北京爱知行研究所 2006年6月26日发布
给联合国人口基金会的一份公开信 北京爱知行研究所 2006年6月26日发布 中国山东临沂公民维权者陈光诚因揭露当地普遍存在的政府用暴力执行计划生育政策的人权侵害事件,遭到当地政府打压,先后被绑架、软禁和拘留,目前处于刑事拘留中。陈光诚的妻子被软禁在家中,不得出门。日前,来北京办事的陈光诚的72岁母亲和3岁孩子也遭不明身份人士绑架,带回山东老家,不能出门。陈光诚的代理律师到山东临沂办理相关法律事务,也受到当地官员的阻挠。 陈光诚先生是一个盲人,靠自学成才,为当地农民提供法律服务,被誉为中国的“赤脚律师”。人权工作者们和律师们目前正多方努力,积极营救陈光诚。 我们支持中国的计划生育政策,但坚持反对在执行计划生育政策过程中,任何侵犯人权的,用暴力的手段来强迫农民堕胎或强制执行的其它措施。作为一个在中国长期从事艾滋病工作的组织,我们获悉,很多妇女在妇幼保健医院做手术输血的时候感染艾滋病病毒和其他血液传染病,其中包括被强迫堕胎的妇女、实施节育手术中违法输血被感染的。因此,计划生育、人权和艾滋病的防治工作之间是存在关联的。 我们呼吁,作为一个致力于促进每个人平等享有生命健康权的国际发展机构-联合人口基金会,能够关注陈光诚事件,并与中国政府有关部门进行交涉,要求释放陈光诚并善良地对待其家人。 附件:1、关于陈光诚被刑事拘留的联合声明 2、陈光诚妻子致残联的求助信 3、计划生育、人权和艾滋病-万延海 4、我对盲人维权陈光诚因计划生育的事发表看法-李喜阁 —————————————————— China cracks down on lawyers seeking freedom for blind activist GEOFFREY YORK POSTED ON 23/06/06 China cracks down on lawyers seeking freedom for blind activist GEOFFREY YORK BEIJING -- Chinese authorities have moved quickly to crush an attempt by a group of prominent lawyers to lend support to a blind activist who was jailed after he exposed an official campaign of forced abortions and sterilizations. At least five of the lawyers were detained or harassed yesterday by police in Shandong province, south of Beijing, after they arrived to help a blind lawyer who was imprisoned this year. The crackdown is the latest chapter in the saga of Chen Guangcheng, a 35-year-old activist whose imprisonment has become a cause célèbre in the Chinese legal and human-rights community. Mr. Chen, who lost his sight as a child, took law classes in university but was never allowed to earn a degree because of his handicap. He became a so-called "barefoot lawyer" who used his training to help villagers on legal matters. Last year, he filed a lawsuit on behalf of women in Shandong who were forced to have abortions or sterilizations because of China's onechild policy. Two of the women were forced to abort their babies just days before their due dates. Because of his whistle-blowing tactics, he became a hero to the villagers and gained support from many human-rights activists and lawyers in China and abroad. Even the central government was obliged to promise action to halt the forced abortions. But local officials in Shandong were so infuriated by his actions that they launched a series of attacks on Mr. Chen and his supporters. In September, they forcibly brought him back from Beijing, where he was hiding, and placed him under house arrest. He was beaten at least twice and prevented from getting medical treatment. Lawyers and journalists who tried to visit him were threatened or beaten. In March, while trying to report the beating of his cousin, Mr. Chen disappeared after he was removed from his home. Two months later the police confirmed that he had been jailed. They said he was being held in custody for "damaging property" and "inciting people to disrupt traffic." Despite the imprisonment and