@krislc a bit less people and less chants, journalists can occupy the street now #OccupyHK
@breakandattack Heading south on Sai Yeung Choi from MTR exit E2. Looks like bargain hunters up ahead. #OccupyHK 

@wongoz A community spirit I thought I'd never see in #HongKong #OccupyCentral 
@krislc no ads now, ppl have to find other things to chant #OccupyHK 
@antd "Fluid Occupy" also has "Fluid Christian Chapel" #OccupyHK #mongkok 
@krislc People call boycott for minibus related to the company that applied for Mong Kok injunction #OccupyHK 
@wongoz Yes, there are people staying in these tents, young and old. Add oil! 加油! #OccupyCentra http://ift.tt/1xLAVGN 
@GaldenPolymer on Polymer: 【旺角現場】 當戲院大電視播出《饑餓遊戲3 自由幻夢》的預告片時,群眾舉起三隻手指,即戲中反極權組織「學舌鳥」的手勢。 2223 R W #hk #umbrellarevolution 
@krislc "Freedom! Freedom! 自由!自由!" #OccupyHK 

@Anon_Snufkin #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution 
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在这里】旺角西洋菜南街。人不夠多[难过]。 

@krislc Whenever I see Hunger Games ad, I run to this side #OccupyHK 
@krislc Economist writers, someone's reading your work on streets of Mong Kok #OccupyHK 
@czb5438: 【旺角現場】 聚集在西洋菜南街百老匯戲院大螢幕前的市民,因應螢幕播放的影像而喊出不同的口號。例如螢幕播放電影「飈餓遊戲」的宣傳片時,市民便做出該電影中象徵革命的手勢,大喊「自由」。(21:45) 
@savourywest: 【佔領旺角】警方:執法時市民應與警員保持安全距離 
@wenyunchao: 早上獄友在不同監倉,同唱和DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING,歌聲在長沙灣警署的臨時監房迴盪,迴響朗朗,而毛哥就在其中一倉--真係好有革命feel。 
?@galileo44 Hundreds of #OccupyHK protestors/shoppers mock Hunger Game's 3 fingers sign during trailer:"Freedom!" @Hongkongdash 
@elliepng Crowd chants "police, apologize!" as Fernando Cheung shows up. He was reportedly insulted by a cop last night. #umhk 
@nycjim: #HongKong protest leader Joshua Wong released on bail. http://mashable.com/2014/11/27/joshua-wong-released-on-bail/#:eyJzIjoidCIsImkiOiJfbmVtZ3ptbms2eGY4c2l3M2dzOTNual8ifQ 、、、 via @mashable 
@ManYuen_Ng: 面對黑社會打人,警察袖手旁觀,最困難之處莫過於??忍住手唔還拖! 
@szstupidcool 快必快被狗警打瞎了,明显的眼球严重充血。 
@savourywest: 獲釋now工程人員:6-8個警察圍住踢我 
@czb5438: 《旺角現場21:35》 在西洋菜街近豉油街一帶聚集大批市民 
@krislc: Economist writers, someone's reading your work on streets of Mong Kok #OccupyHK 
@singsingarsing: @Phillip_In_HK @HKAYPGOLD @tricialing @James_Thorburn 21:20 Peking Rd, no shopping crowds 
@yyfcxo 四路酒吧:【我在这里】旺角西洋菜南街。 

@tomgrundy: 1/2 - Joshua Wong hit by an egg outside court http://www.ejinsight.com/20141127-joshua-wong-hit-by-an-egg-outside-court/ 、、、 @EJInsightHK 
@STForeignDesk: UPDATE: Two #HongKong student leaders banned from Mong Kok protest site http://bit.ly/11XycSr 
@Emchingcman @appledaily_hk reporter Cheung shared a video in fb,the police who made the accusation seemingly has no gun#OccupyHK 

@tomgrundy 'Protesters' gather to cheer film trailers. Humorous tactic. Interesting consequences for HK's unlawful assembly laws 

@lostdutchhk 20:53 All @tomgrundy wanted was to take a photo, as a journalist with press card. #OccupyHK 
@krislc: "Support 689 go to shop in Mong Kok!" #occupyhk 
@krislc When police's filming, protesters ask him for press pass #OccupyHK 
@czb5438 【鳩嗚直擊】2050 豉油街落緊雨(好似係)、、、 
?@elliepng "Support CY Leung, shop in MongKok!" Crowds cheer. #occupyhk 
@czb5438: 【旺角現場】 西洋菜南街轉豉油街暫時恢復交通,警方於Etude House,百老匯與時間廊對出路口築成人鏈,綠燈時才解開封鎖線讓市民過馬路。(21:12) 
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