@OCLPHK: Umbrellas at Umbrella Square - the U for Umbella rally in Harcourt Road Admiralty tonight
@SCMP_News LIVE: Tens of thousands rally for democracy in Hong Kong, key officials prepare to leave town http://f.sc.mp/NjRFCMY
@TravelFoto #黃之峰 與 #佔領 領袖 #和平 #集會 #金鐘 #雨傘運動 #佔領中環 #香港 #HK1010 #JoshuaWong #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyCentral @hu_jia @OCLPHK @aiww
@OCLPHK Huge crowds attend U for Umbrella rally in Admiralty: show of unity & strength in the face of govt's refusal to talk
@tomgrundy: Songs of resistance - & dozens of tents at #Occupycentral "
@fion_li "Are we having less people?" Joshua Wong asks. "NO! NO!" crowd yell. Admiralty #OccupyCentral
@fion_li Another snapshot at Admiralty #OccupyCentral
@fion_li "You can weaken our will, weaken our energy but you can't weaken our desires for democracy!" Shum #OccupyCentral
@fion_li Student leaders Alex Chow, Joshua Wong, #OccupyCentral founder Benny Tai addressing crowd in Admiralty
@fion_li Protesters filled up Admiralty, spreading to Central #OccupyCentral
@fion_li Crowd and students' study area at Admiralty #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK
@fion_li Drone returns to cover Admiralty #OccupyCentral as crowd stretches to Central now
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