@Ben_Chasteen Stand off in mong kok right now. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyHK #OccupyCentral
@HiramLiu Tension rising in MK #umhk #occupyhk #umbrellamovement
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在現場】旺角亚皆老街49號。23:24警察打人。
@sifan64 The police are announcing that protesters should leave Mong Kok
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在現場】旺角亚皆老街49號。23:24警察打人。
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在現場】旺角亚皆老街49號。警察打人。
@PRHacks Live: We are in Lan Kwai Fong! High fives all around from the crowd! #MillionMaskMarch #Anonymous #OccupyHK
@HKFS1958 Conflicts in Mong Kok right now. Some protestors got hurt. #hkfsmknews #UmbrellaMovement
@PRHacks Live: I am marching with students in Central for #MillionMaskMarch. Police very nervous. #Anonymous #OccupyHK
@Shark8964 【2337 旺角】警方在惠豐中心外進行零聲拘捕行動,前線警員已經配備盾牌、警棍於身上。並在現場呼籲圍觀人士立即離去。 圖片來源:朱安 記者Peter Lau
@antd Police have lined Lung Wo Rd, no one getting through here tonight #OccupyHK
@kiwiwongmeow 2317 V煞仔疑似散去 #URHK
@kiwiwongmeow 2316 警察行近V 煞仔 #URHK #UmbrellaRevolution
@kiwiwongmeow 2314 警察封暫時封龍和道
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