the intimidation tactics, Mr. Chen has gained increasing support across China and around the world. Amnesty International has launched appeals on his behalf. Time magazine added his name to its list of 100 "Heroes and Pioneers." Western human-rights activists and lawyers have praised him. This week, more than a dozen Beijing lawyers and social activists were planning a series of actions to support Mr. Chen, including a news conference in Beijing and a visit to his home town. But the news conference was cancelled when two of the key supporters were warned by their employers to drop the case. On Monday night, a dozen men raided the home of a supporter in Beijing and seized Mr. Chen's 72-year-old mother and his three-yearold son. They were forcibly taken back to Mr. Chen's hometown. On Tuesday, three lawyers from Beijing arrived in Shandong to try to help Mr. Chen, and three more lawyers arrived yesterday. But the police quickly took action, swooping down on five of the lawyers yesterday. Three of the lawyers were beaten by agents who had been following them, according to supporters who spoke to The Globe and Mail yesterday. Later they were taken to a police station for questioning and were not permitted to leave. A fourth lawyer was interrogated and the fifth reported last night that dozens of policemen had arrived to block his movements. He said the police had already smashed his camera. Yesterday the lawyers released a statement made by Mr. Chen in prison on Wednesday. In the statement, Mr. Chen said the police had repeatedly threatened and abused him, warning that he could die in custody if he failed to obey their demands. WORLD IN BRIEF Sunday, June 25, 2006; Page A20 Chinese Police Charge Family Planning Activist SHANGHAI -- Chinese police have formally arrested a blind activist who campaigned against coercive family planning, his wife said Saturday. Chen Guangcheng, a self-taught legal expert in the eastern province of Shandong, drew international attention last year after accusing Linyi city officials of enforcing late-term abortions and sterilizations. He was detained in March. His family received official notice from county public security by registered mail, saying Chen faced charges of deliberately destroying public property and assembling a crowd to disrupt traffic. "Chen told his lawyer, Li Jinsong, that he was told he must admit to these crimes," Chen's wife, Yuan Weijing, said by telephone. "Now that he's been arrested, it's quite likely he will be sentenced." --------------------------
