@appledaily_hk: 岑敖暉獲釋後表示於被捕間被警員暴力對待,警棍敲頭、膝撞腳踢及扯頭髮。 【學聯會址在旺角 岑敖暉仍被禁足】
@Hongkongdash Long Hair doubts area he is banned entering is 5 times larger than injunction #OccupyHK
@Scholarismhk: 香港大學醫學院今日舉行第192屆畢業典禮,一名中藥藥劑學學士上台時撐起雨傘
@tomgrundy Many #OccupyHK protesters have been concentrating efforts on Mong Kok's 'mobile occupy'. Main camp quite sleepy.
@tomgrundy Nowadays often unmanned, barricades on the outskirts of the main #OccupyHK Admiralty site.
@breakandattack Shirtless Graffiti Guy's here. This place all kids + people that look like *imitates bowing swan* you know? #OccupyHK
@breakandattack Admiralty miniature protestors. #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution
@breakandattack "I heard about the tear gas, got here as soon as I could." #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution
@Passiontimes: 【外媒記者採訪期間被警打傷入院 斥警為混亂之源】 全文
@ChrisDerps Via Longhair's FB: Longhair has to take bail (so no entering Mongkok) to filibuster Finance Commitee in LEGCO #umhk
@inmediahk: Joshua Wong had eggs thrown at when he left court. Next hearing Jan 14
@krislc LSD's Avery Ng said its reporters who chased two guys that threw egg at Joshua Wong then police come #OccupyHK
@rosetangy 一群打手拿著這些殺氣騰騰的工具周二在旺角清場前合影留念。这些號稱陸路交通運輸業大聯盟的60人在彌敦道集合. 据报道,他们每人每天赚一千港币辛苦費。Thugs pose before clearing Mongkok Tues.
@HKfinland got it in the mail today! beautiful stamp! bringing it to Admiralty later this p.m ;) #OccupyHK #umhk
@breakandattack For example the taxi drivers going in circles through protest road with police escort. Volunteers, or recruited?
@Alex_Ogle A dozen Hong Kong police rush in to surround and detain a protester (C) in Mong Kok last night @AFP
@SCMP_News Hong Kong students threaten to target government buildings after night of clashes with police
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