Lung Wo Road outside chied executive office - once got potential for clashes, now pretty relax #OccupyCentral
@fion_li A truly special birthday for this young protester with his Scholarism friends at Admiralty #OccupyCentral
@fion_li Happy Birthday song erupted, many rushed and though anti-#OccupyCentral ppl has come - turned out it's real birthday!
@stegersaurus: Community outreach campaign: "the place I want to occupy most is people's hearts
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 銅鑼灣正解。 (10:55 PM)
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 銅鑼灣集會現場正展覽一幅有關雨傘革命的油畫。 (10:40 PM)
@phirschberg1 Only in #HongKong - protesters queue to get into protest area.
@MikeGJW #JoshuaWong Gov must apologize for tear gas and pepper spray abuse. #umhk
@jk_lazzy 晚上在這家出口店淘貨,結帳的時候問老闆娘,佔中對生意有沒有影響。她說不多不少也是會有的,但是現在的政府這麼壞,我們當然要站出來反對。我兩個兒子都走得很前,我絕對支持他們!
@george_chen The 1st assembly after Hong Kong Gov CALLED OFF talks with students. Now, who is feeling the PRESSURE? Gov? Students?
@MikeGJW #JoshuaWong welcomed with huge cheers, says this moment two weeks ago was when they were arrested in #CivicSquare
@MikeGJW #JoshuaWong initiates to hold hands, #AlexChow & #LesterShum smile awkwardly cuz of viral meme of them being a couple
@joannachiu #OccupyHK rally has ended. Many leaving but many remaining camped outside government offices. #UmbrellaRevolution
@joshuawong1013 呼籲各位今晚通宵留守,就算下星期一生日,我都唔會返屋企,照樣喺街度訓,同大家並肩作戰,希望爸爸媽媽諒解。 @yyfcxo Johnfu:今晚的香港市民齐聚金鐘。
@ChuBailiang Friday afternoon, Hong Kong adjusts to living with occupy.
@fion_li Rally ends, protest leaders surrounded by #OccupyCentral supporters; ppl say :"wow, they are like pop stars!"
@george_chen: 1st rally after Hong Kong gov canceled talks w/ students. Now who's feeling pressure? Gov? Students?
@uponsnow: 传党媒收到中央对于香港占中的内部定性,与25年前性质定为一样。 @natashakhanhk Joshua Wong leading chants of "Long-Term Occupy!" Urges protesters to bring their tents & stay all night. #OccupyHK
@debbycsw These ppl are selling out Hong Kong.
@tomgrundy Chief Secretary postponing talks sparks largest turnout of wk. 4x live streams: #Occupycentral
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