政治家、媒体、企业及知名人士,对推翻习近平和中共的专制统治就非常关键。
The Chinese people lack weapons and are strictly monitored by the CCP, so it is difficult for the CCP to pay enough attention to the opposition of the Chinese people. The CCP cannot block the voice of the international community, and it will seriously affect the international reputation that Xi Jinping and the CCP care about. The international sanctions against the CCP by the United States and its allies can directly affect the interests of the CCP. Therefore, politicians, media, businesses and celebrities from all over the world are very crucial to overthrow the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP.
For example, when the U.S. and its allies sanction top Russian officials and Putin cronies, the top officials of the CCP immediately panicked and collectively opposed Xi Jinping’s attack on Taiwan. Forcing the top CCP to oppose Xi Jinping and forcing the CCP to support liberal and democratic reforms is the most effective way. Given that Xi Jinping is an extremely selfish and stupid tyrant, his interests are very different from those of the top CCP, and his personal preferences are often very irrational. It is difficult for the international community to deal with him, and this dangerous tyrant must be ousted first.
The government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) should take the restoration of democracy and freedom in mainland China as an important goal, and actively stand up to fully oppose the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP. Only by overthrowing the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP can Taiwan be truly safe in the long term, and this is also true for countries like the United States, Japan, South Korea, and others. Only a government elected by the people is the only legitimate government, and only a democratic government can represent the country and the people. The government of the Republic of China is the only legitimate democratically elected government in China, and it is also the legitimate democratic regime most qualified to represent China and the Chinese people. The ROC government should set up the ROC Mainland Administration Department to represent the people of mainland China in resisting the oppression of the CCP. All countries in the world should support the ROC government on behalf of the Chinese people to resist the CCP's autocratic rule, and support the ROC's establishment of consulates and representative offices in mainland China in various countries around the world.
If Xi Jinping is re-elected, and if the CCP continues to uphold its evil autocratic rule, countries around the world should consider restoring the ROC's legitimate seat in the United Nations. The Republic of China is an important force in the World Anti-Fascist Alliance. It has made the greatest contribution and made the greatest sacrifice in countering the Japanese militaristic aggression, and thus won a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. However, with the support of the wicked Soviet Union and the major wrong choice of the United States, the wicked CCP stole the mainland territory and mainland power of the Republic of China with deceit and violence. The world should not support an evil big liar and autocratic dictatorship in place of a legitimate liberal democratic government.
Some senior U.S. officials and those in the U.S. military believe that there will be a war between the U.S. and the CCP. For China, whose military strength is growing rapidly, it is better for the United States to fight later than to fight early, and the earlier the war, the better for the United States. If the autocratic rule of the CCP can be overthrown without war, it is the best choice. Therefore, the biggest goal of the United States and its allies with regard to the world pattern should be to overthrow the CCP’s autocratic rule.
The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held in Beijing on October 16, 2022, which will determine whether Xi Jinping will be re-elected. The outcome of this meeting is more important than Putin's sudden death or sudden resignation. If Xi Jinping steps down, Putin will be isolated and helpless, China will have the opportunity to start the process of liberal and democratic reform, and Russia will start the process of liberal democracy again. If Xi Jinping continues to be re-elected, Xi Jinping and Putin will continue to jointly harm the world, and the authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP will bring greater threats to the world.
现 在,正是决定人类文明命运的关键时刻,打倒习近平的专制统治就是全人类最关键的历史任务。全球所有政治家,全球所有媒体和互联网公司,全球所有正义人士, 请一起呼吁或协助呼吁推翻习近平的专制统治。全球人民,请一起推翻习近平和中共的专制统治,这是全球人民对人类文明未来的最大自救行动。
Now is a critical moment that determines the fate of human civilization. Overcoming Xi Jinping's autocratic rule is the most critical historical task for all mankind. All politicians in the world, all media and Internet companies in the world, and all people of justice in the world, please call or help call for the overthrow of Xi Jinping's authoritarian rule. People of the world, please join us to overthrow the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP. This is the greatest self-help action by the people of the world for the future of human civilization.
习 近平反复折腾中国人民,严酷迫害中国异议人士,习近平给我带来无数苦难,我就代表中国异议学者送给习近平一颗思想原子弹。被习近平病毒(新冠病毒)折磨的 全球人民,都应该站出来反对习近平。挽救人类文明的未来,必须先打倒这个掌握巨大专制权力的危险暴君。在这历史的关键时刻,全球所有正义力量,都应该一起 努力把习近平赶下台。
Xi Jinping has repeatedly tossed the Chinese people and severely persecuted Chinese dissidents. Xi Jinping has brought me countless hardships, and I will give Xi Jinping an ideological atomic bomb on behalf of Chinese dissident scholars. People all over the world who are tortured by the Xi Jinping virus (coronavirus) should stand up against Xi Jinping. To save the future of human civilization, we must first overthrow this dangerous tyrant who wields enormous autocratic power. At this critical moment in history, all the forces of justice in the world should work together to remove Xi Jinping from power.
