@inmediahk 【金鐘現場】(20:55) 樂禮街在入夜後有近五百名巿民聚集,大部分巿民靜坐在警員前面,而警方則部署兩排人牆戒備。現場消息指,在約半小時前有巿民想在樂禮街天穚再次築起路障,但隨即被警員阻止。 @fion_li Fans open umbrellas to support #OccupyCentral at friendly match in Hong Kong between local's kit chee vs. Argentina i @taoghost: 一小步,一大步
@ChuBailiang Expand the battlefront demands a banner in Mong Kok. There's a stronger strain of defiance here.
@SCMPVideoMoJo #OccupyHK supporters re-building or fortifying barriers in Admiralty on Rodney St @Vicky_Feng_ @ETemily
@taoghost 13m13 minutes ago 樂禮道路障材料運送中
@taoghost 樂禮道對峙
@eric415chang 心噏的感覺再次浮現,上次就是928那夜,希望是我多疑、、、、、、繼續支持 #OccupyCental #UmbrellaRevolution
@atropos 昨天在金鐘的"社團"人士,在清場時跟警司談話,一張圖不用解釋。 #OccupyHK mob and cop
@hkdemonow 2006 Connaught Road Central #HongKong #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyCentral #live
@Scholarismhk 學民思潮再次澄清,網上近日流傳一段被指為前發言人周庭的錄音(共四分十五秒)為偽造,當中內容亦並非周庭本人的意見,敬請留意。 @liuyun1989 文化界監察暴力行動組:自金鐘道被逼重開後,市民一直和平靜坐在禮樂街,直至黃昏還未退去。
@langzichn 金钟,马路上的花。
@cddm0011 香港特首梁振英的丑闻不绝,继早前被揭发他秘密收受澳洲UGL企业400万英镑之后,梁与UGL的秘密合约副本显示,梁振英虽然做了特首,但仍然 是日本DTZ的股东,持有该公司的股份。而由于日本DTZ的客户包括香港商人查懋声的香港兴业集团,以及去年在香港投得私家医院用地的新加坡百汇班台集团 @PenguinSix #HongKong football fans pull out umbrellas for Chinese national anthem. #OccupyCentral #HKGARG
@freakingcat: A possible crackdown might be looming but kids are still studying #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution
@JoshTANoble CWB barricades have been reduced to poetic symbolism. #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow Ladies' toilet with toothbrush, toothpaste and all sorts of skincare products. #HongKong #UmbrellaRevolution
@PenguinSix #OccupyCentral present at #HKGARG football game but posters seized by ticket takers.
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