@FreeWeibo: 五分钟之前,金钟之二十九夜,依然很美!
@wilfredchan Dressed to match. #OccupyCentral
@yyfcxo 礼好有机农业提供图片。
@yyfcxo 礼好有机农业提供图片。
@01Micco St. Francisco Street Chapel in Mongkok @hkdemonow:2130 聖法蘭西斯街頭小聖堂 牧師主持聖餐崇拜,並帶領信徒讀聖經唱聖詩 #UmbrellaMovement #香港デ
@savourywest 【蘋果LIVE最新消息】明晚旺角有「7點鐘張sir」
@hkdemonow 免費派發皮革黃絲帶處大排長龍 #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #Mongkok
@yyfcxo 你还有机农业:占中经典画面。
@baeyongjoonhk 蘋果日報 名為信念的圍欄,令人安
@ChuBailiang "The streets are the real bargaining chip for winning democracy." This view helps explain backlash against vote.
@yyfcxo 我想对每一个坚守于此的盆友说声:“谢谢你们!是你们让我们看到了希望之所在!精神之所在!辛苦了!爱你们!我们会一直默默的注视着你们,为你们呐喊,加油!祈祷!
@ChannelNewsAsia #OccupyCentral leaders have said the cancellation of a poll will not affect protesters' morale http://cna.asia/1DPn1st
@AarcusM 2235 its an umbrella made from yellow/gold ribbons. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #umhk #hongkong
@byAlanWong Obligatory mention of Lester Shum's new haircut. Lots of screams behind me when Joshua Wong passed him the mic.
@Passiontimes 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 金鐘藝術氣氛一向濃厚。 (9:55 PM)
@hkdemonow 免費派發黃絲帶、紙傘和用黃色毛絨鋼絲製作的小傘 #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #Mongkok
@AarcusM 2150 Prettay #UmbrellaMovement stickers flutter in the wind. #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #umhk #hongkong
@wu_venus: #OccupyHK protesters had dinner next to origami umbrellas earlier tonight in CWB. #UmbrellaMovement
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