"@tricialing: 0106 龍和:警有小巴,大聲公講左話如果犯法,會被捕。 Lung Wo: mini van is here in prep for possible arrest. #occupyhk #urhk
@tricialing 0110 十幾加警車返回金鐘。 Abt 10 police vans just got back to admiralty. #occuphk #urhk
@donplusn 1am police appear penned in from here to umbrellas in full riot gear #occupycentral #umhk #occupyhk #HongKongProtests
@Passiontimes 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角登打士街有數名群眾被警方的伸縮警棍打傷,正做應急處理。 (0:50 AM) @manlokb Protesters surrounded the police car asking police for releasing other arrested protestors. #hKUDOS #OccupyCentral
@Passiontimes 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 警察宣告離開長沙街近登打士街路面時,曾要求市民退上花槽及行人路讓路,但遭市民拒絕,最後無奈接受市民所開道路離開。 (0:35 AM)
@Garvey_B: Protesters use plastic ties to fix their new barricades together
@AgnesBun A man collapses after being hit with pepper spray by police during clashes in #HongKong - by @Alex_Ogle @AFP
@breakandattack: AND THE POLICE ARE LEAVING! Nathan Road belongs to the people again. #umbrellarevolution #occupyhk
@GlobalSolidHK: Protesters are requesting police to release the arrested students. #umhk #occupymongkok
@SimingTian: 山东街重建路障
@antd: Police still hold Argyle St. These Triad-specialist police sure to blend in well #OccupyHK
@wu_venus: Mongkok re-occupied. Earlier police were beating some protesters & their umbrellas with batons. #Occupyhk
@Passiontimes 旺角被打群眾
@krislc: Dundas. Barricades again #OccupyHK
@krislc: Dundas street now #OccupyHK
@FaningMonisor: 旺角現場:市民把警察反包圍,圈內所有警察不能脫身。幾經辛苦才求得善心香港市民放出,敗走長沙街
@tomgrundy Most of MK/Yau Ma Tei on lockdown now. Much bigger than #OccupyHK area was this time y'day. Authorities fail again.
@antd Police still hold Argyle St. These Triad-specialist police sure to blend in well #OccupyHK