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日期:12/8/2014 来源:博讯 作者:博讯


    Study centre has been around for two months at #OccupyHK - busy & festive tonight.




    emotionally drained, this is all i can do nowadays #UmbrellaRevolution #vote #streetart #hk

    Gloria Cheng continues to urge gov restart dialogue w/ students. They are now back on wheelchair and going #OccupyHK

    Prince Wong just got out of her 2 days hospital stay 5pm and came back. #OccupyHK

    Oscar Lai said most occupiers will move away tents & barricades in injunction areas; but not all will go #OccupyHK

    2 hunger strikers on their 120th hour. Doctor said Prince Wong is now out of hospital #OccupyHK

    so the second group of 2 hunger strikers should be on their 118th hour now #OccupyHK

    Sign's been replaced by an umbrella #OccupyHK

    56 hours of hunger strike, which means one didnt eat for 28 then another, like it or not #OccupyHK

    "Don't forget someone is shouting for you" #OccupyHK

    絕不能夠宣稱雨傘革命失敗或完結 - 田心 @ 12-08-2014

    「不要分化同路人」同「大家都是中國人」一樣咁難聽 - Ronald Chiu @ 12-08-2014

    Hong Kong's Lennon Wall in its happier heydays, on the day we remember John Lennon

    @tomgrundy: Panorama of the main #OccupyHK site #UmbrellaMovement

    @tomgrundy: DAY 72 at #OccupyHK - View from the 'other' bridge.
    Clear out looks inevitable within nxt wk.

    Pictures from #OccupyHK Admiralty this eve. Goodnight!


    @zhaoxunlinghun: 肯投票,絕不是夢!

    great turnout for bananayo tonight maybe realising could be last nights #OccupyHK


    Looks like it's almost the end of the line for this area of the camp then. #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution




    Exploring the less obvious barriers. Some strange materials went into the construction. #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution








    Hardcore defenders of #OccupyHK (with body armor)

    Causeway Bay in #HongKong on Dec. 8

    This barricade and these tents will go when the injunction is executed (on Wednesday?)



    Tents have already been removed from section of Connaught Rd covered by injunction


    This abandoned section of Connaught Rd Central contains giant messages written in hardwearing lacquer. #OccupyHK




    "Demonstration area". Quite. #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution




    The word on the street. #occupyhk #umbrellarevolution

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黄之锋已停止绝食 另一绝食学生入院
占中第69天:教师游行谴责政府暴力 学生绝食近百小时
4学生续绝食 建制派允协助促成对话