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日期:4/18/2015 来源:网络 作者:网络

     417日,北京一法院对高瑜重判七年有期徒刑,七十一岁高龄的中国资深女记者将第三次入狱,国际社会哗然,纷纷谴责中共当局打压异己和禁止言论 自由的作法,记者无疆界等国际机构也呼吁国际社会对中国政府施压和制裁。
     此背景下,很高兴看到德国之声台长 Peter Limbourg 先生发表声明谴责对高女士的判决结果,并且还有更为积极的表态,即暂时中断与中共官媒央视正在进行中的合作谈判。我赞赏 Limbourg 先生做出了一个符合德国之声法原则、同自由社会主流价值相一致的明智决定。
    去年8,9月份,Limbourg 先生到访北京,与中共官员会面并确定与央视的合作框架。对于德国之声与曾强迫高瑜公开认罪进行羞辱的央视建立合作关系,我本人曾发表公开的质疑和批评。我 还与八九学运领袖吾尔开希等民主人士一起,向德国联邦议会致信,要求对德国之声的中国方向举行听证。325日,德国联邦议会媒体和社会文化 组邀请多家机构举行了听证会。我虽未能有幸参与,但还是在网上观看了全程,我见证了民主的德国始终有一条意见通道,可以让最高决策机构听到来自民 众的一些声音。
    与高瑜女士今天的处境截然不同的是,虽然我因为公开批评德国之声聘用的北京记者 Frank Sieren 先生连篇发表美化六四屠杀和中共暴政的文章,及批评 Limbourg 先生当时提出的中国方向,而被以泄露内部秘密的理由解职,但我依然感到幸运,因为我还不致于身陷囹圄,我还有着最珍贵的自由,还能继续发声和运用 法律来维护权利,甚至还能在今日看到 Limbourg 先生对独裁国家的谎言机器更新了认识,并且改变早前的决定,这需要勇气、道德力量和判断力。在此也感谢 Limbourg先生承诺继续关注高瑜及受迫害人士的命运,这是一个可贵的新方向。
    我还期待 Limbourg 先生能恢复早前高瑜供稿的《北京观察》栏目,以此向高瑜的敢言和捍卫言论自由的精神致敬,并且彻底终止与央视的合作,不再以讨好中共当局换取商业利益为目 的而美化暴政、背离《德国之声法》指导原则。中国和德国的文化交流,不会因为与央视终止合作而停滞和受到影响。中国也有很多在极权体制夹缝中挣扎 生存的良知媒体,和越来越活跃的新媒体力量。它们应该成为德国之声大战略目标下合作的新方向。

Wise decision of Director-General of DW to halt cooperation with CCTV

    On 17 April, a court in Beijing sentenced Gao Yu to 7 years in prison. The 71 year old veteran female Chinese journalist will be jailed for the third time. The internaional community seethes with indignation and condemns Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime of their repression of dissidents and prohibition of free speech. International organzations such as Reporters Without Borders call the international community for pressure and sanction against the Chinese government.
    In this context, we're glad to see that Mr. Peter Limbourg, the Director-General of Deutsche Welle (DW) made official statement to condemn the verdict against Ms. Gao. Further he made more active stance to halt the on-going cooperation negotiation with the Communist official media China Central Television (CCTV). I appreciate this wise decision of Mr. Limbourg, as it's in line with the principles of the "Deutsche Welle Act" and the mainstream value of liberal society.
    In August and September last year, Mr. Limbourg visited Beijing, met with CCP officials and determined the cooperation framework with CCTV. I questioned and criticized publicly DW's cooperation with CCTV which forced Ms. Gao Yu to confess in public as humiliation. Further, together with democratic activists like Wuerkaixi, one leader of the students' protest in 1989, I wrote letters to Bundestag, the German Federal Parliament to request public hearing of the "Chinese direction" of DW. On 25 March, The media and social culture group of Bundestag invited several organizations to hold a public hearinghttp://www.bundestag.de/mediathek/?action=search& ids=4763927&instance=m187&mask=search&contentArea=details. I watched the hearing from begin to end on Internet, although unfortunately I couldn't attend it. I witnessed an opinion passage in the democratic system of Germany that can bring some voices of the public to the top decision makers.
    In vast contrast to Ms. Gao's situation of today, although I was dismissed in name of "leaking internal secret" because I criticized in public numerous articles written by Mr. Frank Sieren, who is Beijing based journalist of DW, to whitewash the despotism and "4th June Massacre" of the CCP regime, and also because I criticized Mr. Limbourg of his "China direction" at that time, I still feel fortunate that I was not risking my personal freedom to be put in prison, but still able to speak out and defend my rights through legal procedures. Even better, I can see that Mr. Limbourg changed his earlier decision when he updated his knowledge of the false propoganda machines of a dictatorial state. This change requires courage, moral strength and capacity of discretion. I would like to take the chance to express my gratitude to Mr. Limbourg for his commitment to keep concerned about the fate of Ms. Gao Yu and many other persecuted. This is a valuable new direction.
    I'm also expecting Mr. Limbourg to restore the "Beijing Observation" column which was previously contributed by Ms. Gao Yu, so as to pay respect to her bravery in defending freedom of speech, as well as DW's termination of cooperation with CCTV and stop the violation of general guidelines of "Deutsche Welle Act" by beautifying the despotism to please the CCP regime in exchange for commercial benefits. The culture exchange between Germany and China won't be stagnated or affected by ending DW's cooperation with CCTV. There are also many ethical media striving for survival in the cracks of the totalitarian system, and also waves of new media which become more and more active. They should become the new direction of DW's strategic objects of cooperation.
    Concerning the DW's dismissal of me on 19 August of last year, I will begin a dialogue with Deutsche Welle about the rule of law on the court in the near future.

