2月27日,杨建利博士在美国国会发表题为“Charter 08:A Wake Up Call for America and China”(《零八宪章》:唤醒美国与中国)的演讲。
《华盛顿时报》3月5日发表了Bill Gerzs撰写的文章《Inside the Ring》,该文在“民主宪章”一节中全面介绍了公民力量组织负责人杨建利博士上周五在美国国会关于《零八宪章》的演讲,文章同时引用了中国驻美大使馆新闻发言人王保东对此演讲的回应。
王保东称,“中国的政治体制和制度总体上适合国家国情和经济、社会发展,并且促进中国实现了显著的经济成就和社会进步。”(“the Chinese political system and political institutions in place generally fit the nation’s conditions and economic and social development. Which have led to remarkable economic achievement and social progress.”) “一小撮中国人”的政治议事日程与“主流公众”对于国家统一、社会稳定和经济发展的愿望形成对照。(Mr. Wang said the political agenda of a “handful of people in China” contrasts with “the mainstream public will” for national unity, social stability and economic development.)“为了更好地保护人民的民主权利,维护社会公正,中国将继续抓紧进行有中国特色的政治结构调整。”(“After saying that, and to better safeguard the people’s democratic rights and maintain social justice, China will continue to push forward political restructuring with Chinese features.” )