@Hongkongdash #live #occupymongkok SYC South St. Now #umhk #urhk #occupyhk
@krislc Protesters shout "you block me shopping I burn your spring pocket!" #OccupyHK
@jk_lazzy 旺角現場,旁邊好多老人家勁興奮,大罵政府。
@Emchingcman Moment before arrest.Police said to another camman: dont stand in front of me to shoot, u touched my gun #OccupyHK
@krislc Protesters will read out the news loud like "people crowd in Mong Kok, police standing by" #OccupyHK
@PRHacks Live: Out of nowhere and large rowdy crowd has appeared! Police getting ready to react. Be careful. #OccupyHK #Umhk
@stegersaurus He's on stage!!! "I am the artistEric
@beckysjourno Plenty of "mobile castles" standby at NathanRd near DundasSt #occupyhk #umhk #jmsc
@beckysjourno Police dog stood by at DundasSt sit-in area, left as soon as police saw me taking pic. #occupyhk #umhk #jmsc
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在这里】旺角豉油街26號。全街站滿警察。
@hkdemonow Admiralty Umbrella Square Day 61 金鐘雨傘廣場第61天 #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK
@jk_lazzy: 警察全部站在西洋菜街的馬路上,市民全部站在人行道上。目測旺角西洋菜街現場有兩千人左右,人數比昨天少。年輕人時不時發出噓聲,掌聲或鳩嗚聲 ^O^ "
@czb5438: 旺角豉油街與西洋菜南街交界,有一男子舉傘被警員攔截,並有約15名警員圍住。男子稱,警員指他非法集結,要求他出示身份證。及後警員離開,男子大叫「這裡不是大陸,為何不能撐傘」
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在这里】旺角彌敦道610號。
?@GlobalSolidHK Around 10 protesters holding umbrellas at Sai Yeung Choi St pedestrain way while police is occupying the road! #umhk
?@Puilui_0302 Police car opening road for a taxi @ Sai Yeung Choi St South #shoppinghk
@Puilui_0302 有交通警突然帶架的士入西洋菜南街
@ChrisDerps #live #OccupyMongkok Hunger game salute! On SYC st. Credit: Erik #occupyhk #umhk #urhk
@beckysjourno Singing Beyond's Under the Vast Sky again. To the escort of a full row of police, Sai Yeung Choi St #occupyhk #jmsc
@Passiontimes 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角實況:西洋菜南街的一間周大福已經提早落閘。 (8:35 PM)
@Emchingcman At least 4 colleagues are with the arrested cameraman, no one see him trying to grab the gun. #OccupyHK
@stegersaurus This guy was beaten and dragged along ground by police in MK. Bruises and cuts on his face visible
@stegersaurus This guy was beaten and dragged along ground by police in MK. Bruises and cuts on his face visible
@krislc Hunger Games reference #OccupyHK
@SocRECorg : SYC South St. Journalist pressed on ground arrested for "obstructing police work. #occupymongkok
@Passiontimes: 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角實況:旺角百老滙戲院有市民大叫「鳩嗚」。 (8:15 PM)
@krislc South end. Traffic is still passing. Hundreds on pavement. Many really shopping. Many shops still open #OccupyHK
@stegersaurus Shirtless artist: "I represent MK occupiers and thank u for your support"
@czb5438: 旺角現場】 蘋果日報一名記者在剛才警方推撞人群中,攝影期間疑似被推跌倒,及後被大批警員包圍及送走。在場市民擔心警員帶走記者有其他意思,紛紛跟隨,消息指該記者被捕。(20:19)
@galileo44 This is fast: Mike Lo Bo-Kwan, police that claiming AppleDaily cameraman grab his gun #OccupyHK
@czb5438: 【突發鳩嗚】2006 豉街好多人鳩嗚,消息話係有疑似記者被推到瞓地,現場已設封鎖線,豉街十字已封。
@czb5438: 〈蘋果攝記被捕〉 20:00 蘋果攝記於旺角採訪期間,突被警察拉倒地上,鎖上手銬被捕。另一同事向在場警員詢問拉人原因,有警員表示「無需交代」。
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