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致CNN支持信 呼吁散发和附签
日期:4/27/2008 来源:网络 作者:老牛乐吼

老牛乐吼 起草 的致CNN支持信,呼吁广为散发和附签,送发很容易

点击此处 http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form1.html?35

将下列信件COPY/PASTE进comment栏目即可,建议大家用真名真地址,如果身在西方的我们还有后顾之忧,那中国是彻底没希望了。最好在前头加几句自己 的说明,以免CNN收到重复内容,这几句是我送发时的加注,每人需要自己发挥。

I found this letter from the internet and think it expresses almost exactly what I am thinking and what I am going to speak out. I would like to co-sign this leter to show my support to CNN and to Mr. Cafferty.


Dear Mr. President of CNN:

In the midst of controversy over CNN s Tibet coverage and Mr. Cafferty s remark on Chinese government, we, a group of Chinese from many countries, rise to support CNN in defending freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Despite Chinese government blockade, CNN reported recent brutal crackdown on Tibetan peaceful demonstration with good faith and best effort. CNN s coverage is fair and balanced as well as Mr. Cafferty s characterization of Chinese government is accurate and truthful. We vehemently condemn Chinese government s smear campaign against CNN and Mr. Cafferty.

As world knows, Chinese communist government has killed hundreds of thousands of people in Tibet and tens of millions in other parts of China. They have systematically suppressed political dissidents, violated citizens civil rights and fabricated damnable lies. Just this month, human rights activist Hu Jia was sentenced to three and half years in prison while Premier Wen Jia Bao lied shamelessly on TV that no dissidents were arrested. In order to cover their bloody hands in Tibet atrocity, Chinese government incited anti-Western hatred and orchestrated pro-communist propaganda campaign in many parts of the world including American university campuses as we all witnessed. By any standards, Chinese government is the most barbaric and oppressive regime in today s world.

Mr. Cafferty has the courage to stand firm and call Chinese government what they truly are. He represents consciousness and will of all free people. Clearly his remark is not referring to vast majority of ordinary Chinese people. We are sorry for those who misunderstood Mr. Cafferty and felt offended.

As one of world s largest news organizations, CNN has championed the cause of free press. For more than 20 years, CNN has been an inspiration to many of those who have been striving for independent media within China. It is our great hope that CNN will not be intimidated by Chinese government and will not retreat from promoting and defending our shared common values around world.

Thank you CNN!
