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日期:12/8/2014 来源:博讯 作者:博讯

    @SocRECorg: 2355 旺角現場
    潮聯小巴站外未見有「鳩嗚團」出現,但仍有警員站崗。潮聯小巴則維持單線靠站。特約記者:Rio #9wu #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong

    熱血時報:【雨傘革命,佔領街道】旺角現場:群眾到逸杔酒店後橫過馬路,之後繼續向尖沙咀方向前進。(11:55 PM) #9wu #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong

    Few days before the clearance of Admiralty occupied area. We won't forget. #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK

    Evening ends like any other at #OccupyHK Admiralty - songs near the metro.


    1/2 #OccupyHK Joshua Wong tells me he hopes ppl will persist w/"principles of peace & nonviolence" during clearances

    @hinhung0119: 旺角即時

    Meet Watson, the #OccupyHK Christmas cat. Definitely giving Grumpy Cat a run for his money

    @SocRECorg: 【佔領金鐘】 2230 冰冷冷而帶有雨水的晚上,市民送上各式熱騰騰的糖水,令村民暖在心頭。記者: Ching http://fb.me/3pTHM41Wv #OccupyHK #HongKong

    @SocRECorg: 【佔領金鐘】 2230 冰冷冷而帶有雨水的晚上,市民送上各式熱騰騰的糖水,令村民暖在心頭。記者: Ching #OccupyHK #HongKong

    熱血時報:【雨傘革命,佔領街道】旺角現場:鳩烏團友由西洋菜南街出發,沿豉油街轉入彌敦道往油麻地方向進發,大量警察陪伴左右。(10:25 PM) #9wu #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong

    Pictures from #OccupyHK Admiralty this eve. Goodnight!


    Despite warning notices, Mary said she's not leaving: "We have been here from day one" #occupyhk

    (10:20 PM)

    1/2 - Warnings posted on #OccupyHK tents at rear of legislature a few hours ago.

    2/2 - one protester told me some #OccupyHK ppl packed up & left. Others intent on staying.



    Anson has been making leather yellow ribbons at #OccupyHK since the start of October

    LegCo secretariat demand protesters right outside to leave #OccupyHK

    great turnout for bananayo tonight maybe realising could be last nights #OccupyHK


    Day 72 Recap for #OccupyHK (Monday 8, Dec)
    http://www.roydonng.net/blog/umbrella-movement-day-72 、、、
    #UmbrellaRevolution #umhk #OccupyCentral #HongKong

    someone's birthday tonight everyone singing happy bday not the blue ribbon kind

    Apple store in Causeway Bay w/ many #iPhone6 "traders" outside - business seems alright. #HongKong


    Mr Ho made #OccupyHK umbrella candles.

    Signs of the times, part 18 #OccupyHK




    Panorama of the main #OccupyHK site

    @tomgrundy DAY 72 at #OccupyHK - View from the 'other' bridge.
     Clear out looks inevitable within nxt wk.

    It's dropped from the news but one student, Gloria from @Scholarismhk, is still on hunger strike - 119hrs. #OccupyHK


    New cardboard cut-out finds a home at #OccupyHK Admiralty - a blood-splattered police chief Tsang Wai Hung


    The many colours of the #UmbrellaRevolution on this cool and rainy evening. #OccupyHK




    Lolo's Handicraft free #OccupyHK ink stamping this rainy eve



    Group of 13 friends made vegetable soup for students at #OccupyHK

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黄之锋已停止绝食 另一绝食学生入院
占中第69天:教师游行谴责政府暴力 学生绝食近百小时
4学生续绝食 建制派允协助促成对话