@Judy_Ngao Police remove barricades from a pro-democracy protest site in #Admiralty. Photo by @ugartep via @AFP #HongKong
@freakingcat Much fewer people. Lets hope more will arrive to prevent a crackdown at dawn #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution
@youngposthk Connaught tonight - looking west (left) and east - shows signs of activity as usual #OccupyCentral #HongKong
@yyfcxo 妮可:【我在现场】暫時沒有清場,金鐘現場,黎智英接受外媒採訪,黃毓民在金鐘和大家共同探討。很多市民學生趕過來了。 @jk_lazzy 下午6點,黃衣伯伯帶著外賣過來請我們。同時發言鼓勵大家。謝謝伯伯!
@jk_lazzy 下午5點多的夏愨道,不少白領下班過來逛逛,學生照常做功課。
@varsitycuhk: More origami umbrella coming! Wishes are written on them. #OccupyHK #UmbrellaMovement
@yyfcxo: 妮可:【我在现场】17:02分
@yyfcxo 妮可:【我在现场】17:02分。
@edmundflanagan On cotton tree drive,3 barricades are barely manned.Juncture not critical without harcourt rd,but telling no students
@jk_lazzy 整個午餐期間,好多市民和中環的白領,帶著飯盒,水果,麥噹噹,飲料,一個個去問我們要不要食物和飲料。圖中正是兩個年輕人帶來的飯糰。超感動的!
@jj_ngo The umbrella tree made out of tiny umbrellas, each one hung up by a HKer with their hopes on them #UmbrellaMovement
@jk_lazzy 正在最高法院對面街口,做人肉路障。午餐時,超多白領過來與我們坐在一起,直至午餐結束。與警察交涉的時,一班西裝客大聲喊:不要相信警察。有位嬌小的OL激動地跳起來罵五毛:趁人少欺負學生,你們這樣做有沒有良知,對得起下一代?
@ChuBailiang Admiralty office workers take in the scene during their lunch break.
@ChuBailiang Harcourt Road stockade conveys a message of defiance.
@edmundflanagan On cotton tree drive,3 barricades are barely manned.Juncture not critical without harcourt rd,but telling no students
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