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日期:3/21/2014 来源:猫眼看人 作者:红毛高棉老左

还是要佩服奥巴马的巧实力外交。那群无知文盲毛左,粪青就知道流氓痞子打架。美国的手段多多。这不!此番美国的制裁可谓打到了普京和 其最亲信的高官的七寸,其中包括普京一直隐瞒的个人秘密财富。白宫的言下之意是:普先生,普大帝!您了自己恐怕都不清楚的事儿,我们全都清楚!您看着 办!哇哈哈!毛左痞子这几天真跟找到土豪新爹一样的兴奋,但是你们能是美国的对手吗?

《时代周刊》近日刊文,4 Lessons Putin Will Take From U.S. Sanctions  普京将从美国制裁中得到的四点教训  全文地址: http://time.com/32753/4-lessons-putin-will-take-from-u-s-sanctions/


At least publicly, both houses of the Russian parliament have defied this threat, openly calling for the U.S. to blacklist all their members in solidarity with their sanctioned colleagues. But in private, many of them have likely been making calls to their bankers and real estate agents to figure out what assets they now stand to lose.


教训2.Secrets are no longer safe.机密不密!

the Kremlin has always maintained that its master is a civil servant of modest means, earning less than $200,000 in 2012 and owning only one Russian-made car.


But in its statement on Thursday, the U.S. Treasury Department stated that Putin has investments in a company called Gunvor, one of the biggest oil traders in the world. That is not public information, and although the U.S. government hasn’t given its source, this little bombshell comes with an implicit warning: The White House knows things about Putin’s wealth that he does not want going public.


家津津乐道的所谓普京不允许俄罗斯官员在海外拥有财产的反腐规定其实没有表面上看起来的那么反腐败。从某种角度说,这更是普京担心他的权贵小圈子 受到西方制裁而陷入被动所采取的预防措施。可惜很多他的富豪官员和商人朋友们根本不听这个命令。所以现在他们也怪不得普京了!和普京有渊源的很多旧交,包 括克格勃同事和柔道伙伴现在都跻身亿万富翁或政府高官,他们构成了普京的权力核心小集团。而这个小集团是此次美国制裁的重点,这些人负责或经营的公司 与机构都在此次被制裁之列。此次制裁,稳准狠!普京小集团欲哭无泪了!哇哈哈!

In his state of the nation address, he ordered all state officials to close their foreign bank accounts and bring their assets home. The move was meant to give the Kremlin some immunity from the unrest that Western blacklists are designed to spread through the halls of power. And even if his officials did not comply with that directive, they would be left in no position to complain when those sanctions hit — Putin had already warned them this was coming.

俄罗斯威胁对乌克兰全面禁运 欧盟援手
普京流氓化 重挫习近平
克里米亚问题木已成舟 北约无力改变