@krislc as some protesters said, left a lot of mess for them to clean #OccupyHK
@williamnee Clearance of ribbons and signs near Legco.
@donplusn Cleanup outside Legco #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
@donplusn Broken umbrellas outside Legco #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
@donplusn Surveying tents #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
@donplusn= Restricting access around Citic Tower #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
@donplusn Police with shields by Citic Tower #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
@PRHacks Live: Can't believe it but I feel much 'safer' in Mong Kok! Few protesters & police this morning. #OccupyHK #Umhk
@krislc Although action started by protesters, this was broken by police when they charged in. #OccupyHK
@krislc another question will be, why not this entrance? why glass door? #OccupyHK
@PekingMike Mongkokers came to Legco last night to try Taiwan-style break in. Here watch news reports abt their attempt.
@krislc Although action started by protesters, this was broken by police when they charged in. #OccupyHK
@PekingMike One of at least 2 smashed windows at Legco building after last night's clash.
@anjalitsui Protest leader Joshua Wong says protesters need to gear up for the Mong Kok clear out and decide how to respond.
@ka1aok 今日凌晨(19日)立法會大樓外發生警民衝突。
@LamYikFei Riot police stand guard outside the Legco building after clash with protesters.
@breakandattack Dawn at Legco. #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK
@desiree_fa Police sleeping on the floor beside broken windows at LegCo. A long night for all #umhk #occupy
@stegersaurus Alex Chow says govt pushed protesters to this stage. Lester says instigators of last night action were misleading
@krislc Speaking now #OccupyHK
@krislc Police officer kindly reminded me there are three spots of action #OccupyHK
@AarcusM Protester arrested for unknown reason. #occupyhk #occupycentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
@AarcusM 0715. Calm on scene. Protesters and police lines thinned. Most ppl sleeping. Broken gate seen more clearly in daylite
@krislc giving free food now #OccupyHK
@979KingsRoad The #LennonWall after seven weeks of #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #umhk #OccupyHK
@AarcusM McD breakfasts going round. Spirits high but everyone tired. #occupyhk #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
@krislc very few police now #OccupyHK