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占中第60天:弥敦道被暴力清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕
日期:11/26/2014 来源:博讯 作者:博讯

    @czb5438: 警方的執法模式
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Legislator Claudia Mo on front line taking to police #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Scene at Dundas St/Nathan Rd, former southern end of #OccupyHK camp.
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    not all trash cleared but police opened road for traffic #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    D100:< 昨日清障行動警方至今拘116人 >
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Police media liaison just had press move from Nathan Rd #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    VIDEO: Hong Kong divided on pro-democracy movement http://bbc.in/1rrlrp5
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    "I want true universal suffrage," a protester shouts in front of police as Nathan rd almost cleared #OccpuyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Perhaps no one has better protest footages than these police cameramen. If only they are made public.
    @krislc: still standing #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Police blocks section of Nathan Road between Dundas and Hamilton streets. #Occupy #OccupyHK #OccupyMongkok #HongKong
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    【旺角現場】(12:06) 彌敦道佔領區已被清理,警方宣佈會於人群散去及清理好障礙物後,開通彌敦道全線交通。
    @czb5438: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】
     (11:47 AM)
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Police's media liaison officers ask that reporters move to the sidewalks. Few did.
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @krislc: Quiet at Dundas - basically just journalists here #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @CoChinaOnline: 黄之锋被捕时情景
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @czb5438: 社民連副主席黃浩銘於社交網絡表示,他與黃之鋒涉「藐視法庭」被警方拘捕,同被送往葵涌警署。
    HK security chief urges crowds to leave 'unlawful assembly'; says police will act decisively
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @czb5438: 彌敦道的清場行動已大致完成,警方宣佈即將恢復行車 "
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @sleavenworth: Lone protester stands before police line. Nathan Rd. cleared. #mongkok #occupyhk
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    ‏@liuyun1989 36m36 minutes ago
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @SCMP_News 42m42 minutes ago
    Officer seen holding pump attached to pepper spray canister in Mong Kok #OccupyCentral
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Police say they will push their defense line to Pitt street.
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @Scholarismhk Student leader Joshua Wong was detained by police force due to contempt of court #UmbrellaMovement
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @czb5438: 【岑敖暉黃之鋒已被捕】10:23 更新
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @tomgrundy: Police move crowd south once more, urging ppl to disperse. #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Quiet at Dundas - basically just journalists here #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Crowd are penned into about 8metres of Nathan Rd - is mostly press. #OccupyHK Dundas St.
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    The crowd is about to reach Dundas St, south end of Nathan Rd occupied zone. Then what?
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Protesters are pushed back to close to Dundas street.
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Despite protesters' bravado, police have more strength, crowd shuffling back in retreat.
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @Passiontimes #Live #OccupyMongkok Police sweep pushed to bank centre #OccupyHK #umhk #urhk
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    moving remaining barricades through Kwan Tei Temple - and warn police force clear may hurt #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    The Nathan Road barricades are taking awhile to dismantle, says @ElizabethKateri #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    We all rescue what we can from the Mong Kok #OccupyHK site
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @krislc: 1030. Back to the scene last night. #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    @wildwong: 有戴頭盔防暴裝備的女警大批到場
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)

    Now protesters have to be prepared for arrest #OccupyHK
    占中第60天:弥敦道被清场 黄之峰、岑敖辉被捕(143图)


此新闻共有4页  第1页  第2页  第3页  第4页  

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