@galileo44 And we found lots of umbrella in anti #OccupyCental protest that refusing anyone w/ umbrella to get in! #OccupyHK @Zuki_Zucchini 教育者協会主催の民主教室。聴衆も講演者も傘を持っている。今日はネクストマガジンの林文宗がビル包囲された時の話を via @hkdemonow 教協主持// #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong @PRHacks Live: Police watch anxiously as a 'Priest' appears & preaches to the cops! Only in MK! #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution @PRHacks Despite the rain ☔ there is a good size crowd out in Mong Kok tonight. #OccupyHongKong #UmbrellaMovement @fion_li The unguarded barricades at Admiralty #OccupyHK. #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement @Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 入夜後雨勢轉大,不過銅鑼灣集會人士仍然緊守崗位。 (11:05 PM) @milpitas95035 最新的呐喊! @donplusn Yellow umbrella singsong #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
:large @kjalee Even Her Maj has turned up! #hongkong #OccupyHK @awfan 学生妹》in/loszeyan_: #UmbrellaMovement #Democracy #Freedom #SupportStudents #OccupyCentral 💪💪💪👊 @donplusn Wet night in Admiralty #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement @kjalee Friday night in Hong Kong. Crowd sheltering from the rain and listening to 'Imagine' #OccupyHK @tess731 金鐘上河圖附留言stickers @gerundcheung More Updates #occupycentral #umbrellarevolution #雨傘革命 #umhk @StreetFighter @StreetFighterBC @Avengers #Avengers @SCMP_News Canto-pop star Denise Ho vows to fight on for democracy despite mainland China backlash http://f.sc.mp/C84YY1O @breakandattack You want HK to become China? Mainlander detained for month for expressing support. #OccupyHK @langzichn 光荣榜 @lvkaiwen 嗯,出手了 @LousewiesvdLaan Couldn't resist a #selfie #occupycentral @d66 umbrella! Protesters feel Beijing = corruption + pollution. Indeed! @fion_li The Lennon Wall at Admiralty #OccupyHK. #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement @Passiontimes 家住石梨的熱心太太帶來親手煲的雞湯,為寒雨交加的旺角留守者送上一絲溫暖。 @czb5438: 好得意呀,好有亮點 " @liuyun1989: 攝影師馬丁 Martin Witness:畢業了,她們說沒有比這裡更好的佈景。旺角 @ChrisDerps "Rather die for speaking out than live in silence" at #OccupyMongkok #OccupyHongKong #UmbrellaMovement @ka1aok 我承認對自己的「情緒智商(AQ、EQ)」管理不夠好,看到這種白痴報道還是會動氣! @LeoAW There are at least 200 people queuing to get a handful of these postcards in Admiralty right now. In light rain.
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