
新闻首页 > 中国报道


日期:7/30/2008 来源:Forbes 作者:Qu Wei


Dark Journalism
Censorship isn't the only thing wrong with Chinese reporting. The other one is corruption
Zhou Jianguo and a colleague, flying the flag of a Chinese daily newspaper, drove for hours into the mountains to get to a mine accident that killed two during the May 31 weekend in Jingle County in the coal-rich heartland of Shanxi Province, southwest of Beijing. It had taken enterprising journalism to get to this story. At the end of a long day they were set to march up the stairs of a dilapidated concrete government building to confront a county work-safety official about the accident.
But that's where the reporting stopped. No story about the accident ever appeared in the paper, the Shanxi Legal Daily, or in any other news outlet. The newspaper denies employing anyone named Zhou Jianguo. Zhou and his colleague refused to allow a FORBES reporter to observe the encounter with the work-safety official. When their ten-minute meeting was over, the two men and the official, a man addressed as Director Li, declined to say what they had discussed.
What happened in that brief encounter that could make a fatal mine accident magically disappear? "Black journalism," according to our guide on the scene, a man known only as Old Zhao, a self-described businessman and journalist who arranged our meeting with the pair of reporters. Before going up to Director Li's office, the two younger men had huddled with Old Zhao, who then bluntly explained the reason FORBES couldn't go into the meeting. With a foreigner present, "it would be impossible for Li to pay them."
Wasn't the year of the Olympics supposed to herald a new era of integrity in Chinese journalism? It has and it hasn't. The Sichuan earthquake inspired some courageous Chinese reporters to defy censors in pursuit of the ugly truth about building standards. But government interference isn't the only thing getting in the way of truth telling. In China's world of black journalism countless smaller tragedies routinely get shoved under the rug. Reporters race to the scene of coal mine accidents not to investigate them but to collect hush money. The more dead miners, the fatter the payoffs, especially for correspondents carrying the labels of leading national and provincial news outlets, media experts and Chinese reporters tell FORBES.
These bribes are part of a widespread culture of checkbook journalism in China, from reporters taking handouts at corporate press events to broadcasters selling precious airtime on the evening news to reporters blackmailing targets with the threat of exposure. Unlike government censorship, this corruption eats at one of China's more beleaguered professions from within its ranks. The trading of favors for cash is so prevalent that, like the honest cop in a corrupt police unit, an ethical journalist risks the scorn of colleagues.
"Most journalists in China live and work in the gray areas, or even the black areas. If I disclosed everything I would not be able to survive in China," says veteran investigative reporter Wang Keqin, who has written about dishonest journalists and paid a price. Wang is on a recommended health leave this year, living in a modest government-provided apartment in Beijing and drawing his base salary of $160 a month. (Journalists are paid an additional amount per article.) He does not own property or a car.
"If you look at the payroll, most of the journalists in Beijing make the same money as me, but why can they own luxury cars and live in villas?" Wang asks. "Because they use reports to make trades, trades with officials and businesspeople. They have a lot of gray and black income."
The shakedown artists include con men who pose as reporters and make up damaging articles with which to extort targets, and journalists who work in league with the lawbreakers they are supposed to cover, earning up to millions of dollars a year on the side. Scattered news reports about some of these excesses have appeared over the years in the Chinese media. Last year four people posed as national television reporters to blackmail a coal mine inspection station in Shanxi Province for $40,000, according to Shanxi Daily. In 2006 Yang Xiaoqing, a Hunan bureau reporter for China Industry & Economics News, was convicted of blackmailing a party secretary to suppress what authorities called a "fake" report about his crooked land dealings. In 2002 two journalists from the nation's official news service, Xinhua News Agency, accepted gold ingots to cover up coal mine accidents, according to China Youth Daily.
In fact, corruption is embedded in the business model of Chinese journalism. News outlets sometimes establish "bureaus" in far-flung cities not to collect news but to collect income, say Chinese journalists. "They essentially run a business-editorial operation," says David Bandurski, a researcher at the University of Hong Kong's China Media Project who has studied the dark side of journalism. "There's no journalism at all."
Journalists have many ways to drum up extra cash. At corporate press events cash-filled "red envelopes"--in reality, usually white envelopes--have been standard-issue for years. At fashion magazines editorial space and the cover are often for sale, in ways unknown in the West, and that's on top of the product-unveiling parties, the gift bags and the junkets to Europe.
Then there is the most coveted media space of all, a spot on China Central Television's 7 p.m. newscast, viewed by tens of millions. Ambitious low-level officials dream of snatching a few seconds of airtime to boost their profiles in the Communist Party. Beijing journalism professor Zhan Jiang, a former CCTV employee, explains:
"Local officials and entrepreneurs would most prefer to be on the news broadcast on CCTV at 7. I've heard that's like several hundred thousand [yuan, or more than $40,000]," Zhan says. "It's very hard for local officials to get on TV. Once they are on TV for like three seconds, five seconds, it would be very helpful to their futures and could increase their chances of getting promoted, and for that they would happily pay a million."
CCTV denies selling any airtime on its newscasts or having any corrupt reporters. But, along with the Xinhua News Agency, it exemplifies the twin pillars of Chinese journalism that make the profession so corruptible: official power and mass-market reach.
"They're invested with power because of this continuing role of the media as a sort of state functionary, so [people] basically trade in that political capital for commercial gain," Bandurski says. "It's this tension between commercialization and control, these two roles, that really create a garden of corruption and falsehood."
This almost official culture of corruption is so entrenched that few journalists dare to challenge it. Zhou Ze, an associate professor of media studies at China Youth University for Political Sciences in Beijing, even argues that blackmailing mine owners can be a good thing because "it increases their costs. Those mine owners might think, 'If I have to face this kind of endless blackmail, I'd prefer to improve work-safety conditions.'"
One Shanxi reporter who offered to sell FORBES a purported video of journalists taking payoffs at a coal mine says that he and his colleagues call what they do to mine owners "black eating black." He explains: "For those black-hearted mine owners, we have to use the black methods to deal with them."
But this is no system of accountability. For coal mines, which last year had 3,786 reported worker deaths (and some unknowable quantity not in the official statistics), this shadow market does not deter deadly accidents so much as treat them as a business expense.
"There are many mines that have their own media consultant," says journalist Wang Keqin, who has investigated illegal mines in Shanxi. "Once the mine has an accident, all the reporters come, and the mine's media consultant would give red envelopes based on what kind of media you are. CCTV might get 50,000 to 100,000 [yuan, or $7,250 to $14,500], Xinhua might get 50,000. For provincial level media, it could be 30,000, and for small newspapers it could be a couple thousand to 20,000. This money is called the 'make-you-shut-up fee,' and it's also called the 'media public relations fee.'" Xinhua, for its part, denies having had any case of corruption in recent years and says it would fire a journalist found to have taken hush money.
It is this profitable racket that can motivate reporters, real or not, to drive long distances on a story and to recruit others to help raise more cash. Our guide, Old Zhao, didn't seek hush money in our presence, but he tried to recruit the driver hired by FORBES to become a journalist for future missions, informing him that being able to write was not a prerequisite.

Additional reporting by Qu Wei.
