今天下午中国四川地震的消息很快在互联网上传到了美国。虽然现在正值美国的深夜,但是该话题立刻引起了美国网民的热烈讨论。我承认,我第一眼看到他们的讨论时眼睛有些湿润了。美国网友并没有因为中国的遥远而漠不关心,相反很多网友在积极寻找中国地理人口的资料,以判断地震的损失和甄别各种网络的传言,而更多的人在为灾区人民祈祷。没有人幸灾乐祸,也没有人冷嘲热讽。由于回帖众多,我只能节选部分回帖,和大家分享一下来自大洋彼岸的祝福。 2 major natural disasters in a short time. Scary. Prayers to all. 短时间内发生了2次大型自然灾害。真恐怖。向所有人祈祷。 7.8 is quite high. However, I don’t know the region in China that it hit that well. But if there was shaking all way from Beijing to Hanoi... it’s gotta be a big one. Hope it struck somewhere where there’s not a lot of people . . . then again it is China. 7.8级是非常高的。不过我不了解中国受灾的地区。但既然从北京到河内都有震感。。。。这一定是非常大的。希望它发生在人口稀薄的地区。。。。不过,考虑到那里是中国。。。 Like the cyclone disaster, reports of injuries and deaths will be slow in coming out. 和飓风一样,有关伤员和死亡的报道将很久才能出来。 After taking a look at Chengdu, China, it does appear the epicenter was located near a mountain range in central China, not too close to any major population centers. We can hope for the best. 大概看了一眼中国的成都,看起来震中在中国中部的山区附近,据人口集中的地区较远。我们可以期望最好的结果。 This page seems to be useful determining how close the epicenter was to population centers. It’s from the USGS. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/pager/events/us/2008ryan/index.htmlAnd finally, my last bit of looking at the USGS site indicates around 21,000 people in the ‘extreme exposure zone’. http: //earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/pager/events/us/2008ryan/index.html#shakemap 这个网址似乎可以看出震中和人口中心距离多远。它来自USGS。经我大概看了一下,大约21,000人处于“极端危险地区” That particular region of China -- Sichuan Province -- hit by this quake is by far the most populated of all provinces in that nation. This is an older population map of China, but you can see that the density of people in Chengdu is greater than anyplace else: cHINA POPULATION AND DENSITY MAP The buildings there are typically very old or of suspect construction if they're modern. It's not a particularly modernized province. The effects of this quake could be dreadful. 地震发生的四川是中国特殊的地区,目前它是这个国家人口最多的省份。这是一张旧的中国人口图,但你能看到成都的人口密度比任何地方都高。那里的建筑要么很老旧,新修的质量又靠不住。那里并不是特别现代化的省份。地震的结果可能相当恐怖。 Thanks for the info. Check out the link on post 18 where they say the pop. is very thin and so far there are no reports of widespread injuries or damage. 感谢楼上的信息。根据18楼的链接,他们说那里的人口很稀薄,而且目前没有广泛的伤亡和损失报道。 Thanks. Place-Saver for later... I’m off for the night. Prayers and God speed to those effected. 多谢。很快就有地区救援。。。我今晚要停下所有的事情。祈祷上帝立刻去帮那些受灾的人。 Oh my. 100+ Million people in that province; if my sleep deprived eyes aren’t lying to me. I appreciate the research into the area. I hope to find out more when I wake up. Thanks. 哦,我的。。。1亿人口在那个省份;如果我睡眼惺忪的眼睛没有骗我。。。感谢大家对那个地区的研究,我希望醒来后能看到更多的信息。多谢大家了。 Looking at the coordinates on Google Earth significant populations are less than 4 miles away.There's going to be massive damage. But for the Grace of God go I. 在google地图山看到4英里之外就有大量的人口。将会出现大量的损失。我要祈祷上帝的仁慈。 My first thought was of the extremely rapid construction cities like Chengdu have seen in the last decade, and how they may not be up to “code”. Let us hope that doesn’t play out that way... 我的第一个想法是过去的10年内,类似成都的城市在城建方面极限的扩张,且它们的质量如此达不到“标准”。让我们希望最后不要出现这样的结果。。。。 The only bright side I can see is that currently the whole country is mobilized for the Olympics. Perhaps it will be easier to route aid to the needy areas? One can hope. 我想到的一个乐观的方面是目前整个国家都被AO运动员了起来。是否援助可以因此更便捷的到达需要的地方?我们可以期待。 CNBC now reporting “deaths and injuries and a school collapsed”.... Earlier ‘nothing to see here’ reports seem to have been somewhat optimistic..... CNBC现在正报道“死亡和伤员以及学校坍塌”。。。较早的“这里没发生什么”的报道看起来太乐观了。。。 目前的讨论仍在进行中,网址是http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2014670/posts 以下内容是今日美国龙卷风后,网易网民的部分评论。 网易北京海淀网友 ip:123.112.*.*: 2008-05-12 13:18:56 发表 活该 网易浙江嘉兴网友 ip:220.185.*.*: 2008-05-12 13:15:27 发表 哎~~苍天为什么不把比缅甸更大的灾难降临到美国呢 这种虚伪自以为是的国家应该受到诅咒 请支持~~~~ 网易安徽合肥网友 ip:60.166.*.*: 2008-05-12 13:11:27 发表 呵呵,报应啊 网易四川成都网友(222.212.*.*) 的原贴:(希望他能看到这个帖子) 美国怎么只死22个呀,为什么不是22万呀 网易广西南宁网友 ip:220.173.*.*: 2008-05-12 08:49:15 发表 网易重庆网友(219.153.*.*) 的原贴: 我觉得龙卷风还是有点人性的,你们觉得呢? 妈的!死20万才对!