@krislc "Kim Jong-un" on stage! #OccupyHK
@fion_li Another man taking picture with "President Xi" at Causeway Bay #OccupyHK. #OccupyCentral
@fion_li "I Want True Universal Suffrage" banner at Causeway Bay #OccupyHK. #occupyHongKong #OccupyCentral
@fion_li School kids taking selfie with "President Xi" at Causeway Bay #OccupyHK. #OccupyCentral
@krislc Joshua Wong: Xi may be thinking I dealt with one Yongkang, then there's another Yong-kang #OccupyHK
@krislc hehe everywhere #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow Umbrella Square Day 34 雨傘廣場第34天 #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在現場】旺角亚皆老街65號。
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 銅鑼灣佔領區又發生高空襲物事件,兩罐噴漆由高處跌落地時有響聲,慶幸並無爆炸,群眾發現後二、三分鐘,警察仍未出現,要由現場人士召喚才到場。 (7:40 PM)
@wilfredchan Spent the day with Kim Jong Un in Hong Kong. And yes, the ladies love him
@hkdemonow 每天都有新藝術創作誕生 New art pieces every day #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow 雨傘汽球大排長龍 Long queue for yellow umbrella balloons #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK
@ChinaRealTime #OccupyHK student leaders are considering taking their protest to Beijing http://on.wsj.com/1towpyI (Photo: AP)
@hkdemonow 雨傘廣場有機耕種 Organic Farming at Umbrella Square #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow 漫畫家鄺世傑、靖晴及超人輝免費繪畫卡通肖像畫 Free cartoon portraits by local comic illustrators #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow The JANPOSUEN sports car is back at Umbrella Square 真普選跑車回到雨傘廣場 #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow 香港營 #HongKong camp #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK
@hlkalin: #OccupyHK RT @hkdemonow: Lego #OccupyLionRock #HongKong
@yyfcxo Pak Po:今天,飛鵝山上又有了。[呲牙][呲牙][强]
@hkdemonow: Free stickers and stamps #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@hkdemonow 夏慤道上,守護香港的人 http://www.facebook.com/brianchuiart #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK
@wilfredchan: Xi surrounded by adoring fans at #OccupyCentral.
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 自稱來自北韓的金先生,大汗疊細汗於金鐘現身,佢話嚟香港係買iPhone 6,又話北韓都有一人一票,不過就得一個候選人。 (6:00 PM
@tomgrundy "Kim" visits #OccupyHK Lennon Wall More photos of HK's Kim lookalike from earlier this year:
@DDesobeau For #HongKong youngsters, protests bring taste of freedom by @kjalee @AFP RT @AgnesBun http://bit.ly/1tGRvcW ”
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在現場】旺角彌敦道673號。17:24
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在現場】旺角彌敦道673號。16:24腦殘分子。
@jk_lazzy PassionTimes 熱血時報【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 樹仁學生分別在教學大樓及文康大樓掛起「我要真普選」標語,即時遭校方要求拆除。現時校方已封鎖文康大樓所有窗戶,學生則守住懸掛標語的一隻窗。 (13:20 PM)
@tricialing: 同堂妹嚟金鐘食離地午餐,加入午餐OL佔領街道組。
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