@oiax: 截至目前,掛上 #我要真普選 的大學有:香港城市大學、香港科技大學、香港中文大學醫學院、香港大學、嶺南大學、香港浸會大學(如有誤,請補充)#UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
@hkdemonow 金鐘自修區最少百個學生在溫習@tomgrundy: 9:10pm, at least a hundred students at makeshift desks in the upgraded study area #OccupyHK
@OCLPHK Ken Tsang thanks #HK media for professionalism in recording the truth, public for support (pic by Sun Yeung, USP)
@fion_li #OccupyCentral protesters quietly gather around screens to watch documentary on #hk928 when police fired tear gas
@fion_li Admiralty "Umbrella Square" on Oct. 28 - exactly one month since police used tear gas on students #OccupyCentral
@jk_lazzy: 9.28滿月集會還在繼續
@fion_li A #OccupyCentral protester held yellow umbrella high up at Admiralty, one month since tear gas used. #OccupyHK
@cynicalo 葉德嫻黃耀明何韻詩唱「獅子山下」。
@fion_li As song ends, ppl on stage says "香港人(Hong Kong People)" crowd: "加油!(Keep Going/Add Oil!)" #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK
@krislc Open umbrella again for umbrella song 撐起雨傘 #OccupyHK
@fion_li #OccupyCentral protesters open umbrellas as they sing theme song together - one month since tear gas fired on Sept 28
@czb5438: 【金鐘現場】(21:04) 長毛梁國雄舉起雨傘,傘上寫有在內地因撐佔領行動而被捕的人的名字,「我們未有人被捕,佢地已經要坐監」,希望大家大力拍掌支持。
@antd Pop singers sing the #UmbrellaMovement theme song
@fion_li Lights on as singers lead-singing classic Cantonese song "Under the Lion Rock" in Admiralty #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow 2030 第31天,雨傘廣場今夜特別熱鬧 #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK
@fion_li #OccupyCentral protesters cheered award-winning actress Deanie Ip as she addresses the crowd in Admiralty. #OccupyHK
@liuyun1989 獨媒【金鐘現場】(20:53) 社工復與運動成員阿醒說,5時57分舉傘默站時,他重聽催淚彈聲效,忍不住哭了出來。他指今天在這裡,大家都是抗爭共同體,不是紀念受了多少個催淚彈,而是即使面對鎮壓,我們都沒有退縮,「要記住呢份勇氣!」
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