撐起雨傘》A Cappella 無伴奏合唱版 @Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:在旺角首日清場時堅守的78歲伯伯,今晚戴著黃絲帶,於彌敦道近旺角道出現。 (11:55 PM)
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:黃傘少女與藍絲帶隔岸對峙。 (11:55 PM)
@VivienneChow Dec 7 11pm Gigantic yellow umbrella demanding for true universal suffrage #UmbrellaMovement #Admiralty #OccupyHK #HK
@breakandattack The best part of #occupycausewaybay is the daily presence of an ice-cream van. #9Wu
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:荷李活商業中心外警力驚人。 (11:30 PM)
@jk_lazzy 快到油麻地,前面人群傳來消息,導遊帶錯 ,呼籲大家走回頭。去到彌敦中心,有幾個年輕男女停下來,警察馬上好緊張對準他們拍攝。彌敦道馬路邊上,全部站滿警察,另外還有更多便衣警察跟住,估計警察與市民的比例是2:1。
@tomgrundy: Via @SocRECorg - queues tonight for free metal umbrella bracelets at #Occupyhk Admiralty.
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:Crocodile門口塞滿了警察。 (10:50 PM)
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:近先達的多條主要通道,都見到警方的橙色膠帶。 (10:40 PM)
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:潮聯小巴站仍然是鳩嗚團的熱門景點。 (10:30 PM)
@theophontes #occupyhk #hk Westernmost outpost. Near Edinburgh Place.
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:雖然今日於西洋菜南街的途人人數明顯不及早兩日,但警方依然如臨大敵。 (10:20 PM)
@theophontes #OccupyHK #hk The bestiary is growing. Long live the gadflies!
@csnl26 Admty today: u student bruised by baton Night of LungWo 1126214 (pic: @SocRECorg ) #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution
@Shark8964 【我要真普選】 芬蘭朋友的祝福,直昇機折不到。 #hk926 #hongkongprotests
@breakandattack The best part of #occupycausewaybay is the daily presence of an ice-cream van. #9Wu
@TranslateHK Citizens are setting up a definite (28h per person) hunger strike to support the student hunger strike across them
@breakandattack The enclosed end of the Causeway Bay #OccupyHK site. Stopping by for dinner. #9Wu
@jk_lazzy 職業藍屍(熟口熟面)站在亞皆老街和彌敦道交界不斷對鳩嗚市民叫罵,警察任由這幫人停留叫囂。對鳩嗚市民卻嚴詞驅趕,不讓稍有逗留。
@SocRECorg: 20:55 旺角西洋菜南街行人專用區有支持雨傘革命的工藝坊。記者:白影 圖:Kenning #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@theophontes #OccupyHK #hk panorama of podium 20:55
@liuyun1989: 破折號:6/12 20:42 金鐘 學聯岑敖暉請在場市民給予掌聲鼓勵絕食的5位學民思潮同學。
@DabeiDuGe 感谢心灵手巧的同学们。为雨伞运动留言祝福:你们是东方之珠的灵魂,願上天为你们一路护荫!#雨傘手繩
@hkdemonow: Umbrella Square Day 71 雨傘廣場第71天 #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@japanavi 今晩のジョシュア君も元気そうでよかったです。
@krislc Getty Images Year in Focus 2014 - 2 scenes from #OccupyHK https://m.youtube.com/watch?
@hodick33: Caroling by a group of Christians, asking for democracy #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyCentral #香港デモ
@hkdemonow "Harcourt Village Voice 夏慤村聲" distributed for free (next to the large 撐學生! banner) #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow Long long queues for free umbrella wristbands #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@ssataline Ok I met Bruce the Democracy cat. I can now leave the #umbrellamovement
@hkdemonow 「689 出賣警隊榮譽」 攝:朝雲 #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@AarcusM Looks like Captain America is back in MK tonight for #9wu shopping. Via Reddit/@appledaily_hk #OccupyHK
@ChuBailiang Miso Zo has almost finished his remarkable art installation at Admiralty.
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