Fion Li @fion_li Mong Kok #OccupyHK on Nov. 1 afternoon. #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement 
@krislc "Congrats to pioneer of peace comrade Robert Chow appointed ambassador to UK" even faked blue ribbons. #OccupyHK 
@fion_li Protester giving out yellow ribbons amid injunction granted banning Mong Kok #OccupyHK #OccupyCentral 
@fion_li "Cheat Say No~dles" in Mong Kok #OccupyHK mocking "unfruitful" dialogue as Leung's govt doesn't listen #OccupyCentral 

@fion_li The 35th day of #OccupyCentral as the sign says in Mong Kok #OccupyHK #UmbrellaMovement 
@fion_li Tents with "addresses" as occupiers also call themselves "villagers" - from Mong Kok #OccupyHK #OccupyCentral 

@fion_li Tents w/ different decorations at Mong Kok #OccupyHK: one with message in Japanese. #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement 

@yukikei 門神 #UmbrellaRevolution #occupymongkok 

@AP_Noticias Las protestas de #HongKong cambian el juego politico en el enclave: http://apne.ws/1xK8VVg 
@fion_li Yellow Umbrella-shaped message boards on the floor of Mong Kok #OccupyHK #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement 
@fion_li Selfie with "President Xi" in Mong Kok #OccupyHK. "Xi" is everywhere at #OccupyCentral sites and surprisingly popular 
@fion_li Two volunteers collecting metal cans and plastic bottles for recycling at Mong Kok #OccupyHK #OccupyCentral 
@liuyun1989 社會記錄頻道:社會設計造了幾個精美印章,讓市民印於任何物件上。 
@fion_li "Protect Students. Protect Journalists" are words on banner held by Lego police in Mong Kok #OccupyHK #OccupyCentral 
@fion_li Poster of "(oh my) MR. JESUS" with yellow umbrellas in Mong Kok #OccupyHK #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement 
@richardlai Triple Xi. #occupy 
@fion_li Jewelry stores along Mong Kok #OccupyHK still have lots of customers. #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement 

@JustinChinPhoto New banner about to be hung at Admiralty #OccupyHK site. #OccupyCentral 
@fion_li Hand-drawings/Posters at Mong Kok #OccupyHK, even one on "President Xi" #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement 

@nankezhou 走出来,让我们互相温暖!在这个世纪,让我的良心对得起2014年的深秋,让我的良知,对得起2014年初冬的暗夜星光,香港未来的民主成败事关大陆的民主曙光明灭! 附:內地人士因支持香港爭取真普選而被捕人士名单。@wenyunchao 
@fion_li "Gwai Tai Temple" that expanded again and again in Mong Kok #OccupyHK - #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement 
@TravelFoto #創意無限 #巨型 #粉筆 #彩繪 #雨傘運動 #佔領中環 #香港 #HK111 #Huge #Chalk D#rawing #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyCentral @hu_jia @OCLPHK @aiww 
@donplusn President Xi art #OccupyMongKok #OccupyCentral #occupyHK #umhk #HongKongProtests 
@fion_li Indeed Mong Kok #OccupyHK is "greener" - big water bottles for protesters to fill up own bottles #OccupyCentral 
@hodick33 A group of runners condemned C Y Leung, CE of #HongKong at #UmbrellaMovement #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyCentral 
@fion_li People lining up for "I Want True Universal Suffrage" posters/stickers in Mong Kok #OccupyHK #OccupyCentral 

@SocRECorg: 1515 旺角 剛才在山杔街西洋菜街路障,熱心市民主動打開俾消防員搬大型氣墊等救人物資入彌敦道救企圖跳樓的市民,現在消防收隊,市民再重新封路。 記者Paul 

@inmediahk: 【佔領即時】青山也出現了#OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution 
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