为 了挽救人类文明的未来,本文放弃所有版权,全球任何媒体和个人都可以免费发布、转载、引用或制作成视频节目等。请所有媒体不要在乎是否是首次发表,不要对 人类正义置若罔闻。本文原文是中文,已经用谷歌翻译成英语,请再翻译成其他语言传播。请所有正义人士积极帮助传播此文,或宣传此文的重要观念,感谢您对挽 救人类文明所做的一份贡献!
In order to save the future of human civilization, this article waives all copyrights, and any media and individuals in the world can freely publish, reprint, quote or make video programs, etc. Please all the media not to care if it is the first publication, and not to turn a deaf ear to human justice. This article is originally in Chinese and has been translated into English by Google. Please translate it into other languages for dissemination. Please all righteous people actively help to spread this article, or publicize the important concepts of this article, thank you for your contribution to saving human civilization!
Author: Freedom Tower
September 8, 2022
作者简介:自 由塔,一个被中共压迫又被自由世界拒绝的中国异议学者。在习近平的统治下,我被中共迫害的妻离子散,最后被迫冒着生命危险偷渡出境。习近平让我失去中学教 师的工作,网信办和腾讯对我赶尽杀绝。习近平领导的中共迫害我,美国等自由民主国家拒绝我,让我成了一条追求正义的流浪狗。习近平是我的最大敌人,习近平 的帮凶中宣部、网信办和腾讯就是第二大敌人。我的人生已经被这些邪恶势力所摧毁,我的余生就是对这些邪恶势力进行反攻。
About the author: Freedom Tower, a Chinese dissident scholar who was oppressed by the CCP and rejected by the free world. Under Xi Jinping’s rule, my wife and children persecuted by the CCP were separated, and I was finally forced to risk my life to smuggle out of the country. Xi Jinping made me lose my job as a middle school teacher, and the Cyberspace Administration of China and Tencent killed me. The CCP led by Xi Jinping persecuted me, and the United States and other liberal and democratic countries rejected me, making me a stray dog pursuing justice. Xi Jinping is my worst enemy, and Xi Jinping's accomplices, the Central Propaganda Department, the Cyberspace Administration of China, and Tencent are the second worst enemies. My life has been destroyed by these evil forces, and the rest of my life is to fight back against these evil forces.
本 文作者的Twitter和YouTube频道是“自由塔FreedomTower”,Twitter账号是“FreedomTower89”,敬请关注, 还有后续文章及视频。文章预告:《习近平是中华民族的第三大历史罪人》、《习近平是全体中国人民的最大敌人》、《腾讯是习近平与中共邪恶统治的最大帮 凶》。
The author's Twitter and YouTube channel is "FreedomTower" and the Twitter account is "FreedomTower89", so stay tuned, and follow-up articles and videos. Article preview: "Xi Jinping is the third greatest historical sinner of the Chinese nation", "Xi Jinping is the greatest enemy of all Chinese people", "Tencent is the biggest accomplice of Xi Jinping and the evil rule of the CCP".
因 为没有发达国家的签证,我现在只能在一个穷国做简单的体力工作,收入微薄,这严重影响了我的后续思想创作。朋友告诉我,我或许还可以尝试申请美国的杰出人 才移民(由于中共压迫,导致我的条件还有些不足),但我缺乏相应资金。因为我现在所在的国家还无法办理银行卡及PayPal支付,我暂时还无法获得 PayPal赞赏。愿意支持我的朋友,敬请后期关注支持。
Because I don't have a visa from a developed country, I can only do simple manual work in a poor country with a meager income, which seriously affects my subsequent ideological creation. A friend told me that I might also be able to apply for outstanding talent immigration in the United States (due to the oppression of the CCP, my conditions are still somewhat insufficient), but I lack the corresponding funds. Because the country I live in is not yet able to handle bank card and PayPal payments, I can't get PayPal credit for the time being. Willing to support my friends, please pay attention to support later.
Compared with the Chinese dissidents who were imprisoned or persecuted to death by the CCP, compared with the dissidents who were rejected by developed countries and died on the road, I got out of the CCP’s authoritarian prison alive, and God still gave me a hope of speaking alive. Thank God for keeping me alive to escape the direct control of Xi Jinping and the CCP, but the CCP’s evil influence and authoritarian shackles are still everywhere.