关于陈光诚被刑事拘留的联合声明 据悉,人权卫士陈光诚先生的妻子袁伟静6月11日接到通知,陈光诚已于2006年6月10日被临沂市沂南县公安局以涉嫌“故意毁坏财物罪”和“聚众扰乱交通秩序罪”刑事拘留,现羁押于沂南县看守所。但是,需要明确的是,沂南警方对陈光诚的刑事拘留是在没有任何法律手续的情况下将他软禁6个多月、羁押其长达89天后作出的。我们对当地警方的如此作为表示强烈抗议,并特此要求最高人民检察院依法监查沂南警方的违法作为,恢复陈光诚先生的人身自由。 陈光诚先生作为盲人,长期从事残疾人的人权维护工作,近年来,又将人权工作扩大到其他领域,并在2005年以来揭露山东临沂市的暴力计生问题、阻止有关的侵权行为、维护数量众多的被侵害者的权益方面发挥了重要的作用。正因为他和一些被侵害者等众多人士的不屈不挠的努力,才使得临沂暴力计生问题大白于天下。海内外的同声谴责和强大压力以及国家计生委的调查迫使当地政府不得不收敛他们的侵权行为,并勉强给一些被侵害者提供了一定的赔偿。 但是,这些维权努力也招致了当地政府的恐惧和忌恨。为了掩盖真相,阻止被侵害者继续努力,并逃避他们应承担的法律责任,从2005年8月以来,他们通过盯梢、威胁和限制人身自由等违法方式,打压陈光诚先生及其及其他维权者和同情者。2005年9月6日临沂警方在北京绑架陈光诚回临沂,并在翌日开始将其长期非法软禁在家长达186天,其间断绝其与外界的所有联系,还数次指使官方看守人员殴打伤害他本人及其家人。 当地警方继而又在2006年3月11日以阻塞交通为名将陈光诚和其他3位村民扣留盘问,在扣留盘问法定期限到期后,又在没有任何法律手续的情况下,非法羁押他,至6月10日已达89天,其间,警方没有告诉其家人他的任何情况,如羁押因由和地点,对其家人的一再询问也置若罔闻。同期,当地警方还制造事端、罗织罪名和滥用公权,对当地的维权者和同情者进行了多人多次的传讯和拘留,至今还有陈庚江、陈光东、陈光和等三位村民以涉嫌“故意毁坏公物罪”被批捕羁押。另外,2006年5月8日,律师接受家人委托,向当地警方要求会见陈光城时,当地警方竟矢口否认他们羁押了陈光诚,其他律师也由于警方的阻挠而没有会见到三位被批捕的村民。 我们认为,临沂当地警方长期以来非法限制陈光诚及其他当地维权者的人身自由,已构成了对宪法、相关法律以及中国政府已经承偌的国际人权标准的严重违犯。 令人费解和无法接受的是,临沂当地政府先是违法违规的开展暴力计生工作,后又践踏法律地任意限制和侵犯维权公民的人身自由,如此的亵渎和公然挑战法律的行为,竟然能在我们这样一个自称崇尚法治的国家,在海内外齐声谴责和长期关注的情况下,一而再、再而三地继续不断重演,这是极不正常的。 我们认为,这样严重的问题长期没有得到解决,中央政府和最高司法机构负有不可推卸的责任。我们要求,中央政府必须履行尊重和保障人权的宪法职责,允许最高司法机构行使司法独立权,公正审议地方执法机构任意羁押陈光诚的违法行径,早日恢复陈光诚先生及其他村民的人身自由,并依法追究所有侵权者的法律责任。 最后,我们再次呼吁中国公民、国际人权组织和联合国人权机构,密切关注陈光诚先生及其他被羁押村民的处境,采取切实行动维护他们的人身自由权。 公民维权网 北京爱知行研究所 维权网 民生观察 2006年6月12日 附: 1、沂南县公安局2006年6月11日送达陈光诚妻子袁伟静的“拘留通知书” 2、沂南县公安局2006年3月11日送达陈光诚妻子袁伟静的“继续盘问通知书” 3、《沂蒙生活报》2006年6月11日的报道:陈光诚涉嫌故意毁坏财物罪聚众扰乱交通秩序罪被依法刑事拘留 4、有关法律条文 5、有关资料
关于要求立即停止对盲人陈光诚的迫害的签名呼吁书 亲爱的国内外的朋友们: 非常感谢您们一直以来对陈光诚及其全家的关心、帮助和支持。现在当地政府对陈光诚的迫害愈加严重,并于06年6月11日早晨8点下达了一份沂南县公安局的对陈光诚刑事拘留的通知书,通知书的内容是这样的: 沂南县公安局拘留通知书 沂公刑拘通字[2006]292号 袁伟静: 根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第六十一条之规定,我局已于2006年6月10日9时将涉嫌故意毁坏财物罪,聚众扰乱交通秩序罪的陈光诚刑事拘留,现羁押在沂南县看守所。 二00六年六月十一日 我们都知道,陈光诚一直是关心农村的残疾人及农民的权益,自去年4月份开始,对临沂地区的野蛮计生开始关注,并做了大量的实地调查。面对当时的受害人,讲述当时他们所受迫害的实况,我们感到十分的震惊和不可思议。例如,有的人被政府人员或他们雇来的人员连续打300下皮棍,有的妇女被迫做俯卧撑状,但稍稍达不到他们的要求就会遭到毒打。60多岁的兄妹互相殴打等等。其实,他们并不是因为自己有计生问题,而是受他们的兄弟姐妹或者儿女的计生问题而受到株连。最后光诚及朋友公布了部分调查结果,引起中央计生委的重视后,中央计生委便派工作人员做了核实调查。并肯定了我们的调查结果。就因此,陈光诚于05年8月11日遭软禁。后来想办法逃跑离开,但很快,即05年9月6日在北京遭到地方政府的绑架与殴打。05年9月7日至06年3月11日,陈光诚一直又继续受到软禁并不时遭到殴打。3月11日晚上9点,陈光诚被沂南县公安局带走。家人于3月12日收到一份继续盘问陈光诚的通知书,盘问通知书的盘问起止时间是06年3月11日21点至3月12日21点。但是,12日21点后光诚并未被释放。期间,我们多次要求见陈光诚并给他捎一些衣物(因为他被带走时是穿着棉衣)。但都遭到绝。我们的律师于06年5月8日要求会见陈光诚,但沂南县公安局却矢口否认他们拘押了陈光诚。6月11日早晨8点,自称是沂南县公安局的人给我送来一份关于陈光诚的刑事拘留通知书。他们让我签字,我一看,上面说的是自6月10日9时开始拘留陈光诚。并且在下面的注解,也就是如果在24小时内没有通知家属应该写明原因一栏中并没有说明原因。我一问他们时,他们说,他们是6月10日带走的陈光诚。我说,那3月11日至6月10号这段时间你们把陈光诚放在哪里,都干了些什么。他们不回答我。只是反复强调他们是6月10日带走的陈光诚。我问他们,6月10日你们是从什么地方带走了陈光诚。他们回答不出来。在此情况下,我拒绝签字。 他们就这样公然践踏法律,因陈光诚揭露临沂的野蛮计生而遭到他们的软禁,乃至现在强硬的给他加上一个故意毁坏财物罪,聚众扰乱交通秩序罪的罪名。对光诚进行打击报复。作为执法机关,天天喊法治,喊公正执法,但法治不是喊出来的,公正也不是用打击报复、以强压弱换来的,而是要通过一步步努力争取去做才能达到的。 我现在希望,关心光诚的国内外朋友能够签名强烈要求当地政府立即停止对盲人陈光诚的继续迫害。不要让我们三岁的孩子同我们一样整日在恐惧、思念与期待中渡过。 谢谢 陈光诚的妻子袁伟静 2006年6月13日 袁伟静 (山东 农民)——陈光诚的妻子 王金香 (山东 农民)——陈光诚的母亲 郭玉闪 (北京 学者) 李健 (大连 公民维权自愿者) 李剑虹 (上海 自由职业者) 万延海 (北京 公共卫生专家) 郭飞熊 吴伟 (广州) 王治晶 刘逸明 (湖北,自由撰稿人) 安云青 (维权志愿者) 温克坚 (浙江) 王力雄 (北京) 赵昕 (北京 人权工作者) 姚遥 (北京 陈光诚友人) 更特東珠 赵达功 王怡 (成都) 孙志峰 蔡楚 秦耕 吴孟谦 (浙江 独立中文笔会会员) 卫子游 (湖北 自由撰稿人) 张祖桦 刘晓峰 徐柯 (山东 研究生) 张津郡 (深圳 职业经理人)
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