@stegersaurus My friends head 
@krislc At Shantung Street, after few times of warning, little scuffles, basically remained the same #OccupyHK 
@ChuBailiang Step inside my tent. 
@ChuBailiang Settling in for another nightlong vigil in Mong Kok. 

@donplusn 0055 Dundas street #Mongkok #Occupycentral #UmbrellaRevolutiom #OccupyHK 
@donplusn Yelling, angry holding each other back #Mongkok #Occupycentral #UmbrellaRevolutiom #OccupyHK 

@donplusn Police marched over cleared Shanghai block easily #Mongkok #Occupycentral #UmbrellaRevolutiom #OccupyHK 
@varsitycuhk Standoff continues after police changed shift. 

@DutchLemming Tense standoff continues (photo by redcatfb on Instagram) #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyCentral #Mongkok 
@Anon_Snufkin Pepperspray at 00:10, 26 NOV on Shantung Street #MongKok #OccupyHK #UmbrellaMovement #UmbrellaRevolution 
@ChuBailiang: Crowds watches the police vs. protest standoff from Nathan Road. 
@huhaibo1029 彌敦道和山杔街路口周生生大招牌對面,又有人受傷!強烈譴責匪警暴力! 
@csnl26 student reading intently at #OccupyMK frontline. Talk about carpe diem.(Photo:Benson Tsang) #OccupyHK #umhk 
@LeoAW One of the main standoffs is after hours still Shantung Street. Protesters prepared not to let police into Nathan Rd. 
@hkdemonow Woofer Ten活化廳今晚通宵開放,歡迎市民借地方暫備,回氣,飲水,差電,借洗手間等,地址:上海街404號地下,咸美頓街交界,近油麻地地鐵a1出口。#UmbrellaRevolution #occupyHK #hongkong 
@donplusn Shanghai street block but these cops just a block away #Mongkok #Occupycentral #UmbrellaRevolutiom #OccupyHK 
@kiwiwongmeow 0041 山東街築起新路障 #urhk #umbrellarevolution 
@krislc scuffles temporarily stopped, police changed to constables with round shields and not helmet #OccupyHK 

@varsitycuhk Police pushing towards protesters again 
@harbourtimes Couple hours later we end up at Dundas St x Reclamation St again. People just won't leave #umhk #occupyhk 

@CHANVINCI: #occupyhk 廣東道/登打士街交界警察多過民眾,氣氛緊張 
@yyfcxo 冰雪(光明):【我在这里】旺角現場。 
@yyfcxo 冰雪(光明):【我在这里】旺角現場。 

@yyfcxo 冰雪(光明):【我在这里】旺角現場。 

@ChuBailiang: Police press to edge of Nathan Road. Desperate defiance. 

@ChuBailiang Police press down Shantung Street, crowd half defiant half panic. 
@bencrox: 換了班又再集結於山東北西菜南﹐差人以逸待勞 " 
@varsitycuhk Protesters are all in helmets now, standoff continues. 
@cowcfj 一位示威者說了一句「警察在人行路上打人」,這兩位一白一藍警察即時憤怒衝向那位示威者,大喊:「你係咪見到啊?」一位女示威者譏諷之:「驚都唔好咁大聲講出黎啊。」 
@krislc At Shantung Street, after few times of warning, little scuffles, basically remained the same #OccupyHK 
@hkdemonow 0015 彌敦道/亞皆老街十字路口現況 Nathan Rd & Argyle St #LIVE #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong 

@desiree_fa Journalist, @stegersaurus was shoved by police to move forward #umhk #occupyhk 
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