日期:6/2/2005 来源:魏京生基金会 作者:魏京生基金会

Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A128-W54

Release Date: May 20, 2005

Topic: Mr. WEI Jingsheng Attended an International Conference on Post-Communist Russia, China and Eastern Europe in Prague, Czech Republic

Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)


Mr. WEI Jingsheng Attends an International Conference on Post-Communist Russia, China and Eastern Europe in Prague, Czech Republic

Invited by the BELL - Association for Freedom and Democracy of the Czech Republic, Mr. WEI Jingsheng attended an international conference on post-communist Russia, China and Eastern Europe.  The conference was held in Prague, Czech Republic on Friday and Saturday, May 6-7, 2005.  Over 60 people attended the conference; among them were former and current dissidents from Czech, China, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia and Serbia.  Also present at the conference were representatives of various organizations from the US, England and Taiwan.

The conference concentrated on two main topics: the influence / control of Russia on eastern European countries and the role of China in global insecurity.  Most of the energy supplies in eastern European countries come from Russia; therefore, improvement of the democratic system in Russia has a crucial impact on these former communist countries in Eastern Europe.  The deep roots of the former Soviet Union (mainly the KGB) still exist in all government as well as business operations in eastern Europe.  As a result, it is very difficult to make much progress in democratic reform of these eastern European countries.  China, as a recognized economic power, is still under tight control by the communist party.  The recently enacted "Anti-Secession" law makes war from Mainland China against Taiwan a real possibility.  Yet visits to the mainland by the leaders of the Taiwan opposition parties make the cross Taiwan Strait issue even more complicated.

Mr. Wei gave opening remarks for two of the total eight sessions.  In his speeches, Mr. Wei pointed out that the post-communist democratic reform in eastern European countries provides Chinese a reference and mirror for the future democratization of China.  There are signs indicating that the "elite groups" of communist government officials, the equivalent of the Mafia, are actively operating in controlling private and government businesses both inside and outside China.    Regarding the issue of "what to do", Mr. Wei stated that establishing and maintaining strong and functional opposition parties, as well as educating the people about democracy, and thus effectively monitoring what the government is doing, is vital to ensure a successful democratic reform in Russia and other former communist countries of central and Eastern Europe.

In his opening remarks at the session on China, Mr. Wei warned the audience that in order to maintain themselves in power, the Chinese communist leaders could start a war against Taiwan.  The so-called "Anti-Secession" law recently passed by the Chinese government is a clear indication of such intention.  Similar tactics were used by Mao Zedong (the Korean War in the 1950s) and Deng XiaoPing (the Vietnam War in the 1970s) when there were political and/or economical crises within China.  Mr. Wei further stated that it was very unwise for the leaders of the Taiwan opposition parties to go to China at this moment.  It helped the Chinese communist government in propaganda yet damaged the Taiwan opposition party's image among both the Chinese and Taiwanese people.

After the conference, Mr. Wei had private meetings with the host Mr. Petr Vancura, Director of the BELL - Association for Freedom and Democracy, Czech Republic.  The two discussed mutual interests in democratic reform after communism and future cooperation.  Mr. Wei also invited Senator Antoni Macierewicz from Poland (the former Speaker of the Polish Parliament) for dinner and had discussions over the potential of several exchange programs.  On May 9, 2005, Mr. Wei had an interview with a German journalist.  During the interview, Mr. Wei restated his view of the current situation between Mainland China and Taiwan, as well as the importance of establishing strong and functional opposition parties in the post-communist era.  Mr. Wei returned to the US on May 10, 2005.


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A128-W54

Release Date: May 20, 2005

Topic: Mr. WEI Jingsheng Attended an International Conference on Post-Communist Russia, China and Eastern Europe in Prague, Czech Republic

Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)











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