@zijing_wu: Moments like this. Lets substitute #OccupyHK with #LoveHK for a minute.
@hkdemonow Drawing chalk art #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaArt #OccupyHK #HongKong
@hkdemonow WE'LL BE BACK #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@theophontes #occupyhk #hk graffiti a' porter
@theophontes #occupyhk #hk extreme queueing for #umhk accessories.
@JennyInHK Prince Wong :-( pic: Dash #occupyhk
@hkdemonow Umbrella Parents photo display against police brutality #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@hkdemonow Gadflies #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaArt #OccupyHK #HongKong
@antd Huge cheers from crowd as more road closed off and more protesters allowed to gather in front of police HQ
@krislc still guarding the hunger strikers #OccupyHK
@JennyInHK 我要真普選風箏∑(゚Д゚) #OccupyHK
@liuyun1989 攝影師馬丁:他是金鐘的佔領者,兩個月來一直進行藝術創作。他點起香煙説:「我當時是藝術系學生,因為89年那天的事只好離開中國。後來便周遊列國,最後一直在紐約。哈!這次我作為藝術家,來到香港,支持學生。」
@yyfcxo Pak Po:【我在这里】香港現場。傘下爸媽「爸媽反警暴遊行」大約有2000名市民參與,遊行期間高舉橫額,終點有灣仔警察總部。
@ssataline: HK parent protesting police violence. #nycpoliceabuse
@liuyun1989: 破折號:傘下爸媽「爸媽反警暴遊行」到達灣仔警察總部外情況
@liuyun1989: Lane outside Wanchai Police HQ filled by protesters of parents' demonstration against police violence
@antd: Black blindfolds, yellow umbrellas, outside HK Police HQ #OccupyHK
@GeoffreyKFCheng @TranslateHK @elliepng @liuyun1989 Pro-est. group Defend HK Campaign heckles at a rally organised by Umbrella Parents
@yyfcxo Pak Po:【我在这里】香港現場。傘下爸媽「爸媽反警暴遊行」大約有2000名市民參與,遊行期間高舉橫額,終點有灣仔警察總部。
@antd: Eyes covered in silent protest outside Police HQ #OccupyHK
@antd Protesters at anti violence rally outside Police HQ #OccupyHK
@antd Parents anti-violence sit-in outside HongKong Police HQ
@xavieronearth Seems like parents moving on to admiralty now. Blue ribbons play China national songs and cheer #umhk
@antd Black blindfolds, yellow umbrellas, outside HK Police HQ #OccupyHK
@liuyun1989: @Hongkongdash situation of protest at Wanchai Police HQ
@liuyun1989: Lane outside Wanchai Police HQ filled by protesters of parents' demonstration against police violence
@liuyun1989: 傘下爸媽:爸媽們前往絕食區,為學生們送上支持及祝福。
@ajman825 We are everywhere. #UmbrellaMovement
@JennyInHK "CY Leung steps down" #OccupyHK
@JennyInHK: Flies #OccupyHK
@krislc does that app do takeaway in admiralty #OccupyHK
@QIAOLONG: 示威人家手举行牌子.
@liuyun1989 獨媒:學聯常委梁麗幗憶述自己見過的受傷場面,其中有一名學生被打至血流披面,被警方拘捕三小時後才能接受醫治。香港人在過去一個月經歷過無數的暴力場面,被已成為國家機器的警察用機械人式方式暴力對待。
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