日期:7/8/2004 来源:独立作家笔会 作者:马悦然等






    蒋彦永大夫是令人尊敬的医学专家,对中国社会和世界都做出过卓越贡献。众所周知,他在去年中国 “萨斯”病毒流行时不惧压力率先发出警告通报世界。如果不是他的勇气,病毒很可能更大规模扩散,导致更多中国人民的生命危险,给世界也带来更大危害。





瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学中文系荣休教授、瑞典学院院士马悦然(Goran Malmqvist)

瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学中文系教授、主任罗多弼(Torbjorn Loden)

美国哥伦比亚大学政治学教授黎安友(Andrew J. Nathan)

美国普林斯顿大学中文教授林培瑞(Perry Link)

挪威奥斯陆大学中文教授艾皓德(Halvor Eifring)

法国埃艾克斯大学中文教授杜特莱(Doel Dutrait)

美国马尔克特大学政治学教授麦考米克(Barrett L. McCormick)

澳大利亚国立大学教授冯奈斯(Peter Van Ness)

澳大利亚莫纳什大学教授戴维厄斯(Gloria Davies)

澳大利亚莫纳什大学教授孙华伦(Warren Sun)

香港中文大学教授戴维斯(Michael C. Davis)

美国普南加州大学政治学教授林祺(Daniel C. Lynch)

美国哈佛大学费正清中心教授古德曼(Merle Goldman)

美国加州大学洛山矶分校鲍温(Richard Baum)

台湾国立大学教授张锦华(Chang Chinhwa)

台湾东海大学教授钟谷兰(Ku-Lan Chung)

加拿大魁北克蒙特利尔大学教授拉利波特(Andre Laliberte)

台湾国立大学张清溪教授(Ching-hsi Chang)

法国巴黎第一大学高级研究员塞巴斯蒂安(Jean-Pierre Cabestan)

美国加州大学伯克利分校教授迪特摩(Lowell Dittmer)

美国加州大学伯克利分校研究员萧强(Qiang Xiao)

美国马利兰大学研究员李晓蓉(Xiaorong Li)

瑞典皇家工学院博士张钰(Yu Zhang)



July 1, 2004


A Petition Letter for Doctor Jiang Yanyong



Mr. Hu Jintao Guojia

President of People’s Republic of China

Yongneixijie, Beijingshi 100017

People's Republic of China


Dear President Hu Jintao,



We are writing to request the immediate release of Doctor Jiang Yanyong, a senior surgeon from No. 301 Hospital in Beijing.


Doctor Jiang and his wife, Hua Zhongwei, were arbitrarily detained on June 1, 2004, before the 15 years anniversary of the crackdown in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on June 4, 1989.


We were happy to hear of the recent release of Hua Zhongwei, but remain extremely concerned with the well being of Dr. Jiang.


Doctor Jiang is a respected and admired medical specialist who has greatly contributed to the well being of society in China and the world. The role he played in alerting the world to the extent of the SARS epidemic is well known. Without his courageous actions, the epidemic would have been larger in scale, putting at risk an untold number of Chinese and potentially further expanding the epidemic throughout the world.


We understand that in February of this year Doctor Jiang wrote a letter to

The People’s Congress calling for an official reassessment of the 1989 crackdown in Tiananmen Square. We find it unacceptable if Doctor Jiang is being detained for this reason, which is just an exercising his fundamental right of freedom of speech and _expression. Rather Doctor Jiang should be praised for his fortitude of mind and his years of service both as a medical professional and a concerned citizen.


We, the below signed, are mostly scholars in Chinese studies. We welcome all positive developments in Chinese culture, society and economy in recently years, also concern the development of human rights. We are extremely concerned about Doctor Jiang's well-being. At age of 72, Doctor Jiang has admirably served his country throughout his long career in public service and should not in any way be detained or harmed by the your government. We urge you to take immediate action and release Doctor Jiang Yanyong.




Professor Goran Malmqvist (Stockholm, Sweden)

Professor Torbjorn Loden (Stockholm, Sweden)

Professor Andrew J. Nathan (Columbia, Sweden)

Professor Halvor Eifring (Oslo, Norway)

Professor Perry Link (Princton, U.S.A.)

Professor Barrett L. McCormick (Marquette Univ. U.S.)

Professor Noel Dutrai (Aix, Marc. France)
Prof. Peter Van Ness (Australian National Univ. Astralia)

Professor  Ku-Lan Chung (Tunghai University, Taiwan )

Professor Chang Chinhwa (NTU, Taiwan)

Professor Michael C. Davis (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

Professor Gloria Davies (Monash University, Australia)

Professor Daniel C. Lynch, (University of S. California, USA)

Professor Warren Sun, (Monash University, Victoria Australia)

Professor Andre Laliberte  (Univ du Québec à Montréal, Canada) 

Professor Ching-hsi Chang (Taipei, NTU, Taiwan)

Professor Merle Goldman (Harvard, U.S.)

Professor Richard Baum (UCLA, U.S.)

Senior Researcher Jean-Pierre Cabestan (Univ. of Paris 1, France)

Professor Lowell Dittmer (UCBerkeley, U.S.)


独立中文作家笔会 万之、蔡楚提供

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