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日期:10/31/2014 来源:博讯 作者:博讯

    Halloween #OccupyHK



    Tents all the way towards Central. Incredible how AdmiralCity grew #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution

    ghosts n aliens who want democracy haunted #OccupyHK in Admiralty on #halloween #UmbrellaMovement @SCMP_News



    Spoooky #Halloween homework zombies

    Kids around 10-12yo chalking pro-#OccupyHK slogans in Admiralty. This govt is in real trouble

    AdmiralCity now 2200 #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution

     @fion_li: Arts in #UmbrellaMovement - chalk graffiti on Connaught Road Central. #OccupyCentral #occupyhk


    Happy Halloween. http://goo.gl/KoOVo1

    @Hongkongdash: 城大同學於邵逸夫圖書館上掛上「我要真普選」橫額
    (讀者提供相片) http://fb.me/4HIHJj0CO "
     #我要真普選 #UmbrellaRevolution

    Admiralty "Umbrella Square" on Oct. 31 evening. #OccupyHK #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement

    Love this lego replica of the banner going up on Lion Rock #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #umhk

    There's a lively debate in Mong Kok whether this is a movement or a revolution. This debate is absent in Admiralty.

    Totoro watching over protesters #OccupyAdmiralty #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution

    2155 Two flammable can thrown from building in Causeway Bay. No one hurt. USP #OccupyHK

    Fight on! Overwhelming majority of Hong Kong's student protesters remain defiant, says survey

    #香港デモ 金鐘地区の占拠現場に特大の「加油」の文字板が出現しました。金曜夕から日曜深夜にかけては学生たちがドッと集まります。平日の昼間はガラガラで、張りっぱなしのテントも大半が空き家です。





    Some more halloween special. #OccupyHK

    Already nominated for best costume of the night. The tamed Lufsig.

    Halloween special too #OccupyHK

    #GlobalforHK #香港 #OpHongKong #oclphk #occupycentral #HK #umhk #umbrellarevolution #standwithHK

    @liuyun1989: 獨媒:日本奈良春日大社的繪馬。


    #JoeHamilton #Supports #OccupyCentral #occupyHongKong #OccupyAdmiralty #UmbrellaMovement #UmbrellaRevolution

    “I want genuine universal suffrage” @ Kowloon Peak by @appledaily_hk #OccupyHK #OccupyCental

    He should be happy he isn't in Beijing subway where he wuld have been prohibited from entering. #HongKong #Halloween

    HKPTU's Fung Wai-wah talks ab rumoured liberal studies curriculum cut, "its return of national education" #OccupyHK

    @liuyun1989: 黃之鋒與【金正恩】


    Nets appear over Mongkok after stuff thrown at protesters from above, including faeces #OccupyHK via @breakandattack

    @krislc: Laterns on! #OccupyHK




    @szstupidcool: 国立台湾大学社科院新大楼。

    @krislc: hehe everywhere #OccupyHK "

    @krislc: Trekkie+Alien? #OccupyHK


    More pictures on Causeway Bay #OccupyHK, the smallest of three occupy sites in the city. #OccupyCentral
    "Kim Jong-un" #OccupyHK

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